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About Barry

Actually, I am a very private individual and don't like to talk about myself. But here I go, anyway. Whether I like it or not. Also, you are entitled to my opinion, which I will give you occasionally on this page. Coming soon: My ESSAY on the year 2100. Look for the link right here.


about 1960

OK, here I go:

AGE: 47 (didn't see that coming, did you?)
INTERESTS: Playing tinwhistles, photography, 3-D sound recording, sound mixing, odd gadgets and weird electronic stuff, volunteer work with children and youth.
I like to research and obtain (when I can) old, non-electric lighting devices (kerosine lanterns, torches and smudge-pots, street torches, etc.), light 'em and watch them burn (no, I'm not a pyromaniac). It's just a part of history I am facinated with. I am also working on making an artificial larynx from a whoopee cushion.

FAVORITE CAR: It doesn't exist yet. It is powered by hydrogen, (actually, you fill your tank with water, which is converted to hydrogen and oxygen) generating electricity through a fuel cell, to a powerful three-phase electric engine. It also drives itself using various sensors (road grain direction, proximity, etc.) and computerized navigation. I believe that computer-controled driving will eventually become a necessity due to the huge increase in traffic, increase in the number of unskilled and un-civil drivers, and complexity of traffic flow. Human abilities will not be sufficient for the demands. Of course, I'll not be able to afford this car!

Inventions Of The 20th Century
According To Barry

The Best:
Alternating Current

The Worst:
Cellular Telephones

A Barry Discovery
Do you have a lava-light? These things may give advance warning of a storm. How? Normally, the "lava" floats as a few big globs. But if you see mostly smaller globlets, be prepared for stormy weather, as conditions may exist. Results may vary from lamp to lamp. Just watch yours and observe its behavior before the weather changes. You heard it here first!



Good scented candles in the house are OK with me, as long as they don't smell like urinal cakes.

What I did after I became unemployed after 23 years. CLICK HERE

To balance your personality, Barry recommends you read the following:

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High definition television? Great! But I want to see some high definition programming to go with it.

Take a look at our dog HERE

CLICK HERE to see photos of my father in the early 1920's and me in 1967.

Some Fun From Barry
Let's go hunting for diamonds at night! Bring a portable long-wave ultraviolet (blacklight) unit. Some diamonds will glow under this light. Use a shortwave ultraviolet source and even more diamonds will glow. Use an x-ray source, and all diamonds will glow! There are some disadvantages to this. :^)
There is a diamond mine open to the public in the United States (about 2.5 hours from where I live). I haven't convinced them to allow night searching yet. I almost twisted their arms a few years ago, but I haven't bothered them for a while.

More Barry Tips
A prevention or cure for the common cold?

No such thing.  However, I have found something that may prevent or help prevent and even reduce the length and severity of a cold.  No, it is not the widely touted "Cold Eze".  Been there, done that, doesn't do anything.

They come in a zip-lock bagThis is not a paid plug, just advise.  I have had much success with "Hall's Vitamin C Supplement Drops Assorted Citrus".  Why do they work?  My guess is the combination of vitamin C and citric acid slowly disolving and coating the throat.  I have heard that viruses cannot survive an acid environment.  And we have all heard about vitamin C.  Well, who knows.  Give it a try.  It works for me.

What I hate most about life, CLICK HERE

Take a look at my non-traditional views about:


Beware those who do not appear as seekers of truth;  they may be hiders of the truth!  -Barry

The Bible doesn't lie,
but liers can use the Bible.


What will Barry's Epitaph say?
"I Expected This"

A Truth:
Perception becomes reality if one is brainwashed long enough.

Here are other peoples' OPINIONS I tend to agree with.

You may be thinking, "something's a little strange about this guy." Yes, I must confess. An MRI of my brain reveals a rare anomaly that causes me to think this way.

My Better Half And I