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:: S E R V E R R U L E S::

(NOTE: ALL MAPS HAVE ADMIN SECURITY ON! GM's cannot trade, drop item, give item, join 
party, request party,
request citizenship, exchange item, set exchange item, confirm exchange item)

1. Be courteous to all players

2. DO NOT interfere in gameplay unless absolutely necessary.

::P L A Y E R R U L E S:: 1. No Hacking.(1st Offence: Warning, 2nd Offence: Char Deletion, 3rd Offence: Banned....Get the fuck out.) 2. Be kind to your fellow players. (GMs will make characters and might need your help. If you help them, There will be a reward. Prime[GM] will be doing this alot.) 3. No Spaming (Muted: 30 Min.) 4. No Scaming (I might get a little creative, taking gold or items of yours ;p) 5. Absolutely no whining (Ya big baby ;)) 6. JUST HAVE SOME OLD FASHIONED HB FUN!!