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Caverns Measureless to Man : One of the world's most beautiful caverns can be found about 20 km north of Beirut. Closed during the war, its touristic facilities is open again to the public. The caverns are visited by boat over a subterranean lake 623 meters long. After many years of exploration, Lebanese speleologists have penetrated 6,200 meters from the entry point of the grotto to the far end of the underground river. The main source of the Dog River (Nahr el Kalb) rises in this cavern. مغارة جعيتا
جعيتا سبحان الخالق

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سبحان الله

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Beirut .The Capital Of The Lebanese Republic.
Aanjar and Baalbak .Ancient Ruins.
Tripoli . My City.  
Beit El Din and Moussa castle .Beit El Din Palace and the Castle that was hand built by Moussa .
Byblos .(Jbeil) Ancient Phoenician city where the Alphabet was invented .
The Cedars and the Qadisha ValleyThe Cedars, the Valley of the Saints, and the Gibran Museum .
Saida. Sidon's Castle of the Sea .
Sour (Tyr) Capital of the Ancient Phoenician Empire.
Pictures from Lebanon.
War Destruction. Buildings ravaged by our shameful war .
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