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The Pokémon Trainer's Center!

Updated often!

Welcome to The Pokémon Trainer's Center! Watch out for Pikachu, he's a shocker. What is the Pokémon Trainer's Center? It's a club created for pokémon fans, both anime and video game lovers alike. The more you take part in the club, the sooner you become a pokémon master at the PTC!

The Front Desk Step up to the front desk for the low down on the club and the joining form.

The Member's Arena In the member's arena you'll find the member list, including member's homepages, their chosen pokémon and their current trainer's points.

The Lounge Bored of wandering around? Sit down and pick up the club magazine, Pokémon Trainers Weekly, or read through some fanfics.

The Games Room In the games room you'll find our message board (yes! I decided to put it in the games room!), quizlets, and a poll for you to do.

Contests! Contests for PTC members only

The Club Gallery The gallery is the place to go for donated pictures, fanart, and even poetry!

The Courtyard Listed here are Webrings and Other clubs. Not many so far, but more coming soon!

Chat   I believe this is pretty self explanitory =)

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