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Mothers With Angels

Mothers Page 3

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A mother’s love is something
That no-one can explain
It is made of deep devotion
And sacrifice and pain
It is endless and unselfish
And enduring come what may
For nothing can destroy it
Or take that love away
It is patient and forgiving
When all others are forsaking
And it never fails or falters
Even though the heart is breaking
It believes beyond believing
When the world around condemns
And it glows with all the beauty
Of the rarest brightest gems
It is far beyond defining
It defies all explanation
And it still remains a secret
Like the mysteries of creation
A many splendoured miracle
Man cannot understand
And another wondrous evidence
Of God’s tender guiding hand
(Helen Steiner Rice)

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It's only when we truly know and understand
that we have a limited time on earth--
and that we have no way of knowing
when our time is up--
that we will begin to live each day
to the fullest,
as if it were the only one we had.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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Items Needed:
Rubber Band
Band Aid
Chewing Gum
Candy Kiss
Tea Bag

Why you say???

1) TOOTHPICK - to remind you to pick out the
good qualities in others.(Matt. 7:1)

2) RUBBER BAND - to remind you to be flexible,
things might not always go the way you want,
but it will work out. (Romans 8:28)

3) BAND AID - to remind you to heal hurt feelings,
yours or someone else's. (Col. 3:12-14)

4) PENCIL - to remind you to list
your blessings everyday. (Eph 1:3)

5) ERASER - To remind you that
everyone makes mistakes,
and it's OK. (Gen 50:15-21)

6) CHEWING GUM - to remind you
to stick with it and you can
accomplish anything with Jesus. (Phil 4:13)

7) MINT - to remind you that you are worth a mint
to your Heavenly Father. (John 3:16-17)

8) CANDY KISS - to remind you that everyone
needs a kiss or a hug everyday. (1 John 4:7)

9) TEA BAG - to remind you to relax daily
and go over that list of
God's blessings. (1 Thess 5:18)


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The Gift of the Gods

It was a warm summer day when
the gods placed it in her hands.
She trembled with emotion as
she saw how fragile it appeared.
This was a very special gift
the gods were entrusting to her.
A gift that would one day belong to the world.
Until then, they instructed her,
she was to be its guardian and protector.
The woman said she understood and
reverently took it home,
determined to live up to the faith
the gods had placed in her.

At first she barely let it out of her sight,
protecting it from anything she perceived
to be harmful to its well-being;
watching with fear in her heart
when it was exposed to the environment outside
of the sheltered cocoon she had formed around it.
But the woman began to realize that she
could not shelter it forever.
It needed to learn to survive the
harsh elements in order to grow strong.
So with gentle care she gave it more space to grow,
enough to allow it to grow wild and untamed.

One day she became aware of how much
the gift had changed. It no longer had a look
of vulnerability about it.
Now it seemed to glow with strength and steadiness,
almost as if it were developing a power within.
Month after month she watched as it
became stronger and more powerful,
and the woman remembered her promise.
She knew deep within her heart that her time
with the gift was nearing an end.

The inevitable day arrived when the gods came
to take the gift and present it to the world.
The woman felt a deep sadness,
for she would miss its constant presence
in her life. With heartfelt gratitude
she thanked the gods for allowing her
the privilege of watching over the precious gift
for so many years. Straightening her shoulders,
she stood proud, knowing that it was, indeed,
a very special gift.
One that would add to the beauty and
essence of the world around it.
And the mother let her child go.
(By Renee R. Vroman)

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You say to me, "It's been a year,
when will your grieving end?"
"Why can't you be like you once were,
my smiling happy friend?"

If you really want an answer,
though, I wonder if you do,
I'll take you deep inside me,
where sadness dims the view.

First, my "friend", for your sake,
come close and take my hand,
And we will pray that what I share,
you won't have to understand.

The me you once knew is no more,
it died with my child,
A voice was stilled forever, yet,
the echo drives me wild.

You say you lost Aunt Bertha,
so you have known death too,
Aunt Bertha, however, was not your child,
and she was eighty, not twenty-two.

I barely survived those first months,
coping was a dreadful task,
I'd tell you I was fine,
while sobbing behind my mask.

If I talked about my precious child,
you turned away in fear,
You couldn't stand to see me cry,
nor would you share my tears.

I wanted to speak of him, please,
won't you say his name?
But, you pretend he never was,
so he died over and over again.

Oh, I see that you're uncomfortable,
you no longer want my hand,
so as it was before we talked, my "friend",
you don't want to understand!
(Salt Lake City Newsletter of TCF)

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I'll paint you a rainbow to hang on the wall,
to brighten your heart when the grey shadows fall.
On a canvas of joy outlasting the years,
with a soft brush of sweetness to dry all your tears.

I'll paint you a rainbow with colors of smiles
That glow with sincerity over the miles.
On a palette of words I will tenderly blend
Tones into treasures of sunlight and wind.

I'll paint you a rainbow that reaches so wide,
Your sights and your sorrows will vanish inside,
And deep in the center of each different hue,
A memory fashioned especially for you.

So lift up your eyes, for suspended above,
A rainbow designed by the fingers of love...
(by Grace E. Easley)

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Who Else, But A Mother?

Who first loves and nurtures us
and takes care of every need,
as she accepts into her life
someone new to bathe and feed?

Who brags about accomplishments;
first teeth...first sounds...first smile
and makes every little thing that's done
seem important and worthwhile?

Who's been known to, after dark
enter a room and slowly creep
to bend and kiss the forehead
of a child fast asleep?

Who holds a hand while crossing
as she thoughtfully conveys
a reminder to her child
that he should always "look both ways?"

Who wipes peanut butter off a cheek
and crayon off the wall
and knots an untied shoelace
to avoid a likely fall?

Who watches the swift passing
of childhood years that she will mourn,
and remembers every small detail
about the day that child was born?

Who works the longest hours
without a vacation...or a check,
but accepts her payment in the form
of a hug around her neck?

Who never stops believing
even when others are in doubt
and defends the fact her child was "safe"
when the umpire calls him out!?

Who senses things just aren't right
and with the palm of her hand decrees
by placing it on her child's brow...
the fever's 101 degrees?

Who shares life's disappointments
and feels the pain of all the bruises
and delights in her child's winnings,
but offers solace when he loses?

Who realizes as the years pass by...
the further her child will roam
and who stays up late with worry
when that child isn't home?

Who tries to shield and protect
by showing courage...staying strong;
trying to set a good example
while her heart is breaking all along?

Who acts as a private tutor
as the years fall in succession
by taking each opportunity
to teach life's every lesson?

Who listens with her heart
even when her child is grown
and understands the feelings
that she once herself, had known?

Who saved old cards and letters
and kept pictures on the shelves
and offered unconditional love
so we could learn to love, ourselves?

This poem describes one person;
a woman unlike any other,
for who could possess that level of love...
Who Else, But A Mother?
(Linda Ellis)

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I love you for being the person that you are.
For being brave in the scariest situations.
For being encouraging
despite my crazy ideas.
For being kind to people,
even if they don't deserve it.
For never giving up on me,
yourself, or anybody else.
For never giving up on your dreams.
For trying to create peace
in an atmosphere of chaos.
For striving to achieve whatever
your heart desires.
For pushing yourself to the breaking point.
For giving me a reason
to feel proud of myself.
For knowing when to rub my back
after I've had a hard day.
For believing in me
and my abilities.
For being capable enough
to cope with anything.
For trusting me with your secrets.
For shielding me
to the best of your ability
from this cruel world.
For knowing when to cast a smile in my direction.
For listening to my petty problems.
For giving me room
to discover myself as a whole.
For not laughing at my attempts
to plan my life.
For knowing when to stroke my hair
when I don't feel good.
For not being selfish.
For allowing me to feel secure
in a violence-crazed frenzy.
For supporting me and my attempts
to develop my talents.
For exposing me to differences
and abnormalities.
For restraining me from going too far.
For giving me a fourth chance,
and a fifth chance.
For allowing me to discover,
for myself, the pains of life.
For waking up and facing
your problems every single day.
For producing a family
for me to prosper in.
For not being your mother
or your sister.
For being a strong individual.
And for being a mother,
and hopefully,
for passing your remarkable qualities
along to me.
(Catherine Murray)

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Prayer for a Busy Day

Dear God,
When the day is too busy
and the voices too loud,
When there is too much on my mind
and too little in my heart,
When I plan too much for tomorrow
and explain too much about yesterday,
when faith is a Sunday word and
"Let's be practical" my motto
through the week,
When I have hidden my true feelings inside
and then complained of being lonely
and misunderstood,
When I am quite hopelessly lost
and don't even have the sense to know it--
Be my good shepherd and my friend.

Gather up my jangled nerves,
my tensed muscles,
my anxious and fluttering heart.
Gather up my fearful heart
and hold it warmly in your hand.
Send life pulsing through it
like an irresistible flood.
Quicken me to a quivering blaze,
excited and alive.
But show me how to be quiet, too.
Teach me to be still.
In deep stillness let me rest.
Let silence surround me like a friend,
calming me and instructing me with
deeper wisdom from within.
When my day is too busy
and the voices are all too loud,
be my good shepherd and my friend.

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I asked God to take my pride,
and God said, No.
He said it was not for him to take away,
but for me to give up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole,
and God said, No.
He said her spirit is whole,
her body is only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience,
and God said, No.
He said that my patience
is a by product of tribulation.
It isn't granted, it's earned.
I asked God to give me happiness,
and God said, No.
He said He gives blessings -
happiness is up to me.
I asked God to spare me pain,
and God said, No.
He said suffering draws you apart
from worldly cares
and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow,
and God said, No.
He said I must grow on my own,
but He will prune me to make me fruitful.
I asked God if He loved me,
and God said, Yes.
He gave me His only Son
who died for me,
and I will be in heaven someday
because I believe in Him.
I asked God to help me love others
as much as He loves me,
and God said,
"Ah, finally you have the idea".
(sent to me from Jim Foutty)

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Death is just another step
along life's changing way,
No more than just a gateway
to a new and better day.

And parting from our loved ones
is much easier to bear
When we know that they are waiting
for us to join them there.

For it is on the wings of death
that the living should takes flight
Into the Promiced Land of God
where there shall be no night.

(Helen Steiner Rice)

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