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PREY Campaign Articles

The Indianapolis Star, August 8, 2000
Lafayette Journal and Courier, July 13, 2000
LA Times, July 4, 2000
TV Guide online, August 28, 1998
LA Times, August 4, 1998


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 In Pursuit of PREY

by John Walsh

Can Beanie Babies win the hearts of network executives? Gina Evers hopes so. Coordinator of a nationwide campaign to revive PREY, the sci-fi series that ABC canceled in midseason last year, Evers has been sending gifts to execs at the major broadcast and cable networks.

"The gifts always are related to PREY," Evers explains. "They have included Beanie Babies Bongo the Monkey, representing evolution, and Crunch the Shark, representing predators. This week we're sending pieces of actual mammoth tusk. We're trying to approach this in a unique way."

While no network has yet picked up the series, Evers' gifts appear to have made an impression. Series creator William Schmidt had a meeting at CBS recently, and noticed Bongo on an executive's desk." At least they're getting the message," Evers says, "and not just giving the toys to grandchildren or something."

Evers and company will keep sending gifts "for as long as it takes," she promises. "We're trying to catch their attention, but we're also trying to capture their hearts and minds and get them to think about the program.