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Image: ABC /Warner Bros.

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News Release #5


The Prey For Us (PFU) Campaign, the worldwide contingent of fans for the short-lived ABC sci-fi based drama PREY, is targeting the Sci-Fi Channel (Sci-Fi), once again, to produce a TV movie based on a script entitled “Tom’s Story,” written by Prey creator William Schmidt. "Tom's Story" continues the saga of Humans vs. Dominants, an advanced species of genus homo, showcased in the 1998 series. 

Since the demise of Prey, the fan base has been steadily growing, in great part to the efforts of Sci-Fi. Since January 2000 Sci-Fi has aired the original 13 episodes of PREY, introducing the show to multitudes of viewers. PREY has also been included in many of Sci-Fi’s Friday afternoon marathons, known as “Inhumanland". 

Time and again Sci-Fi has distinguished itself as a network that listens to its viewers. The PFU campaign members strongly believe that the Sci-Fi channel is the perfect place for the further adventures of Dr. Sloan Parker (Human), portrayed by Debra Messing of Will & Grace fame, FBI Agent Tom Daniels (Dominant), played by Adam Storke from Mystic Pizza and Stephen King’s The Stand, and Dr. Ed Tate (Human), portrayed by Vincent Ventresca (from Sci-Fi’s own popular series The Invisible Man). 

Knowing the PREY audience, and how desperately it wanted to see Storke's character released from captivity imposed in the finale, Sci-Fi gave Storke a cameo appearance in an episode of The Invisible Man (I-Man) in which his character was rescued by Ventresca's Darien Fawkes. 

After the premiere of this I-Man episode, on the East Coast, Sci-Fi held a live on-line chat with Adam Storke. Well over 100 fans made it through the overloaded server to “speak” with the favored actor during the hour-long chat.

If Tom’s Story is made into a movie, says campaign co-chair, Lee Ann Gradwell, Sci-Fi will easily earn the devotion of PREY fans from 45 countries. The appeal of PREY, even after the 4 years since it was originally aired, remains strong and the PFU campaign firmly intends to continue to make their voices heard. 

Since September 2001 the worldwide PREY fans have been conducting an intensive email and postcard campaign directed toward Sci-Fi. Well over 2000 emails were sent to the network in December and January alone. Those numbers will continue to rise with the advent of Tom’s Story. 

The decision is firmly in the hands of Sci-Fi, and the PFU campaign believes 2002 will finally be the year they are heard by the one network that listens to its viewers.