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PREY Newbies Guidebook

Message Boards

Campaign Updates

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Fan Sites

Campaign Efforts

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Celebs Corner


If you are newbie to our community (or just want more information about our community), please read the following "newbie guidebook" that was created a number of years ago as a way to introduce newbies to our group (please note this guidebook has been and will be updated regularly):

Welcome to the PreyGround! On behalf of all the members, I am so glad you are here!!

As a “newbie” to our online Prey community, there are two (2) very important web sites for which you should be aware. The first is our message board located at:

Please feel free to visit, lurk and/or post, getting a chance to “talk” to preymates from all over the world who love Prey as much as you do.

The other site is our former campaign site, now our community site, which can be found at the following URL:

At this site you will find all the definitive details of our former long-running campaign, links to fan fiction and many other Prey sites and much, much more.

As a “newbie,” you should know that Prey has aired in approximately 36 countries - that we know of - since its debut in the United States in January of 1998. There were only 13 episodes aired, leaving all of us, as most of you well know, with a cliffhanger ending. Prey was aired on the Sci-Fi Channel for 3-years, but as of December 31, 2002 that deal expired with the network.

Many “newbies” seek copies of the 13 episodes as well as the original pilot known as “Hungry For Survival,” starring different actors as Sloan (Sherilyn Fenn) and Ed (who was of a different nationality and different character name). Video tape copies of the 13 episodes can be obtained. Should you wish to receive copies, please contact me (the email is shown below). Members can be provided with VHS, PAL and NTSC copies, depending on where you live. Please see further down for details on other alternatives for copies of the episodes.

As for the original Hungry for Survival two-hour pilot, it is the hope that Bill Schmidt, creator of the show, will eventually provide the community with a copy, as he has given permission to make copies, as long as the membership uses the copies for their personal viewing pleasure only. As more information is provided to me via our insider source, you will receive updates from me, but please keep in mind this will take quite some time to accomplish, as Bill is very busy with his business and family commitments.

In the meantime, one of our talented members - Zen - made VCD’s – video compact discs – of all 13 episodes as they aired on the Sci-Fi Channel combined with the episodes as they aired on ABC. As many of you know, the Sci-Fi Channel was legendary for clipping scenes of the shows they air, and sure enough Prey was victim of this practice. After painstaking research (which wasn't really hard at all - wink!), I was able to pinpoint small missing scenes in some of the episodes. Zen made the necessary corrections and now the sets are complete. Please contact me (the email is shown below) for details on how to get your set. Work is ongoing by Preymate Kay to meet the demand for these VCD sets.

In an effort to maintain accurate information on all members, please consider participating in a short survey, or to be more exact, a membership census (that is if you haven't all ready done so through the special, dedicated section over at our message board or through previous requests). Please provide the following:

1. Your name

2. Your screen name (if you use one when online)

3. Your street address

4. Your email address

Please keep in mind that any or all of your information will be kept confidential – all you need do is ask. Send your census to me (the email is shown below) when you have time.

Now, as a new member of The Prey The Series Community, you have the opportunity to make a difference for Prey, be it a small one, by logging onto – - and voting for Prey. Registration is free, and while it will take considerable time to reach an adequate level of votes (1000 is the goal), giving Prey the chance to possibly be released on DVD, each vote counts. However, you can only vote once at this site.

You will receive entertainment updates from me on a daily basis (during the work week) and a weekly program guide. Included in these entertainment updates will be any related stories on Prey and its cast and crew that I can find. If you ever learn news about Prey or Preymakers or have an interesting news item that you’d like to share, please forward it to me. If for any reason you do not wish to receive these entertainment updates, please just let me know. I will make sure to provide only Prey-based emails to you.

Due to real life situations and structural changes within our group back in 2002, namely, dropping the campaign aspect of our group, the staff positions that were once relevant were greatly altered. And, our group name was briefly changed to “Prey For Us Community.” With the advent of purchasing our domain names, we are now known as the “Prey The Series” Community. Many staff positions were phased out completely since we are not campaigning for Prey as a group. However individual letters are more than welcome and, in fact, greatly encouraged, as “the powers that be” still need to know Prey fans are alive and well, and all over the world. Please feel free to write your local newspapers, national magazines and any network or cable company that you so desire. Make your voice heard!

With the consent of the membership, I will continue as the Community Chairperson for as long as possible (or for as long as the membership can stand me – wink!). And, Lori Ann Harmon and myself will be acting as Co-Treasurers. Jeanne Winstead will remain our Webmistress at the Message Board and a small team of senior staff are on hand to oversee the community as a whole. Our election coordinator will remain Jill Werner should the membership feel the need to have a “changing of the guards” so to speak. Feel free to contact Jill at should you want to see a change in staff.

Members are encouraged to attend science-fiction conventions whether they are regional, national or global. When possible, information will be provided to all members about highly attended conventions, such as the World Con, MediaWest, Comic Con and Toronto Trek – where members are asked to attend as a group in order to support and promote Prey. Please visit the following sites, which will provide you with listings of all kinds of conventions held all over the world or check out the listings under the conventions section at this site:

The Prey For Us Community celebrated its Fifth Anniversary in 2003 from September 22 to 27 in Studio City, California, where those who could attend did sightseeing, visited locales where Prey was filmed and concluded with a special party. Consideration is being made to hold a 10th Anniversary celebration in 2008 prior to the annual Comic Con that is held in San Diego in July.

During the summer of 2004, an auction and raffle was held, allowing Preymates the chance to add unique items to their Prey memorabilia. These items were held over, and in some instances, were left over items from our 5th Anniversary celebration. I continued in that vain throughout a good portion of 2005, with the final auction ending on September 12.

Since Prey was short lived on ABC, preymates have created merchandise since 1998, including, but not limited to, t-shirts, coffee mugs and magnets. A list will be provided at the community site soon, giving all preymates the chance to acquire Prey memorabilia that is still available. For the time being, however, please feel free to contact me for details (the email is shown below).

If at any time you have questions about Prey, our community or have suggestions, concerns or thoughts, please email me (the email is shown below). I enjoy hearing from all of you and value your ideas, for without you this community would not exist.

And, again welcome to the PreyGround!

Remember our motto: Prey For One, Prey For All, Prey For Ever!

Lee Ann
Community Coordinator