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PREY - Mini-Convention
23-25 June 2000, Burbank, California, USA


Posted By: Genny
Date: Monday, 3 July 2000, at 5:35 p.m. 

I just spent 3 hours telling my friend about the whole thing ... and his eyes didn't glaze over too much ... (he doesn't 'get' Prey, really, you see!) 

Just quick special memories for now ... 

Building the cage with Jeanne and Benny - and having to sit inside it to finish tightening nuts/screws etc - it didn't have a bottom which made me feel safer ... (:D) I think it was good for me to be in that situation - try to imagine what it would be like for Tom to be trapped there with *unfriendly* people round him ... 

All the incredibly wonderful creative people there ... meeting all these people for the first time that I've seen on the board ... realising there may well be long term/life long friendships here ... 

Peepers room! Prey haven/heaven! All those video tapes ... and there was always food there - and generally someone in there ... I'm sorry - I should say - Peepers and Clarke's and Bennie's room! (Those who know understand!) 

The video tape which only had Adam Storke clips on it instead of films/TV programmes ... 

Paul coming into our room saying 'they're fast forwarding through all the bits of 'Highway to Hell' which don't have Adam Storke in'! Actually seeing the whole of 'Lifepod' and 'Surprise Party.' 

Bill Schmidt and Larry Andries - the feeling when I suddenly realised they want Prey back too ... that they'll fight for it too ... the feeling that the board has always been a family, but that they are part of that family now - seeing them relax with us ... Seeing them willingly get in the cage! 

(Tom's 'startled' hair in 'Hungry for Survival'! It - just - looked - startled! (too much hair gel!) 

The canonising of St. Gerry. And Carol and Elaine 're-enacting' the scene of finding the mummy at Vasquez rocks! And being thrown out of a military base for taking illegal photos! Trying to re-enact the scene in UCLA where Tom is chasing Sloan except Barbie and I are laughing so much and I caught her! :D 

So much laughter. 

And honest - it was always sunny. 

Realising that Peepers would call out the State troops if anyone got lost ... I think no one needs to be afraid of going missing again ...:) 

And - because it was my first time in the States .. so much space! The *work* that the California Preymates did in getting us places - all the people who were driving us round ... complete tolerance from the only 2 guys who were there of all these completely insane women! :D 

Realising *why* we were visiting Ralph's ... 

And if Adam Storke is still reading this board - I am so glad you have a good sense of humour ...! 

The Prey table was *covered* in stuff! Fridge magnets. Fan fiction. Bookmarks. T-shirts. Bags. Flyers. Handouts. Monkeys hanging from the lights with signs saying 'you will all die' on them. Keys. The sign - 'Approaching this table may cause DNA alteration. Proceed with CAUTION'. The cage. It was the best table there. It had more people round it than any other (except maybe SAAB, who we were opposite) ...  *Everyone* noticed the cage. 

The jokes that I suspect will run and run and run ... 

But mainly, always and absolutely, the people I met ... (yes, even more than the wonderful houses, and Beverley hills and Santa Monica ...) And I'm afraid I can't describe them. And I *know* the rest of the world thinks we're crazy but who cares - we're having fun, we're harmless ... You'll just have to come next year! Feeling part of the campaign, too - and that we *can* and *are* making a difference. Even if only by telling all the cast and crew and creators of Prey that they were appreciated in that, that their work was appreciated in ways I guess they maybe don't even imagine or know. Seeing William Schmidt and Larry Andries really realise that, at some point during that panel - that was the best of all - that we could give that ... 

Someone told me a few months ago that Prey is 'just a TV program'. It's not. I didn't believe it then, because it's a way I access parts of myself I can't always touch another way, and it's this board and this community and my writing as well ... but there is no way to even touch with words what this con gave me - so the statement that this person made to me is even more pointless now than it started off ... 

I don't know how I'll do it right now - but I will be there next year. 

Okay - an orderly report is for someone else to do ... the only piece of writing advice i ever got at school was to 'forget grammar, create the mood however you can' - it's what I do with 'Heartlands' it's what I tried to do here. (hope I did.) 

Gotta go or this is going to get what we in England call 'soppy'. 


Dinner table #1 (starting at the back and going clockwise): Elaine, Judy A, Bennie, LaPeep, Sammi, Mary Ann

Dinner table #2 (starting at the left and going clockwise): Margaret, Celine, Barb, LeeAnn, Michaela, DianeS, Skay, Clarke, Sue, Barbie, LaPeep, Sammi, Mary Ann

Barbie & Michelle at our PREY table

T-shirt for our terrific 1999/2000 Campaign Co-ordinator Mary Ann

Back: Judy A, Debs, Bennie, Genny, V, Sue H, Jeanne, Elaine, Barb 
Middle: Carol, Celine, Yuki, Margaret, LaPeep, DianeS 
Front: Michaela, Barbie, Diane G, Mary Ann, Lee Ann

Visiting PREY sites like "Oaxaca" (Vazquez Rocks)...

...or "Ray's house" (the Warner Bros. studio tour).
Back: Judy, Diane S., Carol, Elaine, Diane G., Sue, Gerry (behind Debbie), Debbie, Paul
Front: Barb, LaPeep, Clarke 
Sitting: Barbie, Céline, Michaela, LeeAnn.

Welcome home, Preymates!

Posted By: Jill - Kansas, USA
Date: Tuesday, 27 June 2000, at 6:42 a.m. 

This is the cage that Benny built. 

This is the table that held the cage that Benny built. 

This is the group that decorated the table that held the cage that Benny built. 

This is the cult that nurtured the group that decorated the table that held the cage that Benny built. 

This is the network that listened to the cult that nurtured the group that decorated the table that held the cage that Benny built. 

This is the new season of Prey that was ordered by the network that listened to the cult that nurtured the group that decorated the table that held the cage that Benny built. 

This is the joyous celebration caused by the new season of Prey that was ordered by the network that listened to the cult that nurtured the group that decorated the table that held the cage that Benny built. 

I can dream, can't I? Thanks for everything you have done for us, my wonderful friends. We're glad that you're back! 


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This site was created by Sabine.