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News Release #4

Will Tom Finally Be Let Out of the Cage........ 

That's What the Prey for Us Campaign Wants to Know 

PREY, a Warner Bros. production, aired on ABC in 1998. PREY, starring Adam Storke (Tom Daniels), Debra Messing (Dr. Sloan Parker) and Vincent Ventresca (Dr. Ed Tate) told the story of another species that has evolved. It was cancelled after just one season, ending with a cliffhanger leaving Tom Daniels (Adam Storke) locked in a cage. 

The SciFi Channel aired a "chain reaction" on February 9th, five back to back episodes. Twenty Nine minutes into the fifth episode, the network ran an ad that read:  Did you know THE FAN-BASED CAMPAIGN TO CONTINUE "PREY" IS CALLED"PREY FOR US" What Does This Mean For Prey Fans? 

It means that the campaign is officially acknowledged by the SciFi Channel. It means the SciFi Channel is encouraging the campaign. It means that new fans will join the campaign. The most important meaning, however, is that the fans may finally get the TV movie sequel they have worked so hard for. 

SciFi Stream had an interview with Vincent Ventresca in December of 2000, and when asked if he would consider reprising the role of Dr. Ed Tate, he said "Hell Yes".

William Schmidt, Prey's creator told fans at the Agamencon (June 2000) that there was some rumbling about Prey. A SciFi spokesperson told Marc Allen of the Indy Star News, that something was afoot with Prey. The PFU is "preying" that all of this means that they will see Tom Out of That Cage! 

For more information, please visit:

News Release #3, 12 January 2001


Fans of the legendary cult science fiction series PREY want to know about the Sci-Fi Channel's plans for the show.

PREY, cancelled after 13 episodes and ending with a cliffhanger, was originally aired in 1998 by ABC. PREY fans were very excited to find that the Sci Fi Channel had purchased the rights to air the show. The SciFi Channel began airing PREY in January of 2000; the series did very well with ratings and proved again that it had found an audience. PREY fans sent the SciFi Channel 1000 keys to symbolize their desire to "get Tom (Adam Storke) out of the Cage," followed by a postcard campaign to show all of the different countries PREY fans come from.

SciFi has began airing PREY again, (January 5, 2001), only this time PREY fans are not as excited because it is airing it in the middle of the night - Friday nights at 3:00am (est) to be exact! One fan says "We appreciate that it is back on the schedule in January, but this show deserves a time when new viewers will really have a chance to SEE it!" PREY has an intelligent story, an audience - and it is waiting for the rest of the story to be told. The SciFi Channel is working very hard at coming up with new series and original movies and programming, while they've got a blockbuster right there in front of them.

In a recent interview, Vincent Ventresca (Dr. Ed Tate), who currently stars in the original SciFi series The Invisible Man, made some comments about PREY. Ventresca discussed PREY and its creator, Bill Schmidt, and gave the impression that there is some movement afoot - but no details. Ventresca also said that there is some "rumbling" about PREY and the support from its fans. The PREY For Us Campaign (PFU) is hopeful that this means the SciFi Channel is considering a sequel to end this cliffhanger, and is currently working on the next step in its campaign strategy - details to follow!

News Release #2, 4 October 2000


PREY, a Warner Bros. production, aired on ABC in 1998. PREY, starring Adam Storke (Tom Daniels), Debra Messing (Dr. Sloan Parker) and Vincent Ventresca (Dr. Ed Tate) told the story of another species that has evolved. It was cancelled after just one season, ending with a cliffhanger leaving Tom Daniels (Adam Storke) locked in a cage. WHAT?? HOW COULD THEY?? The Prey for Us campaign was born! 

The SciFi Channel started airing the reruns in January 2000. Prey fans were thrilled and the PFU continues to be extremely active. he SciFi Channel has received a thousand keys from fans all over the world to symbolize their desire to "get Tom out of that Cage". The most recent campaign strategy is to send the SciFi Channel and Warner Bros. postcards to show the Networks that Preyfans come from more than 30 countries. 

On September 23rd, the SciFi Channel hosted a chat with Vincent Ventresca who now stars in "The Invisible Man", which is a SciFi original series. One Prey fan asked Vincent "If SciFi ever made a TV movie to resolve the cliffhanger, would you be interested in appearing as him again?" Ventresca responded "ABSOLUTELY. The show sort of broke my heart because how it was originally conceived and how it was ultimately executed were significantly different. And if this TV movie would go back to how it was originally conceived it would be very interesting to re-visit." 

Prey fans are very optimistic and have recently committed themselves to another year of campaigning....hoping to make a difference!

News Release #1

Mary Ann Beavis (for Prey for Us)



PREY, canceled after 13 episodes after it was aired in 1998 by ABC, attracted a tenacious and persistent group of fans in the 30 countries where it has been aired who won't rest until the show is back in production. Their most recent stunt was to send a thousand keys-symbolizing the cliffhanger where a favorite character is left locked in a cage-from viewers to the Sci-Fi Channel, which began showing reruns of PREY in January 2000.

PREY fans were delighted-and intrigued-when the August 8 issue of the Indianapolis Star ran an interview with Jeanne Winstead, Prey for Us Campaign Webmaster. The article cites Sci-Fi Channel spokeswoman Kat Stein, who says that the campaign had been noticed, AND that there is a movement at Sci-Fi "to give the PREY fans something . . . maybe we can give something back to the fans that would satisfy them."

Comments Mary Ann Beavis, Prey for Us Campaign Coordinator, "Ms. Stein's remarks have given us a great deal of hope-and sparked our curiosity! If we can get the Sci-Fi Channel to budge after PREY has been out of production for two years, we will have accomplished something that fan campaigns rarely manage to do-we will have made a difference!"

The next phase of the campaign, says Beavis, will be to step up the pressure on Sci-Fi to explain what they mean by giving the fans something that will satisfy them. "It's taken a lot of work to get their attention," says Beavis, "But the Sci-Fi Channel is finally listening!"


KEYWORDS: Prey, Science Fiction, Science, Evolution

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