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Agamemcon Report, Continued...

I then gave him 2 magnets, one of the cast of Prey, the other of Lewis with his fingers on Sloan's mouth. He joked with us and said that he did that to his wife. He placed the magnets in the pocket of his long-sleeved white shirt. :-) 

By the way, he is aware of fan fiction written about him but hinted that he didn't read it. 

Since he had had his picture taken with a fan only moments ago, we asked if we could have a group picture with him. Once again, he said yes. This man is VERY obliging and VERY VERY nice and down-to-earth. Oh, and, yes, he does have beautiful blue eyes, silvery hair, and NO hair on his face. Are you all happy now? I managed to get myself right next to James for the group photo and hallelujah he put his arm around me (and one around Michelle on the other side) and I put my arm around him! What Michelle did with him I'm not sure.  Diane G. mentioned to him that she and Dot had seen him in a play several months ago in Hollywood, The Caine Mutiny Court Martial. He was surprised that they had seen it because not that many people had gone to see it. I commented that I had seen him in many small roles on TV that didn't do justice to his talent and wanted to see him in better parts. He seemed pleased, if a bit embarrassed. He mentioned that even after SAAB, he had to "read" for The Wonder Cabinet because the Fox executives didn't know who he was, even though Space: Above and Beyond had been a Fox production. They were all new executives.

James mentioned that he was in a new movie called Abilene and that he played a good guy this time. He invited us all to a screening of Abilene at the Director's Guild in Hollywood and said to bring our friends. :-) Since the Guild must have the names of people attending, we gave our names to Kate Duncan to make arrangements with James and the Director's Guild. Just to be sure that we were contacted, I gave him a Prey business card (which Dot took out of her wallet) that had Dot's email addy and mine on it. He placed it in his wallet. I will be scouring my inbox all week for replies coming from any James in the hopes that it will be him. The showing is this Friday afternoon. I guess several of us are going to be sick that day. I can feel an illness coming on. 

We wanted to find out something about Adam before James left, but we were all chicken. Finally, I said that we were big fans of Adam Storke (no, Rich, not fat or tall fans), and James glanced at our tee-shirts and Adam pix on the wall, and said "I can tell." He seemed amused by it. I got up my nerve at last to ask James about Adam but the only question I could think of was, "Is Adam shy?" He considered this a while before answering and then said yes, but also said that he didn't know him very well and didn't see him that much on the set. However, he and Adam did play their guitars together. James said that he was getting back to playing after being away from it for 20 years. He didn't mention what they were playing but we do know that Adam knows the tune and lyrics to Eve of Destruction. 

Diane G and I have been straining our pea-picking brains to remember everything that happened when James was there, and if we've forgotten anything or screwed up the story in any way.

Oh, other things happened at the con. So what. Same old story. Most people never heard of Prey, some were big fans. Victor Brandt was back again this year (he visited our table at Burbank last year as well). He did some of the Prey promos before Prey came on air. He is a sci-fi actor, too, who was a guest in some original Star Trek episodes. He kept us in stitches by doing voice-overs as the Prey tapes were running without any sound. He'll be at Fantasticon again too. 

Well, it's already after midnight. This was a review of day 2, Saturday, for those of you in different time zones. We were in a slightly different time zone today, too...we met Lewis, and our necks are still intact!

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