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PREY Tribute Page

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This page has been a long time in coming and with our (and PREY's) 10th anniversary happening this year (2008) (can you believe it's been 10 years?), I wanted to get a tribute page created to honor all the preymates who have helped with our campaign, websites and community as a whole. The following is not in any specific order, but I have to give credit, where credit is due, starting with:

Gina Evers - If it weren't for her incredible efforts, during the early days of our group, I don't think ABC, the TPTB within the network, not to mention the cast and crew of PREY would have known anything about our efforts to save the show. Kudos also need to be given to Gina for being the one who was able to get the CD of instrumental music - straight from composer Mark Morgan - and share it with all of us; and for creating the original PREY mugs, featuring the infamous photo of Tom and Sloan, arm-in-arm, on her living room chair.

Mary Ann Beavis - Mary Ann took up the mantle when Gina had to step down. You were a Godsend when we needed it most, and our campaign was all the more better because of your guidance. And, I will never forget the first time I saw the PREY T-shirt you wore for the 2000 mini-con!! The wording for that shirt actually follows so fellow preymates can enjoy:

Two Years Ago

PREY Was The Most Advanced
Series On TV. It Was Wiped Out By A
Powerful Network Decision.
Now, A New Species Has Evolved.
Stronger, Smarter And
Dedicated To Bring Back PREY.
Leading The Fight Against The
Networks Is Mary Ann Beavis,
The PFU Campaign Coordinator.
Once Again, It's Survival Of The Fittest
And This Time, Preymates Will Win.

Barb Reedy - A huge "air hug" is sent out to you for being my fellow co-chairperson, working alongside me "running" our community for about two years. Being here in California would not have been the same without you and I miss you, girl!!

The Prey Pals - The following preymates made it monetarily possible for us to purchase our domain names and thanks will never be enough: Kay, Kim L., Mary Ann, Roxanne, Kiera, Denise D., ChristyMB, Jeanne and an anonymous donor.

Jeanne - Our incredible webmistress, who has kept the various incarnations of our message board up and running for more years than even she probably wants to remember and for helping maintain the campaign/community site. You and your husband also built/provided us with Tom's cage for the conventions during our campaign years. The attention that cage garnered us at the cons was remarkable.

Mel - Who was our first webmaster in the early days of our campaign and we owe you so much for your efforts.

CJ - You were the Web Coordinator during part of our campaign.

Sammi - Was the Prey For Us WebRing Coordinator during part of our campaign.

Sabine - For all the tremendous work she put into maintaining our campaign site, which is now our community site. None of this would be possible without all of her work. And thanks again to Kiera, Jeanne, Mel and Gina who were also instrumental in the creation of the campaign site.

Rjupiter - Who provided behind-the-scenes technical support in the early days of our transition from the domain page to the community site.

Tina - For donating the domain page ( for what was the beginning of our community site.

Tiffany - Thanks for being the first person to create a PREY message board, as your early work has brought us to this moment and our message board, which is the 9th or 10th incarnation of your board is still going - that's quite an accomplishment!

Kiera - Thanks for providing excellent online assistance with our message board and technical support for our community site (and tech support in general). Your expertise, recommendations, suggestions and support have been invaluable. Also, your Omnibus story and cover art totally rock!! And, for making those terrific magnets and the wonderful beaded necklaces from Hawaii that you gave to the PREYmakers we met at the conventions.

Zen - Thanks don't seem enough for all the work and assistance you have provided to our campaign/community. First, you not only created the ever fabulous PREY Archive Site (, featuring screenshots, music clips, sound files, episode transcripts, the fan fiction library, among other selections, but you also created the video compact discs (VCD) of all 13 episodes of PREY along with the labels and jewel case covers for the VCD's. Your technical support has also been a HUGE help to us!! And, we all love the collages you've created!

Kay - You willingly volunteered back in 2003 to help get the VCD sets out to all preymates who wanted them (and we're almost finished - wink!). I could NOT have done or continue to do this project without you!

Bippy - For "painstakingly" organizing the transcripts of all 13 episodes of PREY and for making the great collages of our PREY men. We owe you big, girl!

Liz V. - For the efforts you put forth in the early days of our group to create the video tapes of all 13 PREY episodes and for helping with the Prey hats and the other "things" that you helped us with in the beginning!

Elaine (aka Minicon Goddess) - For being the organizer of our PREY mini-con in 2000. That event would not have been possible for all of us who attended without all your hard work. Thanks also to you and your husband, Gene (aka St. Gene) for being the videographers of our mini-con.

Karen aka Shadowman - For creating the Tom standee/figure that was used inside the cage at the conventions during our campaign years and for making the beautiful plaque that was given to Bill Schmidt at the mini-con in 2000. Oh, and for creating the awesome shirt that Mary Ann wore at the mini-con (please see the wording for that shirt above under Mary Ann's tribute section).

Peeps - For assisting with the early cons during our campaign years and for housing the PREY room, a safe haven (heaven) for all of us to go during the cons to feed our stomachs and our obsession with PREY.

Maggie - For being one of the first preymates to create PREY t-shirts. I still have mine, in fact, even though they are worn and faded. I'll never give them up (wink!).

Judy K. - You acted as our campaign treasurer in the early days and we owe you so much for keeping track of our money; and, for overseeing the PREY raffle during our mini-con in 2000. And, you were always so much fun to pal around with at all the cons - you can talk to anybody, girl, and make them smile and laugh!

Sue H. - You were the campaign treasurer for a number of years and kept excellent track of our finances. And you were a big help to our little Barbie when she came to the States in 2000 for our Mini-Con.

Michaela and The Other Preymate Helpers (During Barbie's Visit) - To Michaela for taking our little Barbie on a mini-trip through part of the States during her visit to the mini-con in 2000 and the other preymates who made sure she was seen safely to all her destinations from her home in Slovakia.

Lori Ann - You have been co-treasurer, assisting me in keeping track of our finances for the last few years - thanks for keeping an eye on me (wink!). And, thanks for helping with the 5th Anniversary Party, putting the cookbooks together, taking the orders and getting them out to all who wanted them not to mention the work you did on some of our writing challenges, providing/making all your wonderful PREY crafts and all the other "things" you've helped with over the years.

Barbie - For creating the great wooden PREY pens and wooden PREY picture frames and for coming all the way from your home in Slovakia in 2000 to be with us for the mini-con. We felt so fortuante to have met you and to have your parents put such faith in all of us to take care of you while you were here.

Sarah (Prey's Guardian) and Mary Willing Prey - You both coordinated the 5-year Christmas writing challenge that was sent to the PREYmakers. This would not have been possible without your efforts. And, Sarah took over the convention updates for a short time during the middle of our campaign.

Jill - Who acted as our election coordinator in the early days of our campaign. I know all of us, who were around for those early years, appreciate the efforts you put forth.

"Sloan" - This was the pseudonym that was given to our inside source for PREY information. Sloan was instrumental in being the link between Barb and I and Bill Schmidt, the creator of PREY (and its predecessor "Hungry for Survival"). You were an invaluable resource to us, Sloan.

Barry - One of our earliest preymates, and the only one of our group who can claim to have been an actual PREYmaker, as he worked on the set of the show when it was filming.

Kristen E. (one of the crossover fans) and Alex Z. - Kristen introduced me to Alex Z., the maker of the PREY music video set to the song "Desert Rose" by Sting, which was chosen by Barb and I way back in 2000/2001 as the unofficial "theme" song for PREY. Barb and I had dreams of this music video being done for so long and thanks to Alex Z., who totally got our vision; it was done to perfection several years later and can be found over at Zen's PREY Archive site.

Preymate Carol and Diane G. - These great ladies were two of the "pioneers" of our campaign. They were some of the first members to gather at science-fiction conventions to promote PREY and were the creators of the PREY UCLA tour to showcase all the areas where the show was filmed on the campus. They were also the preymates who found out the location of Tom's house and were our guides to getting to Vasquez Rocks where the scenes for Oaxaca were filmed. Preymate Carol was also instrumental in creating the PREY History site, which can be accessed at the main page of our community site. This site will eventually be updated, giving us a chance to relive the early days of our campaign. Carol also organized the PREY tables for our early convention attendances and made countless magnets (along with Diane G.) and all kinds of memorabilia for the tables.

The "Adopt-A-Month" Sponsors - These are the fellow preymates who sponsor our message board every year. Those sponsors currently include (in no particular order): Laury, Kiera, Mary Ann, ChristyMB, Gail, Deb P., Kim L., Lori Ann, Rich, Rosalind, V, Roxanne, Diane S., Cassandra, Sammi, Johanna, Jeanne, Ann J., Margaret, Celine, Clarke, Judy K., Judy B., Liz V., and Michelle H.

Volunteers - A big thank you is given to all the volunteers within our community who helped with table set ups and much more at our convention attendances, providing copies of appearances by the PREY cast in other shows and movies and all the other times when help was needed. You know who you are!

The Fan Fiction Writers - What can be said to all of you talented folks! You kept PREY alive for all of us and made the absence a little better.

The 2000 PREY Fan Fiction Panel Members - The following are the ladies who were invited to be part of the panel during the mini-con: Margaret, Diane S., Genny and Kiera

The Virtual Reality Series Staff - Thanks are extended to the folks who were part of this VR series while it lasted. They included: Liz V., CJ, Alicia, Brenda, Jeanne, Kiera, Mareen, Philip, Bec, Brenda, Kiera, Diane G., Minna, Pat, Ren, Stacey, Stefanie, Sue B. and Tina.

Website Creators/Owners- To all of you who created a website dedicated to PREY in one facet or another. You've helped us through a lot with these sites. Thanks for all your work on these!

Donors - To all of you who donated money for the Variety ads in the early stages of our campaign. The amount of money that was raised for those ads in such a short amount of time really made a difference!

If you helped out with a facet of our campaign/community for which I am forgetting (and as long as this list is, I hope I didn't miss anyone), please let me know so you can take your rightful place on this tribute page.

Thank you one and all!!!

RIP Preymates - It is always sad and heart-breaking to lose a loved one and doubly so when it's a fellow preymate. Over the nearly 10-years of our community, we unfortunately lost Bennie and Preston and our condolences go out to their families. Neither of you will ever be forgotten by our community!

Lee Ann
Community Coordinator