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Update - #38
September 3, 1998

Hi all- well despite our message board difficulties, we need to continue with our efforts and so here is the promised update with info about this week's reminder gift.

1. In telling you about the reminder gift, I have to say that the idea was DNA Bob's. He did an extensive amount of research on this and found lots of sites that were used in pulling pictures and info for this week's card. Thanks for a real 1.6 effort Bob! We will be checking for the tattoo soon :-)

Basically, the theme of cloning was continued this week. Bob commented on the large number of shows that were similar in nature to others and the idea went from there. Basically, the intent was to show that Prey, in common with many other shows that were not seen as the cornerstone programs that they were at the time, is a unique show that has no real equal or ancestor. Of course, as I have always tried to do, the info was presented in a positive rather than negative way.

The card was actually a two page document that was presented in a clear see through folder. The top page contained the following pictures and captions:

Pix - I Dream of Jeannie Caption- I Dream of Jeannie(NBC).....You Wish (ABC)

Pix- Touched by an Angel Caption- Touched by an Angel (CBS)...The Promised Land (CBS)

Pix- The Wonder Years- Caption- The Wonder Years (ABC)...Boy Meets World (ABC)

Pix- X-Files- Caption- The X-Files (FOX)....Dark Skies (NBC)

Pix- Star Trek Caption- Star Trek (NBC).....ST Next Generation (SYN)

With the exception of IDoJ, all the pictures are in color and centered top to bottom.

On the second page is the picture of Tom and Sloan looking out- Caption

PREY(ABC) ......the beginning of a line- unique, thought-provoking, distinctive!


Text of letter to follow:


Of all the entertainment mediums that have ever been created, surely no other has reached a larger and more diverse audience than television. What other medium gives you breaking news, a world class sporting event, movies, cartoons, the ballet, or exceptional dramas delivered to your home 365 days a year?

As a network executive, your job is to deliver a variety of quality programming throughout the year. You strive to make as many of the 220 million viewers from various walks of like and backgrounds happy, while also competing with exploding alternative entertainment choices and , bottom line, endeavoring to make it all profitable!

Well, you , and the other network executives, succeed to an admirable degree in an incredibly challenging profession. On the first page of this letter, you see some programs from the past that have inspired shows that followed. Endearing, thrilling, provocative, humorous, poignant- programming touches us and helps to weave the fabric that binds us together with shared memories and experiences. Television has produced and does produce high quality programs.

In looking over the many sites for this letter, I was often impressed with what could be called genesis shows- ones that seemed to create a distinctive genre that inspired a great deal of programming that followed. Often the original show was met with initial skepticism, only to eventually become a touchstone event as people look back on programming history.

Being unique puts a show, at times, in a difficult position as people attempt to categorize and define what that particular show brings to the viewer. PREY is such a program, one that combines the elements of many fine genres, but, in a total perspective, stands apart as a distinctive new type of programming. PREY truly defies placement in a standard genre. Combining the elements of sci-fi, drama, romance, adventure, saga, current events and mystery, PREY stands apart as a fresh and innovative program. Hard to define and hard to forget, PREY moves people who are looking for distinctive programming.

PREY- extraordinary programming with a unique vision for an exciting future- yours and ours!

Gina Evers

The gift was a framed 5X7 card that said "Innovation- The best way to predict the future is to create it."

As always, let's follow up with the executives and reinforce this week's theme. Thanks.

2. Susan has presented the check to HFH and I have received their acknowledgement letter. The HFH gift is set for Sept. 17th. I will try to get as much PR for us as possible. Mary S. is again working with us on contacting new spapers online and I will make sure that all national newspapers and entertainment sites online get it. I think that TV Gen will do another article for us and I am going to see if the writer who worked with us can also present the idea to the paper TV Guide. Thanks again to all who contributed. Mary Ann is continuing in Canada with the Canadian HFH. Info to follow when that campaign is completed.

3. Susan ( boy is she busy, need to check both her and Bob for tattoos :-) ) is also representing Prey at the Sci-Fi writers convention in Atlanta this weekend. Thanks for all your hard work Susan.

4. Next week' s reminder starts another 2 parter on the developing viewer. Part one will feature PET scans from sites (thanks again Bob) and they will be arranged in such a way to show different levels of brain activity from low levels to high levels of activity ( guess which picture goes with Prey fans!!). I am working on some ideas for DNA comparisons too, so ideas are still flowing. The gift will be this neat book on the brain that is very short ( really more of a paper back) with loads of great pictures discussing the active brain.

5. With the message board down, I just wanted to repeat part of a posting that I placed there Tuesday. Briefly, I know that fans had started to repost messages from Prey production people on the board. I think that is a great idea and it gives new fans a chance to read some of the thoughts of the people behind Prey. However, I think that the comments need to stay on our board and not be reposted on other boards. The comments were posted in trust and in trust we need to leave them with us. Thanks

6. More mugs will be mailed out Saturday. Thanks for your patience.

Well, I will get back to work on the message board issue. Thanks for your patience. We will get a board up as quickly as I can manage. I will keep everyone up to date as soon as I know anything. Don't worry, there is room in cyberspace for us. I just want to try and maintain our same URL, even if it cost money now.

Closing thought: "Those on the top of the mountain didn't fall there!!"
