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Update - #39
September 7, 1998


Hi all- Well, our PREY For Us campaign site is launched and ready to go. I have obtained a redirect URL for the site so that people only have to type in a few words, verses a string of words. The URL for our new site is


To help people know where they are in the site (and bookmark a page if they wish), I have turned off the "cloaking device" that the redirect company provides that hides my "real" URLs. When you look at the URL address box, you see the actual site address. The shortened "" URL is to help people get to the site quickly and make it easy for people to remember. The actual URL (FYI) is

Either the actual or the redirect URL will take you to the site. However, for obvious reasons, we will use the shortened one in campaign info.


I hope that the site proves helpful and interesting to PREY fans. Please spread the word to fans and friends. If you post at message boards about PREY, please give them the new "" URL. I will be updating and enhancing the site each week. Check back often. I am counting on all of us to help spread the word about the new site. Thanks.


1. I have been emailing the current message board (hi-fun) company all weekend. I do have another message board lined up to use if need be. The message board company that we were using has promised me that they will have a new server in 2 days. At that point they can give us space again for a new message board. Our old messages and info WILL NOT transfer over as they are locked in the servers of the old server company and they have not released them. Hi-fun can provide a redirect service so people can use our old URL to get to the new message board ( a distinct advantage). There are many factors involved in the message board decision. First off, I do not "own" our current message board. It was created by Tiffany as a part of her PREY site. I have not been able to get in touch with her ( her email keeps coming back). Legally and morally, I can not take her message board from her. I can create another one with either the current company (hi-fun) or another company of my choosing. It has been several days and I have not heard from Tiffany. If anyone has, please pass onto her that I need to contact her and discuss this. I have an obligation to her, certainly, but a primary obligation to our campaign. In line with my primary obligation, if I don't hear from Tiffany by Wednesday, I will create and post another message board at the new campaign site. If I create it, I will be able to monitor it closely and provide timely help if there is a future problem. I will keep you up-to-date as soon as I have any new information. I suppose if this had to happen, it is good that it happened on Labor Day weekend with many people away from their computers.


2. Weekly reminders will continue as always. You will receive update info by email if you are on my email list or it will be posted on the new campaign site and at the new message board ( which should be up by Thursday certainly).


Thanks for you patience in all this. Please continue to keep your spirits up as we work through this. I have been working hard on the new site and have not been to the WB board much this past weekend. Please know that I continue to work towards our goal of getting PREY renewed for a second season and that I will continue to do my best to facilitate all of your wonderful efforts. (If I am not posting know that I am working none the less :-) ) Hope to be back with you guys on the boards now that the site is launched. Missed you guys!

