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Update - #40
September 10, 1998


Hi all- good news, we have a PREY message board back up and ready to be filled up with comments from PREY fans. Thank you to Tiffany for recreating a new board for us. You will find that the "WE ARE THE PREY" message board site links are active now and will take you to the message board from the "PREY For Us" site. If you are reading this in the email, the URL for the new message board is

I have also created a back up board which I will hold onto in case it is needed again. Communication is vital to our campaign and, as we can all attest to now, a week is one heck of a long time in cyberspace.

However, if all things happen for a purpose, I do think that we did gain a very important bonus from our time on the Warner Brothers board- we gave a very clear and compelling picture of the interest that PREY still generates among fans around the world. Of course with WB being the studio that produced PREY( and the one that could be instrumental in deciding where to go with PREY in the future), the strong showing of interest is a clear plus for our campaign.

Although I think we need to use our home board ( in the control of a PREY fan verses a corporation-WB) as our main message board, I think that we should continue to visit and post at the WB board often. The strong showing that we made will only help PREY. We can just think of it as our "home away from home" for PREY messages.


1. Our Prey weekly reminder is in the mail today and it is a neat one (thanks again DNA Bob for your help with research and sites). The theme is television and the brain ( of course the idea being that PREY is a show that stimulates thinking and feeling verses simply occupying space on a sofa. The front and inside of the card are below. If you are viewing this from the site, you will see the actual images, email readers will just see the text. Hop over to our site-- to see the images. As always, we want to follow up with the network executives to reinforce our reminder. As always, I have emphasized what is stimulating and unique about PREY verses engaging in negative comments about other programming.



Television & Your Brain-

The Fast Course


Your brain unengaged


Your brain watching regular TV


Your brain watching PREY


Any Questions?


 Dear Ms. _________,

Comedy, drama, sci-fi- regardless of the programming genre, something needs to happen in the mind of the viewer, a connection needs to be made that prompts that person to tune in again and stay tuned in despite the wide range of programming choices. People want to bond and connect to a show, to find a reason to choose that program week after week. Although the reasons may vary from person to person, shows that are able to arouse passion and loyalty are important assets to a network. Rarely do connections form immediately, either in television programming or in life. People need time and opportunity to get to know a show and develop that connection that will motivate them to tune in again. Just as in life, people may fall in love "at first sight" with a program, but rapid attractions, whether for a person or a program, can evaporate as quickly as they started.

PREY is a program that has an obvious potential to engage the viewer on many levels. PREY is intelligent, thought-provoking, and soul-stirring drama. You find both your mind and heart deeply engaged while watching and the ideas, the feelings linger long after the program concludes. A show that stays in your heart and mind, one that moves people to fight for its survival with determination and passion, one that represents excellence in its creation, direction, production, writing, and acting- this is not a throw away show, it is a show to fight for, to hold onto and to develop.

You can search forever for that unique show that grabs your mind and heart in an instant or you can look around you and discover the program right there waiting for you- PREY.

Gina Evers


2. Valerie has contacted Mark Wyman at Visimag, the company that publishes both Xpose and TV Zone magazines. Thanks to her initiative, he has agreed to post a link to our PREY campaign at his site. I would like to encourage our members to thank him and share your interest in seeing info about PREY in his magazines. For those reading this from the site, please click to go to the site for Visimag or send Mr. Wyman an email at

3. As the new season approaches, our PREY alumni are probably working furiously on their new projects. Despite our continuing efforts to renew PREY, we also understand that we don't hurt PREY by showing our support for the cast and crew of PREY in their new efforts. We are supporting people, not a network. I have posted some links to sites that contain info about the new shows of the PREY cast and crew, that I know about. You might want to visit and, when possible, leave a message of support for them.

Debra Messing (Will & Grace) Monday, 9:30, on NBC


Vincent Ventresca (Maggie Winters) Wednesday, 8:30, on CBS

site--- (the site is cloaked, so you will have to navigate to get to Maggie Winters, I couldn't see what the exact site URL was for the Maggie Winters page)

Mark Morgan- musical composer(Vengeance Unlimited) Thursday, 8:00, on ABC


Drew Matich-PREY associate producer(Hyperion Bay) Monday, 9:00, on WB

I haven't found a site yet for the new show, but you can leave a message at the Hyperion Bay message board at

4. As most of you know, Susan and Mary have been working on our PREY For Us campaign donation to Habitat for Humanity. That will be our weekly reminder next week. I am working on a large publicity effort and will post info and suggestions for us to maximize our efforts in the Monday update. I want to coordinate the publicity so that network executives and Mr. Schmidt have the info and background before other publicity is posted. Please check back on Monday and, if possible, plan to lend a hand in our effort. Thanks again to Susan and Mary for all their hard work.

5. We have funds in our PREY For Us campaign to last through September. However, we will need additional funds to support weekly reminders for October on. To conserve funds, I am only mailing out mugs when payment is received. I thought I would be able to continue to send them out as I have been doing, but funds do not allow that. I want to make sure that we can continue our weekly reminders and that they are interesting and appealing. Mailing out to the 14 individuals runs from $3-8 per gift and from $1-3 dollars for postage per gift. Of course next week the "gift" is the HFH reminder and that is just the cost of a stamp. Thanks to those of you who have continued to support our efforts with your contributions and ideas. Your enthusiasm and support mean a lot. The weekly reminders may not be as flashy as an ad in Variety, but I bet the ad from Variety isn't sitting on the CBS executive's desk- Bongo is!! For information on how you can contribute to our PREY reminder fund, please email me at

Well guys, it has been one interesting week. We have ventured out onto the WB board and created a fascinating picture for the WB people about the PREY fan. We have a new campaign site and great ideas coming up for weekly reminder gifts ( wait till you hear about the idea that Sharon L. came up with!!). Our numbers are growing, as is the passion for this exceptional show. As you have done time after time in the past, you shouldered the message board going down with the courage and spirit that is the norm for PREY fans. Your enduring support for PREY, and for each other, is a testament to your character and heart. Our journey continues, our passion continues, and most importantly, PREY continues and will as long as we hold onto it with passion and persistence.

