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Update - #42
September 21, 1998

Hi all- as promised, more details about our Habitat for Humanity campaign. If you haven't seen update #41, check it out for the text from the letters to and from HFH.


1. At the bottom of this update you will find the letter that was sent to the network executives today( viewed at the site you will see the picture and graphic). Of course our "gift" is the gift from your heart- the donation of $805.00 to Habitat for Humanity. Our Canadian members are finishing up their campaign and I will post their information as soon as I get it. As always, we want to follow up on our weekly reminder. This week though we are expanding our followup to try and gain some more exposure for PREY.

I have contacted the following groups by either email or regular mail: all newspapers with circulations over 300,000 in the US; the following online entertainment sites- TV Gen, Hollywood Reporter, and Ultimate TV; the following media/entertainment sources- People Weekly, Entertainment Weekly, Entertainment Tonight, Variety, TV Zone, Cinefantastique, Sci-Fi Universe, Mr. Show Biz, TV Now, Access Hollywood, E-Entertainment TV, CNN Showbiz Today, The Rosie O'Donnell show, Live with Regis and Kathy Lee, The Tonight Show, The View, Today ( the Today show is receiving a more complete portfolio with ideas for stories on our PREY campaign- if you are going to go for it- go for the big one!), Inside Edition, and Viewer's Voice; Habitat affiliates in Los Angeles and New York, and lastly, Home Depot and Lowe's.

As you can see, I am really trying to take this idea as far as we can. It would really be helpful if our members could followup with the media and share your desire to see our campaign and what we are doing get more exposure. Of course we don't want to neglect the network executives, but what I would love is to send them some clippings or ( think big) video in a couple of weeks of followup publicity for our efforts. Let's make sure that we all lend a hand to share the great Habitat for Humanity idea and the great show we all love.

2. FYI, at the bottom of the letters I sent to the network executives, I wrote a handwritten comment congratulating them on the Emmys their network won. Never hurts to be polite. Of the networks we are writing to, the following number of Emmys were won by each: NBC-12, ABC-8, FOX-5, CBS-4, and TNT-3. If you would like more specific information about the Emmy awards, check out any of the several entertainment resources at the resources page of this website.

3. Next week our weekly reminder is a fascinating gift thought of and created by Preyfan Sharon L. She has linked the Spanish Flu episode #9 with our gift and created a "Flu Prevention/Care Kit" containing everything from tissues to waterless hand cleanser and, of course, packets of chicken soup! With the zeal of a 1.6er, she also packaged, addressed and stamped them and sent them on to me for the letter. More details to follow next week. I sure feel better already :-).

I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see the many creative and fascinating ideas and projects that PREY fans share with me. As a kind of check-in point, I am lucky enough to see so much talent and passion. At this moment we have people designing posters, working on online projects that will expand our messages, creating PREY hats and calendars, planning upcoming convention representation, working on media mailing lists, etc. The PREY fan is always thinking and exploring ways to help in our efforts. Our collective strength is truly our individual initiatives that we choose to combine into one powerful collective campaign. Hundreds of people who are leaders in their own right, creative, talented and strong professionals, collaborate and share ideas with a collective passion and purpose. Where else would you find so many talented leaders working together with such a united vision? You have created a very powerful community made up of the best that society has to offer. You are leaders with heart and vision. PREY is in excellent hands.


"The people who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world are the ones who do."


Letter to the network executives





Dear _________


PREY is a unique show that deals with the survival of the human race. In real life, people struggle on a daily basis to obtain some of the basic human needs that many of us are fortunate enough to take for granted. As you know, PREY fans have been working to showcase the originality and passion of this exceptional show. However, we thought it time to take our passion for PREY and put it to use in the real world to help solve some real survival issues that people face. It is not just the program that is exceptional and original- PREY fans are also exceptional people who have chosen to make this week's "gift" something that reaches out beyond your office and into the world of people working to build a better life for themselves. So, our "gift" to you is a donation to Habitat for Humanity in the name of PREY fans from across the United States. Our Canadian PREY fans are also participating in a drive and will be sending in their donations soon.

Not your normal campaign strategy, but then again, PREY is not your normal "easy to define" program. PREY is as unique as the people who love it. Both PREY and its fans are filled with passion and a vision for what television can offer. Gutsy, fresh, original- PREY is a program that inspires, that moves both the mind and the heart. Quality, vision, the ability to inspire passion and contemplation- surely these are the elements that you search for. They are certainly the elements we search for in programming. Fortunately, we found them in PREY, you can too.  

Gina Evers