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Update - #45
September 28, 1998

 Hi all, hope this update finds everyone well.


1. Several weeks ago, one of our dedicated Preymates took it upon herself to work on creating a tape containing all the scenes that Mr. Storke has been a part of. In a true labor of love, Cheri has put together a video that spans Mr. Storke's 21 years of acting ( yes, he started quite young, 15, I believe). Cheri was kind enough to send me a copy of the tape. I have to be honest, although Preymates have been discussing the various parts Mr. Storke has portrayed, this was my first time seeing them. He has indeed played an interesting cross section of characters! Cheri has recorded the scenes on both a single tape and a double tape. The single tape is convenient as it has all the scenes on one tape, but if you are looking for a slower ( eg. higher quality recording) the double tape might be your choice. I previewed the single tape and found that it was fine for me. Cheri has offered to make copies for interested Preyfans for the cost of the tape and postage. She also created a wonderful bio sheet describing the scenes and sharing some info about Mr. Storke's character in each one. She is donating all her time and efforts as a gift to Preyfans. If you are interested, please email Cheri at She can give you further information. Thank you Cheri for your much appreciated gift to Preyfans.

2. Liz has created a wonderful new campaign poster that Jeanne is working to place on her site so we can access it. Although the Windows version is fine, Jeanne is still working on the Macintosh version. I expect to post a link in the Thursday update. This poster is truly fantastic. It is certainly worth the wait. Check the campaign site on Thursday for the link to this marvelous creation. Thanks again to Liz for her creative efforts and to Jeanne for working so hard to make it convenient for PREY fans to access.

3. As promised, I wanted to share with you a little about the next reminder gift. As I mentioned, the inspiration for the idea came from a quote that DNA Bob sent me a few weeks back. I will share the quote on Thursday, but the basic idea is the need to continually move ahead, that both the prey and the predator will suffer if they fail to keep moving. The network people will be getting both a card and a mouse pad with the quote on it. I think you all will like both the picture and the quote when you see it on Thursday in update #46. This picture "grabs" you!! Hope you like it. Check back Thursday!

4. As most of you know, 2 of our Prey production members have had their new shows premiere already. Both Hyperion Bay ( PREY associate producer Drew Matich) and Will & Grace ( Debra Messing) debuted last week. This week, we have Vengeance Unlimited ( PREY musical composer Mark Morgan) and Maggie Winters ( Vincent Ventresca). Times for all the shows are listed below. Although I did not see Will & Grace, I did see the first episode of Hyperion Bay and found it to be a very well done show. The central themes certainly hit home with me and I think that there is a great deal of potential in the show. Great job Mr. Matich!

Hyperion Bay, Monday at 9:00 on the WB network

Will & Grace, Monday at 9:30 on NBC

Vengeance Unlimited, (Premiere) Tuesday, September 29th at 10:00 on ABC, then moves to its regular time on Thursdays at 8:00 on Oct. 1st

Maggie Winters, (Premiere) Wednesday, September 30th at 8:30 on CBS

5. As you compose your letters to network executives, you might want to mention the increasing number of posts that we are accumulating at the WB message board. Out of 31 topics to post on, PREY is number 5 and moving on with over 2800 messages. Considering that we are one of the newer boards and considering the fact that the other shows are still in production, I think that gives you another strong piece of evidence to share with TPTB as you create a case for the potential of PREY. Every time we can give them another fact, another piece of publicity, we build a stronger and stronger case for PREY.


I am sure that most canceled shows are just expected to drift off to that big back lot in cancellation land. The vast majority of the time, fans lose interest and just move on. Actors and production people who have put their hearts into a production move on out of necessity. Although I certainly can't speak for them, it seems to me that in this constant process of letting go of visions, of dreams for the potential of a show, these talented people must leave parts of themselves behind. How many parts can you afford to lose before you lose heart and play it safe, before you become a settler versus a pioneer? It is hard to fight a battle on your own. Imagine the heart and effort put into a production such as PREY, only to have its fate dangle at the whim of Nielsen numbers and who knows what other variables that make up the industry. However, by holding on tight and refusing to let that happen to PREY, you are giving Mr. Schmidt and the people fighting for PREY a reason to keep striving. Your spirit and heart help encourage and strengthen the faith and vision of the people battling for PREY. Your refusal to let quality die helps give them the strength to continue the fight on their end. No guarantees guys, you know that. No guarantee but this, if we don't try, if we don't give it our best effort while there is still a chance, there is no chance.

I can only speak for myself, but here is where I stand. I will walk away when and only when there is no chance left, when Mr. Schmidt has said enough, when every network and cable channel has said no way and I can't find any other pathway to move on this. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this show is worth fighting for or I wouldn't be doing this. I have been called stubborn and hard headed, determined and persistent ( and, I dare say, a whole lot more) and they are right to some extent. I do fight hard for what I believe in, and I believe in PREY, its vision, its potential, its quality. I believe in supporting the people who have the guts to create this type of program. I believe that you stand behind and beside what you value. Well I and all the devoted PREY fans out there are still standing, still believing, and still fighting. I won't walk on PREY, I won't, and I have lots of company.

