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Update - #46
October 1, 1998

Hi all- lots of links today in the update. If you are reading this in an email or on the message board, you might want to also check out the campaign web site at so you can see the beautiful picture that is part of the weekly gift as well as having the convenience of clicking on the many links I will share today.


1. Our newest campaign poster is online and beautiful. Liz designed a fantastic work of art and Jeanne has worked hard to get it online for us all. We now have 3 campaign posters that have been created. Our first poster announced the return of PREY last June. The picture is wonderful although the information was designed to get people to tune into episodes 9-13. The second poster, our beautiful and haunting cage poster, was used in our July campaign. Our newest poster is all ready to be downloaded and printed out. You might want to print out one copy on your printer and then zerox some to send with letters. The poster is so neat that I used some high quality glossy picture paper to create a "keeper" copy for me and then ran some more to use for mailings. Be sure to read the printing directions. You may have to try some different settings to get it just right on your printer. I will place the links below, but you will also be able to find them on our resources page at the campaign site. Enjoy and thanks again Liz and Jeanne.


2. Many of our devoted PREY fans have found places where we can show our support for PREY by voting on the show and/or actors. I would encourage everyone to click on the links below and then bookmark them so you can vote each day for our favorite show. When the polling is all done, I will print out the results and both share them at the site and include them with future publicity. Thanks to the Preymates who have found these sources and please let me know anytime you come across a chance to support PREY.


3. For those of you who have seen Hyperion Bay, there is a message board for the show at the WB message boards. Check out the discussions of this intelligent drama. This gives you a chance to get in at the beginning of the discussions and, as some of the original members of our group can tell you, it is fascinating to watch a community of viewers grow for a show. Drew Matich, associate producer for PREY, is also the associate producer for Hyperion Bay.

4. As you know, ABC has reopened their message boards. With all due respect, the boards can be difficult to navigate. I have included a link below that should take you to the sign in page for the area that contains the PREY discussions. PREY is under the section that includes favorite canceled shows. Just a word, I have found that I am unable to access the ABC boards directly from AOL. I have to open up with AOL and then switch to a different browser ( in my case Netscape Navigator). There seems to be some kind of firewall that stops the AOL browser from getting through. I have posted a message there inviting PREY fans to join us at our campaign site and both message boards. Thanks to all the Preyfans who have posted positive messages about our favorite show.

5. For those of you who like a bit of competition, PREY is doing a great job in the postings at the WB message board. Out of 31boards, PREY is number 5 and moving up. Keep in mind that the 4 shows ahead of PREY are still running. Not bad for a show that hasn't had a new episode in months. The standings as of Thursday, Oct. 1st:

  • La Femme Nikita: 9309
  • Dawson's Creek: 6384
  • Babylon 5: 4051
  • Invasion America: 3532
  • PREY: 3278

6. This week's reminder gift was inspired by a quote sent to me by DNA Bob. I think you will agree that the quote and accompanying picture matches both the spirit of our beloved show and the dedicated PREY fans. I so loved the picture that was featured on the mouse pad ( along with the quote) that I emailed the company and they agreed to let me post the picture and quote on our web site. The company, Successories, makes many beautiful items designed to motivate and inspire. I have included a link to their web site below. A big thank you to Laura at Successories for letting me share this picture and quote. Enjoy.



Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed...every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle...when the sun comes up, you'd better be running.

(Quote and picture courtesy of Successories, Inc.


The text that accompanied the mouse pad is below:

Dear _________,

It seems that we do spend a lot of time running in today's world. New ideas, new technologies and new expectations necessitate that all industries constantly examine and re-examine what they are doing. With the never ending flow of ideas, standing still is the same as moving backwards.

However, despite this constant current of change, some things are enduring- the yearning to move our hearts and minds through entertainment and the desire to bond to programming. Excellent programming throughout the years has brought these two elements together. To feel, to think, to care about what we watch, these are immensely powerful elements. In a world filled with entertainment choices, programming that moves people, that creates passion and contemplation is a program that merits a studied look.

Reality- shows come and go quickly. People watch dozens of shows live out their short programming life and then let them go. Nothing clicked, nothing grabbed the viewer with a passion worth fighting for.

Not so with PREY. PREY continues to capture the attention and affection of fans from all over despite the fact that we haven't seen a new episode in months. Are we still talking? Check out the Warner Brothers message board- over 3000 posts in one month, making it the 5th most active board out of 31 listed and moving up. Does PREY still move us? Check out the campaign site and twice weekly updates on campaign activities.

PREY captures the viewer with passion and intelligence. In the race to survive, PREY has the heart and potential of a champion. Now, all it needs is the opportunity.

Gina Evers


7. Next week's reminder gift will take the network executives back in time to the old Los Angeles/ Hollywood area. More on that Monday :-)

8. Thanks to the Preyfans who have sent in extra money with their mug orders and to support the campaign. I am trying my best to keep expenses down and use every dollar to the best of my ability. I want to continue to send unique reminder items that keep PREY in front of them in the weeks ahead. Your support makes that possible. The available funds will carry us through the next couple of weeks. Thanks for any support you can give for our efforts.


Let me close with a quote from Cervantes:

"He who loses wealth loses much, he who loses a friend loses more; but he that loses courage loses all."
