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Update - #47
October 5, 1998

Hi all, again I have a lot of great links for you in this update. If you are reading this from the message board or as an email message, be sure to check out the campaign site to click and access the many links.

1. If you haven't had a chance to get to the We Are The Prey message board, Mark Morgan stopped by and posted. An enthusiastic Prey fan along with us, he posted a great message. Stop by and check it out. Welcome back Mr. Morgan!

2. As some of your know, Tiffany ( the creator of the We Are The Prey message board) is working on ways to upgrade our current board. It may or may not be possible, so she has temporarily designed a new board with another message board company. She invites everyone to stop by, try it out, and see what you think. No official change has been made, this is just a chance for everyone to see what they think. We need to weigh the advantages of the new board versus the disadvantages of moving to a new URL. There are still facts and issues to consider, but please see what you think. Further info will be posted. The URL is

3. Speaking of new ideas, I would like to invite everyone to share ideas about ways that we can improve our campaign and/or campaign site. I have gotten some positive suggestions from members and I appreciate their initiative and passion for PREY. One idea from Preyfan Clinton ( no not Bill!) is to create a Canadian page at the site to give people contacts to lobby Canadian networks as another avenue for PREY. With all the dedicated PREY fans in Canada and at least one very talented PREY director ( hi Mr. Corcoran :-) ), I think that is an excellent idea. To all our Canadian PREY fans, please help with suggestions so I can create a useful page for everyone. Just email me with your ideas for networks, entertainment media to lobby, etc.

4. We remain number 5 on the WB message board out of 31 boards. Numbers as of Oct.5th:

  • La Femme Nikita- 9812
  • Dawson's Creek- 7009
  • Babylon 5- 4177
  • Invasion America- 3727
  • PREY- 3568

5. Please remember to vote at both the Celebrity 1000 and Cybersoup polls. We want to continue to show the networks that PREY is a show with strong support.

6. I received a very brief email from an exhausted Preyfan, LeeAnn, who shared that she had a chance to talk with Debra Messing at the VQT convention in CA this past weekend. She promised to share more details soon. She did say that Ms. Messing was very polite and cordial to her. More to follow!

7. In my research for this week's reminder gift, I came across several fascinating sites that I wanted to share with all of you. The theme this week is the "golden days" of Hollywood and I thought you might want to check out these sites:

  • Interested in learning more about Time Warner, the mega company that owns Warner Brothers? This site has lots of details and info
  • As many of you know, Warner Brothers is celebrating its 75th anniversary and this site will share lots of history and info
  • Want to make a movie or television program at WB ( or just see what you could do there)? This site introduces you to the WB Studio facilities and what is available there. Pictures and lots of fascinating info
  • Visit the WB virtual lot and learn more about the history of Warner Brothers
  • Want to see where your letters are going? This site takes you on a studio tour and several of the photos show places our letters are going to
  • OK, you can't resist. You want in on the action, if you just knew where the action was. Well, here is your very own "Shoot Sheet". This site provides you with details about all kinds of filming going on around LA. This week you could see, among hundreds of others, both Vengeance Unlimited and Hyperion Bay being filmed. This site is updated frequently, so check back often if you plan to visit the area. Your guide...

8. Speaking of history, the weekly reminder gifts this week will take the executives back in time to the early days of Hollywood/LA . I spent hours looking through boxes of old postcards in antique stores and found some unique and fascinating pictures of the LA area as it looked in the 1920's-40's ( with an emphasis on the studios and movie/TV industry). I even found a postcard of the old NBC studios, so that will go to Mr. Littlefield at NBC. The pictures are fascinating and the accompanying card (and our website) will feature a beautiful black and white image of a Hollywood studio dating back to 1915. Very detailed and fascinating. More details on Thursday.

9. We have members getting ready to represent PREY again at the upcoming Farpoint convention in Baltimore Maryland on November 13th-15th. Diane S. is organizing the troops and would appreciate any ideas from members who have attended previous conventions. If you are interested in attending and /or have some hints and/or help for Diane, please email her at If you are interested in learning more about the convention, check out the Farpoint site at


Let me close with a quote that speaks to the efforts of Preyfans:

"Passion is powerful...nothing was ever achieved without it, and nothing can take its place. No matter what you face in life, if your passion is great enough, you will find the strength to succeed. Without passion, life has no meaning. So, put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts...this is the essence of passion. This is the secret of life."

(Mac Anderson, Successories, Inc.)

