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Update - #49
October 12, 1998

Hi all, just a short update today. As always, if you are reading this as an email or on the message board, please be sure to check out our campaign site for convenient links to site mentioned.

1. The staff members at the WB message board have posted a message asking us to not post numbers of messages like a competition. I think they are worried about a "posting war" which can be a problem for message boards. I know that we have never posted for the sake of running up numbers. Our Preyfans are busy professionals who post to share insights and ideas, along with our passion for PREY. However, the WB people have to have guidelines that are fairly imposed on all to help keep cyberspace running smoothly. So, despite the fact that I know that Preyfans were simply sharing info and demonstrating their enthusiasm for the continuing devotion to PREY, I would ask that we follow their guidelines and no longer post info about PREY message posts in comparison to the other shows. Certainly we can monitor and share that info with people in our letters, however, as good neighbors in our invited cyberhome, let's honor their request. Thanks for your help and understanding in this matter.

2. Speaking of letters, I hope that you are continuing to followup our weekly reminders with letters. Our true strength is in our combined efforts. October is the month that script deals tend to wrap up and studios start finalizing their projects for the year ahead. Let's continue our efforts to help give PREY the opportunity it deserves.

3. As I was changing stations on the radio today in Florida, I heard someone say "the stars of Will & Grace" so I listened in and sure enough, Ms. Messing and her co-star were doing an interview with a Florida station. Basically the interview gave them a chance to talk about their new show. Ms. Messing was very considerate and upbeat during the interview. I didn't hear anything about PREY and, truth be told, despite all the best wishes I have for Ms. Messing, I couldn't help but be a bit angry about the virtually nonexistent promotion that PREY had. Well, that is water under the bridge. Our job now is to try as hard as we can to give PREY enough support so that TPTB will take a second look at a first class show.

4. For those few remaining Preyfans who have sent in checks for mugs and not received them, I have not forgotten you. The last 3 batches of mugs were not up to standard and I rejected them. The printing company has had lots of trouble with their transfer machine ( I think our huge order broke it !). I have rejected as many mugs as I have taken. I have asked them to get them done elsewhere if necessary, but that I wouldn't take seconds. Please know that I will get the mugs to you asap. These are the last of the mugs that will be ordered, so I am not taking any more orders now. Thanks for your patience. Please email me if you want to check that I have your order on hold.

5. Sharon is stepping out in 1.6er mode again. She made a trip to the Smithsonian this weekend and found some comet reminder items. She is sending them to me and I will look through and find one that will match the idea that Carol had of tying our weekly reminder in with the fictious Kewley's comet this month. I will announce when the items are in and let you know what week in October they will be ready for. This week I will use the idea of nurturing quality with a Petri dish containing a PREY item. More info on Thursday.

6. Have to share this neat email I received the other day. It seems that PREY is making its way around the planet. Here is the text of an email from a Preyfan: "Driving to work yesterday ( after 2 hours sleep the night before)...I pull up behind a car with this bumper sticker in the back window 'LEWIS...PREY YOU DON'T MEET HIM' By the time it had sunk in, the car had turned left and gone...must be another JM fan in Perth as Prey hasn't been shown here yet.."

7. Happy Thanksgiving Day to our Canadian Preyfans. Also Happy Columbus Day to those of us in America.

8. Please remember to vote at both the Celebrity 1000 and Cybersoup polls. We want to continue to show the networks that PREY is a show with strong support.

9. Please let me know when other polls open up that we could share our support for PREY on. I don't get to read all the postings, so if you would email me at, I would appreciate it. I will include a message and link in a future update to allow people to vote for PREY. Also, anytime you have news about convention activities or other PREY related ideas, please share them with me so we can let others know.


Let me close with a thought that came to me the other day. I was thinking about all the efforts that we have put into our campaign. So much heart and courage week after week. You ask yourself if the price may be too high. I finally decided that although the price of our passion is high, the price to go through life without passion is even higher!

