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Update - #50
October 15, 1998

Hi all- in today's update, there is news about our two newest PREY fan items- baseball hats and calendars. If you are reading this from the message board or email, please be sure to check out the campaign site. You will be able to see our latest reminder card image as well as being able to directly link to info about our PREY hats and calendars. Our campaign site URL-

1. As many of your know, Maggie has been working on putting together a PREY calendar. The calendar is ready and Maggie would be delighted to hear from you. The cost of the calendar is $10.00. If you are interested, please contact Maggie at

2. Liz has also been working on PREY baseball hats and they are ready for you. You have a choice of cream or black hats with the red PREY logo like the one on the opening page of the campaign site. The cost of the hats, including shipping, is $11.31 for US orders and $15.13 for Canadian orders. Please contact Liz at no later than Monday, October 19th so she can complete her order.

Thanks to both Maggie and Liz for putting so much effort into creating some beautiful items for Preyfans.

3. Although I haven't had time to read much of it, it is neat to see Preyfans creating some touching/ funny poems to share their feelings about our much loved show. You just can't keep a Preyfan from finding new ways to express themselves. Maybe someone could collect the many poems, limericks, etc and give them a place on one of the PREY fiction sites. Perhaps someone might like to create a site dedicated to PREY poetry in all its forms.

4. As I was reading my daily email updates on the industry, I noticed that Time Warner just had the most profitable quarter in their history. Cash flow is up 53% this quarter according to Chairman Gerald Levin. PREY's potential has not been touched yet. It would be great to see them invest in the quality that PREY represents.

5. Our weekly reminder this week continues the theme of connections.On the network executive's card this week they will see a picture of human nerve endings. The theme of unseen yet powerful connections is developed in the card. The gift is a slide with the word PREY in the viewing area of the slide. The idea being that sometimes we need to look closely to see the strong connections that bind us to things.

Connections- links to the heart and the mind.

People connect with PREY!


Text inside of card:

Dear _____________

Connections are the essential glue that binds us to ideas, people, groups, and programming. People crave connections and work hard to build and reinforce those connections. In a world where traditional connections of family and community groups are often not as developed, people turn for communal experiences in other forms.

Entertainment has always performed that function. I think about riding "Star Tours" at the Disney MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida. When we approach the dreaded canyon run during our simulator ride, everyone can identify the scene, the experience. We share a link provided by entertainment. Good programming gives people connections, both to a world that exists outside of their experience and one that exists within them. PREY manages to script both of these worlds in a beautifully blended fashion. The viewer gets to immerse themselves in a world of both possibility and reality. We search both our imagination and our soul as we consider what we would do and what we are doing when faced with unknown people and emotions.

The image on the front of this card is a photo of human nerve connections, the fragile bonds that allow us to feel and experience the world. PREY also gives us connections, powerful connections, to both our mind and our emotions. Connections are not always easy to see, but their power, their strength, is unquestionable. When you look closely at the outstanding idea that is PREY, you see the ability to create connections. Flashy- no, real- yes! PREY is an idea that deserves a closer look.

Gina Evers

6. Of course we want to continue to contact the network executives to voice our support for PREY and showcase its continuing popularity. Please don't assume someone else will do it. We need every voice, every letter. Our weekly reminder funds have been used. I have two more inexpensive items/ ideas that I can use, but will have no further funds for items after that. I want to continue to send these weekly reminders as long as possible. If you can help with funds or ideas for weekly reminders, please contact me at


As I was typing the heading for this update, the idea of it being number 50 really got me thinking. Looking back over these last 6 months, we have had so much happen. We took a group of intelligent and passionate fans and created an impressive and dedicated cadre of Preymates. From convention representation to creating PREY memorabilia, you all have taken the wonderful creation of the cast and crew of PREY and given it a vital and vibrant life beyond the 13 episodes. PREY was not allowed to just get pushed back into a drawer and written off. You have held on with passion and heart. You never asked for guarantees, you never backed off when things looked bleak, you never gave up on the incredible vision that is PREY.

You are as inspiring as the show you love.
