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Update - #53
October 26, 1998

Hi all. A short update today.

1. As you know, I mentioned running another ad in Variety in November to coincide with sweeps month ( see update #52). The cost of the ad is around $800. That will put a good size ad in both the LA and New York edition of Variety. I think we can get placement across from or near the Neilsen ratings like we did last time so it will have high visibility. So far I have received pledges of around $400.00. That leaves us half way to the goal. If you would like to contribute to the ad, please let me know by Thursday, October 29th. I will announce in the Thursday update if we are able to run the ad. The money won't need to be in until after the ad runs around the second or third week of November.

2. Support continues to run high for PREY on the Warner Brothers' message board. Although we should not post this info as a separate message in deference to the wishes of the WB message board staff, I think you all should know that PREY has passed both Dawson's Creek and Babylon 5. Numbers below:

  • La Femme Nikita 7763
  • Friends 5168
  • PREY 5036

This is certainly info that should be used in letters to let TPTB know of the continuing support for PREY.There are now 42 boards on the WB message board area and PREY is number 3 and moving up. Not bad for a show that has been canceled and not seen for some months. Make sure you let the people you write to know!

3. I heard back from Liz who was investigating us representing PREY at the upcoming online sci-fi convention at the Sci-Fi Channels Dominion board. Unfortunately it is too late to join this year, however, I would encourage our members to register with the Sci-Fi board and post messages about PREY ( some already have, thanks). Certainly anytime you have a chance to share the PREY message, please take advantage of that. I think you will find many people who are still looking for info on PREY. Every week I get new people email me looking for info about the show and our efforts to renew PREY. You can check out the convention at

4. As you know, I continually search for interesting and unique objects to use for weekly reminders to the network executives. I am very excited about the last item in the 3 week comet series and will share more about that in a future update. I have also located and am having sent to me such interesting items as stamps from Oaxaca Mexico and 2000 year old Roman coins. Yes, I do have ideas that link them to PREY and will share in the coming weeks. Boy this is sure a lot more challenging than sending a plant or a fruit basket :-), but a heck of a lot more fun!!

5. An idea was presented on the message board ( one that has been echoed by many PREY fans over the months) about sharing our desire for "official" PREY videos and merchandise. I think it would be an excellent idea to present our requests in a concentrated manner ( not a form letter, but rather as many of us as wish to participate in a specified time period to specified individuals). If we do run the ad, that would be a great time to followup with the merchandise campaign. However, even if we do not do the ad, we can still plan a mailing in November that speaks to the issue of merchandise. I will post more info in a future update.

I continue to remain encouraged about the strong support that PREY commands. Think about it, PREY is a leader on the WB board, despite the fact it is no longer running. The WB board has many popular shows listed and PREY continues to do well. I am positive that WB must know about it and surely the strong and continuing support must mean something to them. After all, their business is to produce and promote shows that can garner strong support. We have one, they just have to see the gem we have loved these last 8+ months. Thanks for your continuing support. Your voices, your heart make a difference.

