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Update - #55
November 5, 1998

Hi all- I have a lot of important news to share with you today. I held off creating an update on Monday to give me time to make sure I had as many facts as possible before I shared them.

On Monday I received a call from an assistant to Mr. Craig. Although complimentary of our efforts, he said that many of the reminder items were ending up in their office unopened by the individuals they were sent to. He stated that WB would not bring back PREY, period.

I will be the first to admit that I am not completely knowledgeable about how the industry works and who "owns" what. Frankly I have heard many different things from many different people. However, in my mind, PREY is the creation of Mr. Schmidt, regardless of who technically owns the show. The idea belongs to him. Therefore, I did not want to do anything until I heard from him. I emailed him and received a prompt response. Let me begin by saying up front that I trust Mr. Schmidt. Of all the people I have talked to, his was the only voice that had the passion and heart that is PREY behind it. He loves this show and has gone through a lot to try and bring his original creation and vision to life. Just from the few details I do know, the experience has been quite an ordeal. What has impressed me though is his heart and determination. Most people invest their time and money in projects, he invested his heart in this one. For those reasons, I believe in and trust him, period.

Having said that, here are some thoughts and suggestions that Mr. Schmidt shared with me.

  • Just as "Star Trek" the original series did not come back "as it was" to television, it is highly unlikely that PREY will. Actors have moved on, and the "PREY" that WB produced is controlled by them and unlikely to surface again. However, the idea that is PREY is another story.
  • Mr. Schmidt wants to see his original vision come back and is working towards that end.
  • Mr. Schmidt suggested that the best way we can help achieve that end is to move from a "boosterism" campaign to a fact one. He is working to gather some facts and info that will be helpful and will share those with us when he can.
  • To make sure our efforts coincide and support his, I would like to work more closely with him. He is tied up with projects till the first of the year, but will then be able to hit this with the passion and effort he wants to.
  • Since bringing back the series right now is remote, our weekly reminders are not doing what we would like them to do and, especially considering that many are unopened, I will discontinue them at this point.
  • Keep the web site up and our conversations going. Keeping PREY as a continuing topic of discussion will help when Mr. Schmidt is working to sell PREY.
  • When we discuss or write about PREY, use facts as much as possible. For example, PREY at it's lowest rating was higher than WB's new show "Hyperion Bay" which has just been picked up for 22 episodes. I have also shared info with you in the past about show ratings and viewing patterns.

People are attracted to shows for different reasons and I know that for some people PREY was a specific combination of actors. Certainly the actors in PREY were marvelous and we all loved watching the interplay between them. I don't know what the future will hold in that area, but I do know that, for me, PREY is much more than an ensemble of actors. It is a brilliant and extraordinary idea that Mr. Schmidt brought to life. I love the vision behind the show. I love it enough to put my heart and passion behind this campaign.

I can't honestly tell you what will happen in the months to come. This is a tough fight. Mr. Schmidt knows it, I know it, and you know it. However, if he has the heart and courage to stand up again after what he went through and keep fighting for PREY, I will stand right beside him and help in any way I can. I have personally committed to helping him for as long as he wants to fight.

I will continue to post updates as info becomes available. I will continue to promote the vision that is PREY as widely as I can. I will do everything I can to bring Mr. Schmidt's vision back.

Certainly each of you reading this will need to decide to what extent you want to be involved in this. Things will be a bit slow for the next couple of months. Future projects will not materialize overnight. I expect to be in this for the long haul and am willing to do so. The nature and course of what we will have to do will shift, in what directions I don't know as of yet. I hope that everyone will find a way that works for them to keep PREY going. From fan fiction to discussion groups to conventions, everytime you talk about PREY you are a positive part of PREY's future. I will always be available by email to answer any questions and help in any way.

I committed to this show back on April 11th and I stand by it, more firmly than before. I believe in PREY and I believe in Mr. Schmidt. I won't walk on either of them.


Some business items- since we will not be sending out weekly reminders, I will return the checks that have come in this past week. Thank you for your kind support.

The Variety ad did get enough pledges to run, but we will hold off for now. I would like to coordinate future efforts of that size with Mr. Schmidt's work to help him make the best impact. I will let everyone know when I hear anything.

For those few people waiting for the mugs, I finally got them and they will go out by Saturday. Thanks for your patience.


I have always told everyone I would be honest with them, and I have always tried to be. I deeply appreciate the wonderful support and encouragement that everyone has shared with each other and me over these last 7 months. Your passion and intelligence have made this a true labor of love. Whatever you decide about the future, you will always be a part of a most extraordinary creation. I hope each of you will find a way to keep the spirit of PREY alive in your heart.

