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Update - #57
November 29, 1998

Hi all- Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that your holiday season has started off well. Again, if you would like the convenience of clicking on the links mentioned, please read this update at our campaign site

1. A big thank you to "Frankie" who spotted an article that mentioned PREY in her TV guide book from her New York newspaper. This was the article that said (referring to Debra Messing)- "Just last spring, she starred in "Prey", a short-lived ABC sci-fi thriller that attracted such a strong cult following that I still receive mail asking when the show will return." This was written by Taylor Michaels of TVData Features. The email is You can also write to them at TVData Features Syndicate, 333 Glen Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801.

We had some fun on the message board with the idea of a "cult status". Stepping out of my "professional" image for just a bit, I think I am gradually getting used to thinking of myself as a cult leader ( probably wearing my original fringed leather vest helped). Do I have the right stuff to be a cult leader?? Yes, I know, you did send me money, however, I am still waiting for men to find me irresistable and drop everything to follow me to some remote island/ rainforest etc. :-).

Ah well, I will continue to refresh my memory of the 70's by watching my Laugh In's 25th Anniversary tape. Putting aside my "consummate professional" persona for just one more minute- I sure know who I would send the "Flying Fickle Finger of Fate " award to!! You bet your sweet bippy! Sock it to 'em.

Frankie sent me a copy of the article and I am sending it along to Mr. Schmidt. This is the kind of information that will be helpful to him when he works to sell the PREY idea. Please let me know anytime you come across something that you think will be helpful to our campaign and always be sure to keep a copy of anything so I can make sure Mr. Schmidt gets it. This is a wonderful way to support our efforts. If people are still asking about PREY, that makes a statement about the quality of the show.

2. As some of you know, we had a visit on our message board from an individual who is watching PREY right now in Sweden. I have sent him some information about our campaign site. I have received many positive comments from viewers overseas who have seen PREY.

3. As many of you know, the shakeups continue at the top in network land. Peter Roth has been replaced by Doug Herzog as the entertainment president at FOX. Interestingly, Mr. Herzog, like Mr. Sassa who replaced Warren Littlefield at NBC, also has his roots in cable television. I don't think it is merely coincidence that is placing successful cable people in the top spot at networks. Increasingly, cable television is drawing from the big 4 networks and certainly networks are working to try and bring some of the creative vision from those ranks into their own. We know that cable is willing to take the risks that often bring success more than the networks do. They are also more willing to nurture programs to help them build their audiences. I hope that these changes will help the networks re-examine their programming practices. You might want to welcome both Mr. Sassa and Mr. Herzog and let them know about our campaign. I have changed the listings at the network address page to reflect the new names.

4. As you know, PREY was recently represented at two conventions- Primedia and Farpoint. I hope that everyone has had a chance to read the wonderful comments of our Preymates who attended. It is certainly a wonderful way to share the PREY message while meeting interesting people/ aliens! Attendance at conventions is a great way to keep the PREY vision alive while Mr. Schmidt works on his end to get PREY back to us. The contacts you make and the chance to let people know that there is a group of people supporting PREY is an important way to support this incredible show. I deeply appreciate the efforts of all those intrepid Preymates who undertake this mission. You are making a very real contribution to the show we love ( while also having fun, talk about your win -win situation!).

5. Many of you have had a chance to visit the message board that Jeanne created in conjunction with her class project . It is very similar to the one we had in the beginning and I am trying to get it for us on a permanent basis. If you have not visited, please check it out at the following URL:

I am working to see if AOL will let me set up the message board, which uses a cgi script, at my website. I am waiting to hear back from them. The message board is a shareware product, the cost is not that much to use it, however, it is the placement of it on a server that can handle it that is the concern. As with everything, you get what you pay for. Servers that will let you run a cgi script for free tend to not have the reliability and capacity that you want and ones that have the reliability and capacity charge for it ( from $75-200) per month). I will continue to explore options. Jeanne is being a wonderful helpin this process, thanks Jeanne! If any of you have any suggestions, please email me. Thanks for your patience.

6. If you haven't had a chance yet to visit Jeanne's PreyTalks listserve, check it out. You will need to register at and then you can join the group at

7. As always, our Canadian Preymates are working hard to support our show. Mary Ann has started a thread on the Space: The Imagination Station "Suggest a Forum" message board entitled "Support for PREY". If you would like to join in, please check out this link

You can also email them at or snail mail them at

Space: The Imagination Station, 299 Queen Street West, Toronto, Canada M5V 2Z5

As we move into the holiday season, I can hardly believe that almost a year has passed since PREY came into our lives. It has been an eventful year. PREY has given many of us a reason to watch TV and a determination to be a part of the process that influences what is shown. Active, intelligent, passionate, and persistent, Preyfans are a very special group of people. You have maintained a professional, yet fun loving atmosphere that welcomes people and creates both excellent discussions and good friendships. You are an example to the Internet community of the best that a group of concerned citizens can be. I am proud to be a part of such an exceptional group of people. Just know that I remain committed to this exceptional show and the talented people who created it. PREY is far more than a network or any one individual, it is an outstanding creative vision and I will continue to do whatever I can to see Mr. Schmidt's vision brought back to the viewers. Quality, whether it be in people or programming, is too rare and precious to let go of easily. I have both patience and tenacity and am willing to use both of them for the show we all love.
