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Update - #61
January 9, 1999

Hi all- just a short update today.

1. Our new message board is up and ready for your inspection. Please drop by and let us know what you think. As I mentioned earlier, Jeanne took on the task of finding and creating a new message board for us that could meet as many of the needs and wishes that we had for a message board at a cost we could afford. This board is free and of course there is a small ad placed as discreetly as possible. Jeanne explored many possible ways to create a cgi message board that could handle our volume and still deliver the features we wanted. Briefly we have space for 250 messages ( that will make the loading and scrolling manageable) and they will be deleted as new messages come in. We also have the old format back where new messages are highlighted with a tag ( boy do I appreciate that) and you are informed as to how many new messages you have when you return. Your name and email will be placed in the response box after you first log in and all the features from the old board are available. Also, I will make sure that the board is monitored on a frequent basis and if there is any problem, just contact me. Please visit and let us know what you think. Your feedback is important. I will be emailing the Preymakers who have posted in the past and let them know about our new message board once we are satisfied with it.

I know that we all appreciate the message board that Tiffany created for us and that we have posted at these last few months. I encourage people to post wherever they wish. You will notice at our campaign site that I have kept the listing for Tiffany's message board as well as the others we have posted at. I hope this new board will be a welcome addition to our communication formats. To distinguish it from the other boards, it is called the "PREY FOR US" board, reflecting its association with our campaign. The URL is

Again, a big thank you to Jeanne who took on this important project and has done such a wonderful job.

2. As a continuation of my last update, I know that we are all aware that the WB network is the only network out of the 6 that has shown growth in audience numbers. As you may know, Susanne Daniels ( nice name) has assumed the position of WB's entertainment president from Garth Ancier. She has signed a 5 year contract with WB and has as one of her objectives to make the network number one in the 18-34 demographic. WB is looking to add more original prime time fare by next fall. Of course WB is backed by the enormous resources of Time-Warner. Rueben emailed me and suggested that we might want to direct some of our letters to Ms. Daniels and acquaint her with an outstanding show that they have right under their own noses. I think it would be a great idea to let her know about the campaign and the favorable demographics that PREY can draw in. Certainly the international attention is something that speaks favorably of its potential. If indeed WB is looking for excellent original programming for their own network, PREY is it. Let her hear from you. I will be sending her one of the portfolios that we sent out to all the network people several months ago with some recent additional info. For her mailing address, see our campaign site under contact information.

I look forward to reading your comments at our new message board.

