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Update - #63
January 23, 1999

Hi all- just a short update today.

1. I have added new polls to vote on for PREY. You can now click and vote at Cybersoup ( one of the polls we voted at in the past) and the freevote hot celebrities poll. You also have until January 25th to vote for The Stand as number one mini series at the Entertainment Weekly Poll. (And we all know what makes it number one to us :-) )Check with our home page at the campaign site for the newest polls. You can find all the polls with easy to use links to them at As I always do, I will send Mr. Schmidt information about how we do in the polls as they close and results are posted. This is a simple way to help give Mr. Schmidt the facts he needs to build his case for PREY. A BIG thank you to all of you who make a point of voting each day. Many people tell me they vote both from home and work. Thanks again.

2. I hope our prolific writers are sending in their work to Unicorn Press. Wouldn't it be great to see your work on the tables at upcoming conventions? If you haven't yet checked out the opportunity to send in PREY fan fiction, please visit update 62 at our campaign site for further information. New writers, writers who are up on the web, everyone is welcomed to submit their work. This is another fantastic way to showcase the show we love and of course, your own talents. Speaking for myself ( and I am sure many others), the wonderful fan fiction that we have on the web right now is a tangible expression of the wonderful passion and potential of PREY. When PREY fanzines are published, that passion and potential are highlighted for untold thousands of new fans.

3. We are officially on for the Agamemcon convention in Burbank, June 11th-13th. This is a well attended convention and is sure to be fun for everyone attending. I will of course let PREY production folks know that we will be there and invite them to stop by and visit. Hopefully some will be able to. We have contact people for the convention. Check out the links below and start planning on a fun time in Burbank this summer.

Agamemcon- June 11-13, Burbank, CA- we have members attending this great convention and our table is reserved, right next to our S:AAB friends! If you are interested in helping out and/or attending, please contact Carol at or Diane G. at

Our campaign site now has a separate page for upcoming convention info. Please be sure to check it out. You can find the link to it on the first page of our campaign site. I will continue to post contacts as Preyfans commit to the different conventions, so check back often. Conventions are a great way to get to meet the people you have chatted with online for so long. PREY parties, video marathons and lots of fun are the common denominators at these conventions. After all, who could be more fun (and understand you better) than fellow Preymates:-) ? Whether you can help out for a few hours or want to stay for the whole weekend, we would love to have you. Contact the convention organizers listed and they will be happy to help you get set for a wonderful weekend.

4. I am still working on the PREY facts and figures page for the campaign site. I hope to have it ready soon. Thanks for your patience.

5. Thanks to those of you who have pledged to help with the new message board. We will first need to pay the author of our board's shareware and then we can pay to switch to an ad free site ( no pop ups :-) ). I will let everyone know how we are doing as the pledges come in.

6. Thanks to those of you who have sent in letters of support to Mr. Schmidt. You can send them through the mail or email them to me and I will make sure he gets them. My mailing address for letters or pledges is Gina Evers / 3839 SE 45th Place/ Ocala, FL 34480

Wishing everyone a great weekend and pleasant workweek coming up.


"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."Goethe