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Update - #64
January 30, 1999

Hi all- just a few notes today.

1. Thanks to everyone who is voting for PREY at the available polls. We seem to be doing well and of course I will forward any info to Mr. Schmidt as results become available. I have corrected the one link to the hot celebrities so it should be fine now. Remember you can find links to all the polls on the first page of our campaign site at

2. Many of you have noted that some Preymakers are working on other shows ( Brimstone, Vengeance Unlimited, and Hyperion Bay). We have heard Mark Morgan's music on Vengeance and Brimstone lately.

Of course, no big surprise, ABC is swinging their cancellation ax with their usual "vengeance" and shows are falling right and left. I guess the saying is correct, those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. There doesn't even seem to be any logic in it. Ratings going up, staying the same, whatever, the ax falls. I truly think that the networks ( at least ABC) are searching for megahits and are willing to run through a 100 shows to find one to save. Meanwhile the viewers are getting royally fed up with beginning to watch a show only to have it yanked out after 8 episodes. It seems obvious to me that the networks are creating their own problems. They bemoan the declining number of viewers, but continue to take away reasons to stay tuned.

As always we continue to wish Preymakers the very best in their professions.

3. The Vengeance Unlimited campaign was mentioned at our message board. If you have checked out their site, you saw them mention our campaign. Their campaign coordinator did contact me about using some of our info and strategies. Of course I was more than happy to help and she graciously acknowledged our campaign on her site's SOS page. One thing that really impressed me with the VU crew- their camera person, Rob Draper has been taking all the message board comments and posting them for the cast and crew to read every day. He even posted pictures of the VU people reading the board. I thought it was a wonderful touch and I know that the VU fans were touched by their actions. If you would like to check out their campaign site the URL is You will also find the VU message board at WB as well.

4. I hope that our wonderful PREY fan fiction writers are getting their stories off to Unicorn Press. I would love to see our great writers published and those fanzines would be a great way to keep PREY out there at the many conventions the company attends. If you haven't contacted Pat yet and have a story or stories that you would like to submit, make a point to do so soon. The contact info from update 62 is below.

The fanzine company that would like stories is Unicorn Press. The senior editor is Pat Hayden. The company is 6 years old and is dedicated full time to fanzines. They currently have about 100 of them and mainly distribute them at conventions where they usually have 4-6 tables for their publications. They are looking for PREY fan fiction and will take all they can get. The fanzines are typically 70 pages and they would love to have enough PREY fan fiction to make up complete fanzines ( somehow I don't think that will be a problem :-) ). Authors may submit as many stories as they want of any length. Although authors are not paid, they will receive a copy of the fanzine their story is published in if the story is 5+ pages long and 5 copies if they submit, and have accepted, 70 pages of copy. I would urge authors who are interested to contact Pat at the address below or in an email at for further details. Below you will find the publishing specifics that they shared with me.

  • submissions should be formatted to be compatible with Windows 98, Microsoft Word
  • Font and size- Times New Roman, 12 point
  • single space between sentences, double space between paragraphs, indent each paragraph, 1 inch margin all around

You will need to send the story on an IBM disk as well as a hard copy of the story to Unicorn Press/ Pat Hayden, Senior Editor/ P.O. Box 3177/ Greensburg, PA 15601

5. Thanks to those of you who have emailed or sent letters of encouragement to Mr. Schmidt. I know they will make his day. If you would still like to send or email one, I will send them on as they come in. You can email them to me at or send them in the mail to Gina Evers/ 3839 SE 45th Place/ Ocala, FL 34480.

Let me close with a quote from Cervantes:

"He who loses wealth loses much, he who loses a friend loses more; but he that loses courage loses all."

Thanks for your courage and passion for this remarkable show.

