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Update - #65
February 9, 1999

Hi all- Some good news to report today :-)

1. It was reported in both Variety and The Hollywood Reporter that Tony Jonas is out at WB and Peter Roth (FOX) is taking his place. This is excellent news for us and PREY. I emailed Mr. Schmidt at 5:00 am this morning when I read the online update and he emailed back that he also heard the news and that since Mr. Roth is a fan of his that this could thaw PREY out at the network. WB under Tony Jonas was sitting on PREY and now we have a chance of getting back on track. Of course there is no guarantee in this business, but this is the best news that we have had in some time. There are lots of good things going for us- PREY is still fresh enough, the creator Mr. Schmidt is still enthusiastic and wants this show to succeed, Mr. Roth appreciates good sci-fi and is innovative, WB is looking to continue their impressive gains in audience numbers and there is a cordial relationship between Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Roth. We have established a presence for PREY and there is a solid following with hard facts ( online polls, ABC's own poll, fan fiction, etc) to back it up. Mr. Schmidt will be getting back to me with more details (the dust is still settling at WB) but there are some things we can be doing to help the show we all love.

  • continue to vote for PREY at every possible location, let me know if you find another poll and I will post it as well. I send all the results to Mr. Schmidt and that gives some strong evidence of the following the show has
  • post, post, post- Let's continue to make PREY a high profile board at Mr. Roth's new territory. Our continued presence there is another compelling show of support. I urge us to post support messages for PREY and WB at the WB board, let them know how PREY can be a winner for them- remember WB holds the show-we want it back.
  • Write a letter NOW to Peter Roth at WB and welcome him and let him know we appreciate the spirit and freshness he brought to FOX and by the way, there is a show sitting at his new network that has all the hallmarks of success and has a built in support group. Give him facts and let him know what we are doing to support PREY- mention our site URL.
  • For our international fans, we need you. WB does a tremendous business selling international rights to shows ( they already did for PREY). This is a lucrative part of the network industry. If you like PREY and have facts to share from your country, let him know. Positive reviews, letters from stations overseas, anything that will bolster our cause is needed.
  • Fan fiction writers, I hope you have contacted Unicorn Press and are considering submitting stories. I would like to see a full 70 page edition devoted to PREY as soon as possible. That is another strong selling point for PREY. Think about the merchandising of FOX shows- PREY has strong selling potential.
  • Conventions, conventions- our presence and support at conventions is another great way to keep PREY at the forefront. Sure you are having fun, but you are also giving PREY that chance it deserves. Take pictures, invite the media, write and let Mr. Roth know everytime we are at a convention ( heck, invite him to the Burbank one). Keep PREY in front of him with news, facts, info, and shows of support.
  • Get to any sci-fi boards or newsgroups you know of and let them know about PREY and encourage them to write to Mr. Roth. Let's make sure that PREY is one of the first things he has to consider as he takes his new position.

We have the strongest chance we have ever had- we have never been sitting in a better position. I feel very good- the target is back in front of us and I am ready to go for it. I know it has been hard to keep the faith and the passion, but I know that PREY is worth it. There are no certainties in this business, I can't say for sure we can get PREY back, but I can say with absolute faith and passion that I am ready to actively engage this campaign again with all my heart. We have held onto this precious treasure and nurtured it in our hearts and minds all these months. We have watched another round of shows come and go, never finding another one that so touched us. You know this show is worth it, you know it has touched both your mind and your heart. I am ready to get Tom out of that cage!!!

It's time to get back in the ring. We still may not win, but win or lose, we will give it the best fight we are capable of. I will post more info as I hear from Mr. Schmidt.

PREY is passion, PREY is heart, PREY is intellect, PREY is us. We have been given a special gift in this extraordinary show. It is worth fighting for. As I have said before, I don't take on causes because I can win them, but because I have to win them. PREY deserves a chance, we deserve PREY. Let's make it happen.

Time for the quote: "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows the triumph of high achievement and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt


"The people who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world are the ones who do."