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Update - #66
February 16, 1999

Hi all- just a few things to share with everyone.

1. It is great to see people getting energized about the change in leadership at WB. The WB network is certainly working hard to get their network on solid ground. It was just announced in The Hollywood Reporter that one week after assuming his post at WB, Peter Roth has "flexed major muscle by closing a 16-17 million dollar deal with "Will and Grace" writing team of David Kohan and Max Mutchnick. They will develop and produce all forms of TV under the WB TV banner while serving as executive producers of NBC's "Will and Grace" next season." Let's continue to let Mr. Roth know about the continuing devotion of PREY fans and the great potential waiting to be developed.

2. I know that we have sent out letters to a broad group of network executives this past year, but I think that right now the best use of our resources and efforts will be to direct our efforts at the one man who can either develop or release the rights to PREY- Peter Roth. The fact is that even if another network wanted to go with PREY, WB holds the rights and Mr. Roth is holding WB. As we have always done in the past, continue to create letters that speak to the concerns of the individual/network they are going to. For WB, I would think that the following topics are of concern to them:

  • WB was the only network to show significant gains in viewers during the past major ratings period. I believe a strong reason for this is their willingness to support their programming and give it time to develop. Unlike the other networks, WB renewed ALL their new dramas, even those that were struggling, to give them time to develop. I believe that audience members value that and appreciate the willingness of WB to support their programming. People are becoming increasingly unwilling to invest in dramas on the other networks with the high kill ratio. As we know only too well, it is frustrating to begin to care about a program and then see it canceled before you even see a clear idea of the series' potential.
  • WB wants to attract an engaged and active viewership. Although I think that right now their primary market is the 18-34 market, they can easily grab the more affluent 18-50 market by expanding their programming to include shows such as PREY. PREY offers them a win win situation in that they can certainly appeal to the younger viewers with many of the sci-fi themes, but they can also grab the mature viewer who values the wonderful balance between intellect and passion. PREY is a winner in any age group.
  • Good solid sci-fi sells and is a natural for marketing ( as if we didn't know). WB is an aggressive marketer and PREY would be a wonderful opportunity for them.
  • PREY would expand their "unique" programming into new and solid ground. There is an existing audience for PREY.
  • The overseas distribution rights are a major concern for WB and PREY is doing well overseas. Sci-fi dramas are good sellers.

3. Lee Ann emailed me with a question about creating a new PREY flyer / poster. We do have upcoming conventions that would be ideal areas to distribute an updated poster. Perhaps we could come up with some ideas along the lines of continuing support, international viewership, the right show for a new market, etc. Why don't we post some of our ideas at the message board and if any of our talented graphic artists would like to take some ideas and come up with a new poster/flyer I think that would be great.

4. It was suggested that we might want to create some new bumper stickers, especially since the old ones had the ABC connection on them. Again, any ideas would be welcome.

5. As we move into a new year of conventions and a new opportunity for PREY, I think we need to look at helping financially support the Preymates who are attending the conventions and paying for business cards, flyers etc. Last year, due to your generous support, we were able to fund a variety of projects ( although many individuals donated time and expenses for items as well :-) ) From ads in Variety to all sorts of promotional items, we really had a wealth of projects and products coming out. Let me know how you feel about this coming year and how we want to support our PREY projects. Email me or post on the message board and share your ideas.

6. It was also reported in The Hollywood Reporter that ABC is moving 240 New York staff members to Burbank including ABC TV network President Patricia Fili-Krushel. A reported internal memo states that ABC President Robert Iger said that the move will "permit greater access to our colleagues at the Walt Disney Company and in the entertainment community in general."

7. I have updated the network address section to show Peter Roth at the helm of the WB TV network. Please note that I have used the general WB address for him. I have no way of knowing if he has Mr. Jonas's same office or building so that part of the address has been left off.

8. Voting at the polls is a great way to help PREY. I know that we all want to support Mr. Storke and show how much he is valued as an actor, but don't forget that we need to give lots of support to PREY itself. You can access the current polls from the home page of our campaign site. Make it a point to vote everyday. I send the poll results to Mr. Schmidt and I know they are helpful as he works to show PREY's potential.

9. Writers, I hope you have contacted Unicorn Press and shared some of your great stories. I look forward to seeing your great efforts in print. If you want details about the opportunity to publish your PREY fiction, please contact me or check update #62.

Thanks again to all of you who value the unique and special show that PREY is. You have carried this precious gift for some time. We have some light at the end of our tunnel and at least a fair shake at getting PREY back on the table for discussion. New Preymate or cherished veteran of our efforts, your support and dedication are needed and most appreciated. Let's continue to share ideas for promotional activities and think of ways we can support our convention attendees and the show we love.
