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Update - #67
March 23, 1999

Hi all- It has been a long time since I have touched base with everyone. I hope this update will be helpful. As always, if you are reading this in an email or at a message board, you might want to go to our campaign site for easy to use links you can click on. Our campaign site-

1. This weekend our own PREY fan fiction writer, Roxanne, will be at AggieCon from March 25th-28th at Texas A&M in College Station, Texas. You can learn about this convention at their web site Hope some of our spirited Texas fans will be able to attend.

2. I know I speak for all of us when I say how delightful it is to hear from so many overseas PREY fans. Your passion and joy at discovering this show that has held our hearts and minds this past year gives me renewed passion in our quest to see PREY find a new home. I love hearing your discoveries, your questions and your ideas about the scenes and moments that we love. Seeing it through your eyes is a treat. Thank you and welcome to one and all. Please be sure to pass on our message board URL to other fans in your homelands and let them know about our campaign site. If you would like to be on our mailing list for campaign updates, please email me and let me know. My email is If I can help in any way or you have info about PREY from your homeland, please email me. I love hearing from you ( and all our Preymates) and always enjoy your emails. What a nice chore, going through hundreds of emails again!!

3. As PREY continues playing in other countries, reviews will come out. I appreciate you passing on mention of reviews you have seen. I want to send positive reviews to Mr. Schmidt whenever possible. If you have contact info for the magazine or newpaper that has a review, please let me know in an email. I will be happy to pay for the paper or magazine and any postage costs to get it to me. Helen from the UK mentioned a 2 page article on PREY complete with pictures in the UK magazine Cult Times. She will try and get a copy for me. For those of you how would like to order it ( the exact article doesn't appear at the web site) the URL is This site has many TV related magazines. I am not sure which edition number has the PREY article, so you might need to email them to ask before you order. If anyone finds out, please email me. Thanks.

4. Thanks to Jeanne and others who have taken the time to write in response to published reviews. Your letters are on the way to Mr. Schmidt. I appreciate the professional tone our Preymates take in responding to reviews. Your positive comments and requests that the authors check out our site and learn a bit about the people who support the show are wonderful ways to perhaps cause them to reflect and rethink. To see Jeanne's letter and others, you can visit Sci-Fi Weekly at Their letters change weekly, so you might need to access their archives depending on when you read this. Check the third week of March.

5. I have mailed off the check to have our message board ad free. I have followed up with an email. We should see it happen this week I would think. I will continue to touch base with them.

6. I hope that our fan fiction writers have sent in their stories and poems to Unicorn Press for consideration. It would be great to have PREY fan fiction at the hundreds of conventions they attend with their publications. If you haven't already done so and would like more information, I have included it below:

The fanzine company that would like stories is Unicorn Press. The senior editor is Pat Hayden. The company is 6 years old and is dedicated full time to fanzines. They currently have about 100 of them and mainly distribute them at conventions where they usually have 4-6 tables for their publications. They are looking for PREY fan fiction and will take all they can get. The fanzines are typically 70 pages and they would love to have enough PREY fan fiction to make up complete fanzines ( somehow I don't think that will be a problem :-) ). Authors may submit as many stories as they want of any length. Although authors are not paid, they will receive a copy of the fanzine their story is published in if the story is 5+ pages long and 5 copies if they submit, and have accepted, 70 pages of copy. I would urge authors who are interested to contact Pat at the address below or in an email at for further details. Below you will find the publishing specifics that they shared with me.

  • submissions should be formatted to be compatible with Windows 98, Microsoft Word
  • Font and size- Times New Roman, 12 point
  • single space between sentences, double space between paragraphs, indent each paragraph, 1 inch margin all around

you will need to send the story on an IBM disk as well as a hard copy of the story to Unicorn Press/ Pat Hayden, Senior Editor/ P.O. Box 3177/ Greensburg, PA 15601

7. I think some of our Preymates will need to take their hands on vacation from all their voting workouts! You have certainly worked hard to make sure that PREY and the actors/actress that made PREY so special are recognized and appreciated. I again want to remind everyone that it is very important that we continue to vote for the show PREY whenever possible. Those are the statistics that Mr. Schmidt will need to show TPTB the potential for PREY. We also need to be careful to not spread ourselves too thin voting at too many sites. Celebrity 1000 and Freevote have so many sites just on those two that we could loose on all if we try to win on all. Perhaps just picking 1 or 2 categories such as favorite tv show, favorite sci-fi show or the Frankenpoll for favorite show no longer on would help our cause and still give us a way to show how we feel.

8. With new conventions coming up, Jeanne and some of our other talented Preymates have been looking at our online posters to update them to be more useful to us right now. Some elements cannot be changed, but contact info at the bottom is being updated. Links to these posters can be found at the campaign site on our Resources for PREY page. Just to let everyone know, Mark Morgan, PREY's talented musical creator, requested that I send him a copy of our first online poster for him to get blown up to a large size. He liked it and wanted it for his collection.

9. Although some of our PREY sites are no longer active, other Preymates are creating beautiful new sites. If you haven't had a chance yet to visit Kiera's site, check it out. Kiera has developed her site around the theme- PREY- An International Passion. You can find her site at She has created a wonderful poster that can be printed out for use. Thanks Kiera. You can also find wonderful PREY poetry at Carol's new site at If anyone else has a site they would like me to mention, please email me.

10. Please continue to write to Peter Roth at Warner Brothers. We need to make sure he knows that PREY fans are adding new members overseas and still want to see this outstanding show have a chance. A built in audience, a unique premise that touches the heart and mind- this is a good bet. Help him to see the passion and the potential.

As I think about the things that matter to me, the things that I care enough about to work for, this quote keeps coming back to me. I hope that you find it useful and thought provoking. Life if too short to do things we don't really care about. When you give a day of your life to something, make sure it is worth it. You won't get it back.

Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes.Therefore give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions and determine to pay the price of a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast and one day you will build something that endures; something worthy of your potential.

Epictetus 55-135 A.D.
