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Update - #68
April 1, 1999

Hi all- Lots of new additions to the campaign site. Please visit at to see all the new links and information. I will briefly mention them below.

1. As we get ready to send out our letters to the media and Mr. Roth at the end of the month, I have gathered some information about polls we have won and posted it at the campaign site. If you scroll down the first page you will find a link to take you to the page where the polls and statistics are located. Please check it out and make sure to share the information with those you contact. It is rather astonishing that a show that hasn't been seen in almost a year continues to show such strong ratings.

2. I have updated the resources page to show all the current PREY pages and resources that I know about. You can access that page with its extensive resources from the main page of our campaign site. If you have additions or corrections, please email me so I can make sure we have the most complete listing available. Thanks and enjoy.

3. For those of you who are interested, here is the ordering information for Issue #102 of TV Zone- May 1998. This issue had a wonderful article about PREY with fantastic full color pictures. I have seen it and it is great. You can order online at or through the mail at TV Zone Mail Order/ Visual Imagination Ltd./ P.O. Box 156/ Manorville, NY 11949 The cost is $4.99 plus $2.00 postage. I would recommend that you contact them prior to sending any money to make sure that the issue is still available and that the cost and mailing info is correct.

4. Maxboy shared with me that an online survey has been created by the Unofficial Strange World Fan Club ( the latest ABC sci-fi show that lasted only 2 episodes I believe). They are gathering information about how sci-fi is treated at the individual networks. I have seen the survey and it is very professional. I would encourage you to look at it and share your feelings. There is a space to add comments about favorite shows that have been prematurely cancelled, so that would be a great time to mention PREY. You can find the survey at

5. If you haven't had a chance to see Jill's wonderful quilt yet, Kiera has images of both the front and back at her site. View it at

6. Our newest poster designed by Kiera, along with all our other wonderful posters, can now be accessed at one main site, along with printing suggestions, thanks to Jeanne. Check them all out at

7. Our own Tory wants to create a Prey zine. Judging from the numerous links we have to fan fiction sites on the resources page, we could fill several. If you are interested in working on this contact Tory at

8. It is wonderful to see so much activity at our new message board. I would like to encourage people to continue to post at the WB board as well. They may not see the activity at our board and we want them to know that interest in PREY continues. Here is a link to that board-

9. Often we reference the campaign site to new visitors to our message board. Please remember that Jeanne has provided a link to the campaign site right from the message board itself. Thanks Jeanne.

10. It is great to revisit some of our wonderful posts and threads from the past year. I would encourage you to download and save ones you enjoy as they disappear from the board very rapidly. Thanks to those who have shared some wonderful moments from the past.

11. The question of running another Variety ad was brought up on the board a short while ago. I do think there will be a good time for that in the future, but I want to make sure that the timing coordinates with Mr. Schmidt's efforts. It is a lot of money and I want to make sure that we get the most impact from it. Our April writing campaign will help set the stage. I will contact Mr. Schmidt to try and see how our efforts can best work in conjunction with his efforts.

My continuing thanks to all for your enthusiasm, good will and dedication. I am constantly thrilled by the passion and intelligent conversations that this exceptional show inspires. PREY is an example of the best that television can be and you all are an example of the best that people can be. It is an honor to work, laugh, and ponder with you :-)
