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Update - #70
April 24, 1999

Hi all- Just wanted to share some information with everyone about our upcoming projects.

1. Thanks to those of you who have emailed me with your vote for our bumper sticker slogan. We had so many wonderful suggestions from Preyfans. Below please find the results. The first three listed had the most ( in fact almost the same number) votes.

  • PREY- A New Species of Quality TV ( with URL underneath)
  • PREY - For Quality Television ( with URL underneath)
  • Support PREY/ Quality TV ( with URL underneath)
  • Now We Are the PREY
  • PREY Are You 1.6?
  • 1.6ers do it for Survival
  • I Brake for 1.6ers
  • PREY for Better Television
Some suggestions mentioned were that we want to make sure people identify PREY as a television show versus a religious idea ( despite the different spelling). It was also mentioned that we might want to avoid a saying that was prey/predator as some people might feel uncomfortable with that.

Having said all that, I think the top 3 vote getters are all excellent. Again, I will leave it to your decision. Please let me know which of the top three you prefer. Send me an email with your choice for our new bumper sticker. I will let everyone know next week, along with prices. 

2. I am excited by all the new fans we have joining us at the board. I have had many international PREY fans contact me for information and they are delighted to find an active campaign and message board. As you know we now have a German language message board which can be accessed from our campaign site under message boards. We also have both a German and Hungarian site which can be accessed from our resources page at the site. Thanks to our wonderful international fans for their passion and dedication and welcome to the Preyground.

3. Speaking of fun, several of our UK preymates are planning a get together soon. Sounds like it will be a great time and we all look forward to pictures and reports online:-). Now if they could only post some great English chocolate online, all of us, including our favorite associate producer, would be delighted. Thanks to Debbie, Mr. Matich is enjoying some wonderful English chocolate. Thanks again Debbie!!

4. Of course the date is nearing for our April 30th mailout to Peter Roth at Warner Brothers. I hope that many of you got to see Jeanne's letter to Mr. Roth that she posted at our message board. Lots of good points that we could share in our letters. Be sure to let him know that PREY is not only alive but doing well in polls and in international audience reaction. Speak from your heart and use the 4 P's that we have always emphasized- professionalism, persistence ( gosh we have that one down pat), politeness, and always, always passion.

5. As most of you know, we are embarking on what will be the largest project we have yet undertaken. Several Preymates are sharing ideas on how we can collect, organize, and share our PREY history. Acknowledging the large task in front of us and understanding that this project will most likely be the most comprehensive PREY site online, it is important that we do lots of work up front to make sure we have created something that chronicles the history certainly, but that also captures the unique heart and spirit of the Preymakers and Preymates. Many of you have shared ideas and suggestions for the project. I am attempting to collect all the ideas so we can look at them all at one time in a future update. We all know messages scroll off quickly. To help me identify them when I open up my email ( which I do at least 3 times a day to keep up with the volume), please label them "History Suggestions" so I can quickly file them. As I mentioned at the message board, if you have posted a suggestion before, please repost under that subject line or email me so I can make sure I have it. I try hard to keep up with everything, but find I miss things at times. I hope that you have had a chance to see Jeanne's site "Where We Are, Where We Have Been". She has listed her collection of PREY posts. What an incredible effort. If you have not visited, check it out at

Thanks for your continuing passion and dedication. Although we may differ on some things and we each look at the show we love in slightly different ways, PREY is a binding passion, one that transcends national boundaries and touches people's minds and hearts.
