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Update - #71
October 4, 1999

Well, this is it, Preymates, my first official Campaign Update! I'd like to thank you all again for your support, and to congratulate my worthy "opponents" and Mel, our new webmistress. My first innovation will be to give myself the title of Campaign Co-ordinator (which sounds less hierarchical than Leader!), and to suggest that the office be limited to the term of one year, at which time an election will be called, by myself!

Just to refresh your memories, here is the list of duties sketched out by Jill for this job; I think it's very fair, and I'll try to fulfill them all as best I can:

1-Be the ultimate authority when there are disputes in the group. The "final judge." However, I'm hoping that most disputes will be solved first by the "disputees".

2-Periodically check the hotmail mailbox that will be our new contact address (when we set it up) and respond to those contacts.

3-Know what's happening with the different projects so someone has the "big picture."

4-Be a resource person. Listen to ideas and give advice.

5-Hold elections to replace anyone who has to leave their Prey job (such as mb moderator or webmaster).

6-(Most importantly) Set the tone for our activities and for our campaign. Provide a framework or vision for our group. Set goals. Do some long-range planning.

Our accomplishments

As a group, let's never forget that we have a lot to be proud of. A few highlights, especially for those who haven't been around "from the beginning" (January 1998!), include:

-The formation of the Prey for Us Campaign itself, fostered by Tiffany Anthony's wonderful message board and the extremely competent and inspirational leadership of Gina Evers.

-Managing to persuade ABC to air episodes 9-13 in the summer of 1998, after Prey was put on "hiatus" by the network.

-German language MB and campaign.

-Fan fiction (including first "hard copy" publication!)

-Prey VR Season

-New Prey Campaign website (this is almost finished, and it looks great!)


-Prey Mini-con

-SF Channel reruns in 2000!

Our goals/New initiatives

-Publicize Prey on SF in all possible venues (this is a job for everyone;it includes SF magazines, websites, message boards, listservs, word of mouth;let's get everyone we can excited about seeing Prey, especially if it's for the first time!).

-Evaluate realistically the chances of getting new episodes or a TV movie made (will involve conversations with SF channel). IMO, just getting a new and receptive audience for Prey on the SF Channel will add exponentially to our cause, since, as we all know, Prey can pack quite a wallop on an unsuspecting audience!

-Canadians: let's make a renewed effort to convince Space: The Imagination Station to show Prey!

-Tape exchange. Maybe we could get a list of Preymates who are willing and able to make tapes of Prey episodes (and Adam Storke movies!)

-Campaign updates. This is the first of (I hope) many to come. If you would like to receive these by Email, please let me know.

-News releases. These could be posted on our new website, and Emailed to appropriate media outlets. Would somebody like to volunteer to compile a list of addies where these might be forwarded?

-Prey items exchange. Those of us who have spare Prey items that we are willing to part with (mugs, pins, bumper stickers, etc.), or who are having them made up (e.g., the new Prey calendars) could have a "department" on the new website where these could be publicized.

-Prey charity campaign. Our fundraising effort for Habitat for Humanity was very successful. One way that we could contribute to charity for free (!) would be through The Hunger Site ( ;we could add a link to it on the campaign webpage. If we get really rich, we could also think about sponsoring the site for a day.

-Prey fundraising. More about this later, but we obviously need to clarify our financial position (if we have one!).

Help Wanted

-Elaine is very competently coordinating the Mini-Prey Con, but we need an overall Convention Co-ordinator. Any volunteers?

-Would somebody be kind enough to research Email addies for relevant media outlets, so we can start sending them news releases?

Things to Consider

-As we proceed, let's not forget that while some of us "know" each other quite well through the MBs, and some of us have met each other, in most cases we have not met face to face, and our messages are being read by a large (let's hope!) contingent of lurkers who rarely or never post, and who (who knows?) could include possible future Preymakers. This makes it especially important that we maintain a tone of civility and mutual respect, with room for serious discussions, fun, debate and disagreement. Since the internet is theoretically open to everyone everywhere, we may get the occasional posting that violates the rules of netiquette (;this is inevitable, so let's take it in stride. And we will sometimes disagree with one another, sometimes passionately, on certain issues; my only comment on the recent "troubles" is that it's best to take a deep breath and think twice before posting, consider the other person's feelings and what the possible consequences might be, and reply at the level of ideas and issues, not personalities. If somebody really does seem to be out of line, either contact them directly by Email and work it out that way, or let me know, and I'll see if I can arbitrate (that is part of my job). I see this as a last resort, that will only have to be undertaken on rare occasions (if ever). And don't forget: sometimes if you ignore something that bugs you, it will probably blow over and everybody will forget it in an incredibly short time!

-That's enough on that topic;I hope I don't sound too sanctimonious, but I am a professor of religion, after all!


If I've left anything out, or you have further suggestions, or you want to volunteer, by all means please Email me!

To close with a favourite Prey quotation: "We'll fight for our survival!" (Sloan)


Mary Ann Beavis
Prey for Us Campaign Coordinator