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Update - #72
October 21, 1999

Hi Preymates. I am going to shamelessly take advantage of the wonderful campaign suggestions that Carol, Jill and others have posted recently, and try to cobble them together into a workable Plan:

NOVEMBER LETTER CAMPAIGN. I think that a new letter-writing campaign, this time targeted to the SF Channel, is a great idea. As Carol suggested, topics can include: profuse and enthusiastic thanks to them for picking up Prey; demanding (politely, of course) a GOOD day and time slot and LOTS of publicity; and requests for Prey merchandise, including VIDEOS. We can also express our fervent hope that Prey will go back into production as soon as possible. Write to: Bonnie Hammer, Vice President of Programming, Sci-Fi Channel, 1230 Avenue of the Americas; New York, NY 10020.

PREY "BASKET," with covering letter from Co-ordinator, including signed posters (thanks to DianeG for forwarding these to me). The basket, as Jill suggested, should be big and showy, and contain Prey items and memorabilia donated by Prey fans with Prey goodies they are willing to donate (in top condition, of course). This could be delivered by LA Preymates, if they are willing. Otherwise, it should be delivered by messenger (or, as we say in Canada, by courier). This could include a "Prey Photo Album" of photos from cons. Of course, this package should include information about the Mini-Prey Con, and an invitation for them to drop by! This will take a bit of money, but not necessarily that much. The basket could be send at the end of NOVEMBER-this will give us time to gather the materials together.

ARTICLE IN SF MAGAZINE. This is also a great idea, but we need to know what their editorial policy is. Would they accept an article written by one of us? Or would they prefer to use their own reporter? I would be willing to write something, or be interviewed, whatever is necessary.

NEW VARIETY AD, thanking SF for picking up Prey. This could be a small, hopefully less expensive ad than we've run in the past, although it will still take $$$$. We could also take out a "thankyou" ad in the SF Magazine, if this is affordable. I can find out from Gina about what's involved in running an ad in Variety.

EUROPEAN PREYMATES: please note that the SF website has an email contact for European viewers:; also please note that anyone and everyone can easily urge them to provide us with some Prey merchandise fast:


THE NEW PREY FOR US SITE is up and running, thanks to the work of Kiera, Jeanne, Mel and Gina. Here's the URL, for those who haven't been there yet. Best wishes and good health to webmaster Mel, who is going to be hospitalized soon.

FUNDRAISING for the new Prey for Us domain name is underway; please contact treasurer JudyA if you would like to make a donation. More pleas for funds will follow!

NEW PREY VR EPISODE 3 airs today! Good work, Prey VR staff.

WORDS OF WISDOM. Bliss's post below is very inspirational at this auspicious time, so by all means go and read it. I agree that the best thing that can happen to Prey is for a whole new audience of receptive fans to be as bowled over by it as we are-the SF Channel will just have to sit up and take notice. Let's use our many talents to lay the groundwork now-publicize Our Beloved Show as much as we can, and start the renewed demand for new episodes.

PLEASE LET ME KNOW if you have any additional ideas, or if I have left anything out (I am on antihistamines today, and my mind is a bit fuzzier than usual).

"It's inside my head somehow, like a dream I can't remember." (Tom)

Prey reminded us of the dream.


Mary Ann Beavis
Prey for Us Campaign Coordinator