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Update - #73
October 29, 1999


Well, a lot of things are coming together right now, so I thought I'd summarize and remind you all of the many new initiatives (for which my fellow Preymates may take all the credit!) that have taken shape in the past week or two:

1. As the title says, let's make November PREY MONTH. Please write a letter to the Sci Fi Channel DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, thanking them PROFUSELY for picking up Prey, asking them to please schedule it in a GOOD time slot as soon as possible, requesting Prey merchandise, and expressing the fervent hope that they will consider making a new season of Prey. Write to: Bonnie Hammer, Vice President of Programming, Sci-Fi Channel, 1230 Avenue of the Americas; New York, NY 10020.

2. To "top off" our letter-writing campaign, Jill is preparing a PREY BASKET to be delivered to the SF Channel by some of our LA Preymates (so far, Carol has volunteered) around the end of November. The basket will be filled with Prey items donated by us. This includes photos taken at cons (how about the stunning shot of LaPeep and Denise?). If you would like to send something for the basket-especially Prey Cookies!-please contact Jill at

3. Fundraising. Our Treasurer, JudyA, has some exciting new ideas about fundraising that she will be sharing with us soon. In the meantime, we are collecting donations for two initiatives: (1) to pay for our new domain name, which Tina has kindly registered for us ( and (2) for a Variety ad, thanking the SF Channel for picking up Prey. The latter is very costly ($858 U.S. for a 10-inch ad), but we've done it before, and we can do it again. If you'd like to make a donation, contact Judy at

4. Lee Ann has volunteered to be our "official" Convention Co-ordinator, and you will now find her name listed as such on the new website (thank you Lee Ann!). She has requested that we help her out by letting her know our locations, so that she can notify people when there are cons in their area. Also, if you hear of any SF conventions in your city where a Prey table might be set up, please notify Lee Ann at

5. Here's my latest list of Prey slogans in various languages; it might be good to use them in the Variety ad:

Hebrew: (Danit is proofreading this one-the letters won't come out on the MB).
German: PREY-wir sind die Gejagten
Hungarian: Mi vagyunk a préda
Finnish: Me olemme saalis
Swedish: Hotet inifrån (The Threat Within)
Danish: PREY-vi er byttet
Irish: Is muide an Creach
Slovak: Sme lovna zver

Got any more? Hey Céline, what about en français?

That's all for now-please remind me if I've forgotten anything!

"Sometimes I get lost in this thing. Obsessed with it." (Sloan)