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Update - #76
January 4, 2000


1. WE HAVE DONE IT! Let's all give ourselves a great big pat on the back, because our efforts have been rewarded by the Sci-Fi Channel's decision to pick up Prey. This Sunday at 8:00 p.m. EST is going to be a joyous day-especially for those of us who get S-F (I don't 'cuz I'm in Canada, boo-hoo!). It will be fun to see this MB on Monday morning as all the new Preymates swarm over here!

2. The PREY BASKET is all done and will be sent off to the President of the Sci-Fi Channel, Bonnie Hammer, today! Thanks to Jill for putting the basket together, and for all of you who donated precious Prey items to fill it up!

3. I have faxed copies of the NEWS RELEASE to both the L.A. and New York offices of Variety, as well as to the U.S. edition of TV Guide, and I have emailed copies to internet outlets such as TV Guide Online, Ultimate TV, E!Online and Viewers Voice; this morning, I emailed a copy to Brian Lowry, just for the heck of it. Thanks to Elaine, Jeanne, DianeG, Les/Lorra, Valerie, LeeAnn and Benny for faxing the release to media outlets in their areas (I didn't send any to the Saskatoon papers, LOL!). As Diane reported, an item based on this news release has already been printed in the L.A. Times, so it does work! BTW: IT'S NOT TOO LATE FOR YOU, YES YOU, TO FAX A COPY TO YOUR LOCAL MEDIA. Just email me privately, and I'll send the release as an attachment.

4. Our beautiful new DOMAIN PAGE is finally up-just in time for all those new Preymates frantically searching for information on the 'Net!-thanks to the heroic efforts of Jeanne and Kiera-and to Tina, who donated the domain page! They may still be putting some "finishing touches on it," but it's there at You may also want to visit Karen's new Prey Transcripts page (well done, KarenU.S.A.!) at

5. Our WEBMASTER Mel has resigned due to poor health (which is why Kiera and Jeanne designed the domain page!). A thousand thanks to Jeanne and Kiera for pinch-hitting in her absence! I will be making announcement about replacing the webmaster shortly.

6. On Sunday, I circulated a "one-time only" email message to a list of addies from various sources (We Are The Prey Page, Cons) announcing that Prey would be on S-F starting this Sunday, and inviting people "back" to the PFU MB. A lot of the addies were no longer active, of course, but I have gotten some cordial responses from some "old timers" we haven't heard from for a long time. So, we may be seeing some familiar names back up on this MB before long!

7. Speaking of MBs, don't forget to visit the SCI-FI CHANNEL MB to express your devotion to Prey! Also, as Kiera noticed, there is a poll in the January 8th edition of TV Guide (U.S.A.) where you can use the "write- in" option to vote for Prey!

8. A list of SPONSORS who advertised on Prey will be posted after each episode is aired, compiled by our able transcriptionist KarenU.S.A. aka Bippy. Thanks again, Karen! Don't forget to take the time to write to the sponsors, thanking them for advertising on Prey!

9. SPACE LETTER CAMPAIGN. Alas, those of us who live in Canada can't get the S-F Channel, and are still waiting for Space: The Imagination Station to pick it up. Send them a letter politely demanding that they follow Sci-Fi's inspiring lead: SPACE: The Imagination Station, 299 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2Z5.

10. FINANCES. I haven't checked on our financial status, lately, but I suspect that the donations haven't exactly been rolling in over the holidays, understandably enough! However, financial donations of ANY size are appreciated, so please consider sending in a few bucks to support the PFU Campaign. Contact JudyA at

11. And don't forget to keep writing to Sci-Fi, thanking them for showing Prey, urging them to produce some NEW episodes, and begging them for Prey merchandise (especially videos!). The address is: Bonnie Hammer, Executive Vice President, General Manager Sci-Fi Channel, 1230 Avenue of the Americas; New York, NY 10020.