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PREY COMMUNITY SITE - Campaign Update #108  
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Update - #77
January 26, 2000

PFU Update #77: Prey

Letter Writing Campaign


Again? Another letter-writing campaign? How unoriginal! However, now that Prey is back on the airwaves in the U.S.A., I think that the time is ripe for a concerted letter-writing campaign, focused on *specifics*. Specifically, the items on our "wish-list" for Prey are:

1. Above all, a new season, or at least a TV movie to provide some resolution to the trauma of episode 13.

2. A "chat"-organized by Sci-Fi-with some of the cast and other Preymakers; this is something that S-F has done for Brimstone fans, and we should demand no less!

3. Prey merchandise, especially high-quality tapes of episodes 1-13, but also posters, T-shirts, mugs, fridge magnets, autographed cast photos-the whole shebang! Sci-Fi does market such items.

It's not a long list, but I think that it captures our hopes for Prey. Since we all love Prey, let's target our letters for *Valentine's Day, February 14*, which will give us about three weeks. Let's everybody send a letter to Bonnie Hammer, specifically mentioning these three items. BTW, you don't have to get the S-F Channel to participate in this effort, as ultimately we will ALL benefit from it if they even pay attention to one of these items!

Don't forget that "snail-mail" letters are a more effective form of support than email, although it may take a little more time and effort. As we know, Prey is worth it!

The address is: Bonnie Hammer, Executive Vice President, General Manager Sci-Fi Channel, 1230 Avenue of the Americas; New York, NY 10020.


Don't forget, we deserve to see Prey on our national version of the S-F Channel; please write them and let them know that we want Prey: SPACE: The Imagination Station, 299 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario
M5V 2Z5.


Our ever-lovin' treasurer, JudyA, is always happy to receive donations, large and small. Contact her at


Thanks to Karen for harnessing her impressive transcriptionist abilities to keep us up to date with Prey sponsors each week! And congratulations on her collage/transcript page!

Soap Opera Digest will be publishing an article on the return of Roger Howarth to the soap world, and it will mention his role as Randall Lynch on Prey-hopefully, complete with a Lynch photo provided by our good Cousin Liz! It will be in the February 29 issue, on newsstands by February 23.