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PREY Ads in Variety

For 2 consecutive Wednesdays on July 8th, and 15th, 1998, we ran ads in Daily Variety, the most read daily newspaper for the entertainment industry. The ads ran in both the Los Angeles and New York editions. They ran in the TV section opposite the Neilsen ratings for good visibility. These ads were sponsored with contributions from PREY fans across the nation and Canada. Below you will find the text for both ads as well as for our NEW THIRD AD, published June 22, 2000, just before the Prey Minicon at Agamemcon 2000 in Burbank, CA.

July 8th, 1998-

A powerful and engaging television drama with a unique voice...

You know you are looking for know we want it.

It exists!


a compelling new drama produced by

Warner Brothers Television

Emotionally and intellectually stimulating

A journey for the heart and mind

Passionate, provocative, powerful

Nothing else comes close

PREY has captured our hearts and our loyalty.

We urge Warner Brothers and ABC to find a place for this quality program.

Our hearts, resources, and passion are behind PREY!

Sponsored by the "PREY For Us" campaign, Gina Evers- campaigncoordinator,


July 15th, 1998-

Tomorrow is Thursday and no PREY onABC........

What To Do?

1. Watch my 13 episodes of PREY on the VCR

2. Write and e-mail networks and sponsors-get PREY renewed!

3. Add my post to the 13,000+ posts at the PREY message board

4. Check out the 21 PREY websites

5. Help plan PREY's 4th convention appearance in LA this August

6. Read the rapidly growing collection of fan fiction for PREY

7. Join one of the several PREY chat rooms to discuss our favorite show

8. Read The Origin of Species by CharlesDarwin

9. Check my own DNA differential

10. Watch something else on television, nah, nothing comes close!

Sponsored by the "PREY For Us" campaign, Gina Evers- campaigncoordinator,

 June 22, 2000-

Variety Ad 2000