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另類推介 inspiring sites to click:


(1)瑜伽士有用資源連結 More useful sites for yogis (2004/4/6新增)





有勇氣以開放的心靈聽取幾被埋沒的聲音嗎 ?


版主 2000

"Knowledge is Power."

BUT, mainstream knowledge may not necessarily be the truth or reality. Truth and Reality do not need to be guarded by big shouts. Scientists and Astronomers like Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei have been oppressed for their quest of true knowledge and were nearly executed in the name of truth, by those so-called truth upholders, those in power.

The following sites have inspired me so much for their sincerity and depth and they are truly opening new paradigms for this blind and mad mad world of ignorance. Hope to share with you.

Do you dare to allow your open heart to listen to the calling of the" knowledge of reality", which is nealy lost, and burried ? Are you ready for a journey of seeking the truth with me ?

"Truth is what it is !"

"Welcome to Satya Yuga- the Golden Age of Truth"

明師出版社 (香港 Ming Sze Publishing)
- 翻譯冷門經典成中文,供免費下載


Knowledge of Reality
(澳洲) 雜誌 (Australia magazine)

- "Universal Culture and Spirituality"

霎哈嘉瑜伽中文通訊 (網上簡化版)
靜坐冥想 另類治療成效資料 完全免費傳授 !

Sahaja Yoga Chinese Newsletter
stunning and shocking articles. designed for genuine seekers of truth, a must for all students of religious studies and for those searching for true info of the New Age and Oriental spirituatuality.
Their Meditation is - totally " Free for the asking" ! - no blind faith, no forced dogma or fanatism, can be practised by any one, any time - a gliterring gem of meditation for this "meta modern era". Therapeutic success on children with
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" [The Sun-Herald, Australia news 30.12.2001]


[Registered Charity ]
( the most outspoken naturalpath, homeopath, hk )

大康自然健康中心 / 綠創意健康店

( 香港最前衛及敢言的自然療法醫生
- 順勢療法、草藥、脊醫... )

Optimun Health Center &Green Concepts Health Shop

回歸自然教育協會 - 推動親子生態旅遊活動:

(曾是香港綠色思想的先驅 )

- once the trail blazer for Green Thinking in hk.
我們可以做甚麼 ?

香港綠色和平 )

Green Peace Hongkong : Genetically Modified food - big fraud, great threat, a global gamble that involves you and the nature (without your consent in advance)



非典型肺炎特寫:另類醫療觀點 [ 中西自然療法更令人安心 ]

SARS - alternative insight from alternative medicine

看完心安 (醫治工具、方法,大地本來就無所缺乏)

+ 氣憤 ( 被人愚弄多年騙去健康金錢時間,
為何學校傳媒政府絕少提及我們別有更平靚正選擇 ? )

如需免費網上翻譯, ,一試無妨.
推介 ( 必須選: English to Chinese)

以下部分文件以PDF格式張貼,需要裝置(免費)Acrobat Reader來閱覽,按此處下載
You may need the free Adobe "Acrobat Reader" to read some articles in PDF format


耶和華是我的牧者.我必不至缺乏。他使我躺臥在青草地上、領我在可安歇的水邊。 他使我的靈魂甦醒、為自己的名引導我走義路。 我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷、也不怕遭害.因為你與我同在.你的杖、你的竿、都安慰我。在我敵人面前、你為我擺設筵席.你用油膏了我的頭、使我的福杯滿溢。 我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨著我.我且要住在耶和華的殿中、直到永遠。 ( 舊約"詩篇"第23篇)

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. (Psalms 23 )



[ 中西自然療法 ]

alternative insight from alternative medicine


Time for awareness towards freedom of choice for our own health !

1. Dr Yuan's - On-line Health Magazine@Optimum Health Centre
袁大明醫生 [ 網上健康雜誌 ]

自然療法醫生( Naturopath) ,同類療法 [ 順勢療法 ] 醫生( Homeopath ),
脊骨神經科醫生 ( Chiropractor)
亞洲同類療法醫學聯盟副主席 ( Vice-President,Asian Homeopathic Medical League)
中華自然療法世界總會顧問( Consultant, World Federation of Chinese Naturopathy)

  • "Overcoming Obstacles to Health" 克服健康的障礙
  • " Atypical Pneumonia- fear not, let history show you a safe and effective treatment" 非典型肺炎無需怕,讓歷史教你一種安全有效的治療方法
    [ 重要歷史實例及貼士 ]
  • "治感冒古法"治感冒療劑 (1) (2) Homeopathic Remedies
2. " 預防傳染的香氛治療法" 徐儀鳳 Yvonne Zee (香港最資深香氛治療導師之一)
Using Essential Oil          [ 重要歷史實例及貼士 ]

3. "博極醫源"網頁 "East Meets West in Healing" web site
- 黃偉德自然醫學中心 Arden Wong Natural Medicine Centre

[ 重要歷史實例及貼士 ]

  • 魔鬼與朝聖者 (附最新肺炎報告) 2003.4.8
  • 花藥療法看肺炎 原載《香港經濟日報》 2003.4.02 )
  • 從肺炎到『細菌致病學說』的反思 2003.3.31
  • 在肺炎的自然醫藥 (原載《香港經濟日報》2003.3.26 )
  • 順勢療法治流感疫潮曾建奇功 (原載《信報》2003.3.22 )
  • 嚴重急性呼吸道症候群、戰爭、歷史的重演 2003.3.18

4. 地球病重人心虛又身虛 - 周兆祥 [香港綠色運動先驅 ]

5. "給全港市民的信:回歸自然的治療方向"

李寶文 [ 環境治療師、大自然體驗教育 / 色彩性格學導師、天文愛好者、漫畫家 、回歸自然教育協會 back-to-natrue.org創辦人、建康食品代理 ]

借用  李寶文兄圖像。版權圖像 !可向他郵購此海報 環境保護,從身體開始 ! [ 大海報 ]

[ 此可作為 6.李致重教授中醫 " 天人相應" 觀點的後現代註腳 ]

防感冒配方 [ 多倫多民間流傳的自保飲料 ]

免疫系統對抗非典型肺炎 : 印第安草茶



6. 李致重教授 (香港浸會大學訪問學者,中醫臨床內科專家 )

[ 以上兩文在4月2日晚講座中得李教授當面授權在本網站張貼流通, 功德無量,特此鳴謝 ! ]

7 ." 對付非典型性肺炎的策略" 中醫師 秦鴻 2003/3/30

8.范玉玲 ( 康盈堂 Love and Care ) 香氛貼士

9. SARS - A Great Global SCAM [By Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH ]
2003/4/2 [ for reference only - notice he mentions the "global military-medical-petrochemical pharmaceutical cartel " ]

10. Dr Mercola' newsletter ( himself a doctor of western medicine, voiced out his many bitter coments on Modern Medicine )

11. Edwin Hou's Personal Account ( as a consumer ) 30.3.2003

12. " Britain, and the European Paliament has passed Food Supplements Directives, which threaten to ban more than 300 safe, effective high-dose supplements currently available in healthshops. "
--> Protect you human right of free choice, join the worldwide "Health Freedom Movement"

13. 世衛專家讚中醫抗炎 (大公報 2003.4.8)

14 從黑匣原理看東方養生法是否科學 [拙作 95.2 ]

15. 對現代醫療口誅筆伐的論壇 :

16. 葉榮坤中醫師非典型肺炎防治法及殺菌之禍

17. Dr. Manish Bhatia's Homeopathy perspective" Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) / Atypical Pneumonia"- ( [ remember also brwose comments from readers ]

(4)其他 奇文:

驅散接種疫苗的神話 [ Allan Philips 著, 武松譯 ] 引於"亞太順勢療法學會"之"專業報告"

The Deadly Deception of Aspartame by the FDA and Searle [ 最危害人的代糖可大行其道 ]

Stevia Leaf - Too Good To Be Legal? [ what a commercial scandal 最安全的代糖被高調封殺 ]

黃偉德( 1) stevia 甜菊糖致癌??

( 回應 : 看素食學會留言板多人回應 踢爆商業鬥爭鬧劇, 包括小弟,
廣州日報31/3/2002: 美國FDA 公開信表明立場:甜菊糖可安全使用)

(2)棄醫從商 淺談自然療法 (3) 疫苗的故事

秦鴻醫師 [ 世界級針灸專家 ] 給中文大學施教授的公開信

袁大明 [ 自然療法醫生 ]: (1) 預防醫療的謬論 (2) 所謂科學的基礎

星島日報: 學 生 戒 飲 汽 水 即 變 乖    (2002/3/1)


歡迎提供好料 ......

(5) SHOCKING ARTICLES  看看良心發現的西醫怎樣爆料:

- The following comprehensive and stunning articles contain eye-opening info which should be shared by the public. They come from Dr Mercola's health Newsletters website. I post them up here or set hyperlinks so as to share important resources. These are direct quote post-ups, without any alterations. Dr Joseph Mercola himself is a practitioner of western medicine,  an insider of the "trade". As his site has become the second most popular health site in the US, it seems that the public is creating a counter-force which is picking up enough momentum for compelling medical science to  change fundamentally. People are waking up in this "Kali Yuga"- the age of confusion and falsehood.

  Quoating his vision:
"i will also achieve my vision through by exposing the existing medical paradigm's techniques, habits, and messages that have put, and increasingly are putting, your health and the health of the American public in grave danger. By doing so, and by exposing the dishonorable motives - usually greed - that form the basis of the current establishment's methods, I hope to help eliminate some of the most treacherous barriers on your journey to optimal health..."

1. "The Doors of Perception - Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything "
( Talks about how modern conventional wisdom are contrieved - pharmaceuticals, viccinations, floride, Genitically Modified food - plus info on pseudoscience in food and drug industries, media and TV hidden agenda, how the media deceive us, ...)

2. "The Hidden Hazard of Microwave Cooking" 微波爐隱藏的殺機  (類同文章中譯按此)
(Why did the Soviet Union ban the use of microwave ovens in 1976? Who invented microwave ovens, and why? The answers to these questions may shock you into throwing your microwave oven in the trash.)

3. "Germ Theory Of Disease Is One of the False Foundations of Modern Medicine"「細菌致病論」是虛假的現代醫學基礎
(How and why big powers try to capitalise on your disease, how come viccines and drugs do not make us healthier, but force us to rely our health more on the shoulders of professionals or drug companies instead of our own body.)

4. Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US,Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year (by Dr. Barbara Starfield of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public )醫生是美國第三號殺手,每年令25萬人枉死!   [ This article is a MUST for all those who care for the health of themselves and the world ]

5. 「免疫針」危害健康 Vaccines Prevent Health: Why Vaccines are Bad for Us

6. 不要喝牛奶  Don't Drink Your Milk!

7. 白糖危害健康124招  124 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

8. 吾友輾轉再向公眾推介有更多驚心動魄的靚料
(Then i introduced my friends to Dr Mercola's web site, here is their recomendation to the public (click ).




推薦免費網上翻譯, 如有需要,一試無妨. ( 必須選: English to Chinese)




(6)懷念馬丁路德•金 ──我們心中的現代聖者

In memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.- a modern Saint

中英對照 (簡体) + 全文錄音下載等資料    (2003懷念版)

( 7 ) (英文)聖雄甘地網上資料館 The Official Mahatma Gandhi eArchive & Reference Library



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