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humanity - evolution - universe - life - spirit - love - health - society - groupthink - religion - leader - capital - waste - world - law

Quantum Gravity and Descrete Space-Time-Matter

Quantum Gravity and Discrete Space-Time-Matter Attention! The stuff, proposed here, does not coincide to the general adopted views in modern physics. Gravity is explained here as quantum annihilation

Many-Worlds Quantum Theory

... with ordinary matter should correlate ... Region Virtual Gravity Waves. ... self-force when ... thenew universe Many ... and quantum Zeno time of ... hydrogen atom, quant ...

Time, Space Obsolete in New View of Universe

... 16, 1999. Time, Space ... the new "quantum mechanical ... the atom revealed ... and matter, expanding ... a"force" only ... Because gravity affects ... of time, is ... the universe. Space ...

A Shifting Theory Of Gravity

This theory proposes a physical mechanism for gravity - free gravitons randomly strike and are absorbed into a particle, which then expels other gravitons.

Cosmic Matter and the Nonexpanding Universe

Cosmic Matter and the Nonexpanding Universe. Return to: List of Papers on the Web Go to: Frequently Asked Questions Paul Marmet and Grote Reber*, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research

Quantum Gravity

This is about the problems facing physicists who are trying to combine the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics into one theory of quantum gravity.

The Quantum Universe: An Information Systems Perspective

A brief, richly illustrated paper that weaves together recent thinking from several subject matter experts, and produces an interesting new theory about the nature of our perceived universe. Thought provoking material for both physicists and information systems professionals.

Conscious Events as Orchestrated Space-Time Selections

Quantum Brain (Microtubules) and Quantum Gravity of Collapse; by Hameroff and Penrose

Spacetime Wrinkles

In 1905, Albert Einstein published his famous Special Theory of Relativity and overthrew commonsense assumptions about space and time. Relative to the observer, both are altered near the speed of light: distances appear to stretch; clocks tick...

Energy Science Made Simple...theory, applications, physics, chemistry, biology, wavicle, field, substratum, thermodynamics, temperature, force, motion

entropy, perpetual, quantum, fuel, cell, gas, turbine, string, superstring, M-theory, relativity, space, light, photon, mass, color, electromagnetic, einstein, gravity, virtual, real, waves, molecules

Mysterious Dark Matter

Watch a QuickTime movie in which a Princeton University scientist discusses the role of gravity in the creation of the universe's galaxies.

Cosmic Commode

The Cosmic Commode theory is an alternative cosmogony. It rejects primarily two false premises of the Big Bang model: (1) The cosmological red-shift of the light from all distant objects in space ...

FUSION Anomaly. Quantum Mechanics

... Gravity. ... of a single atom from one ... mind and matter, at the ... that no universe is apprehended ... MAKEIT QUANTUM MECHANICAL, and by ... of liquid time, curving space ...


Attempt to expose eternal oscilating universe model

" "

THE ENLIGHTENMENT Now the dual nature of light is comprehensible. The quantum theory assigns the electrons to discrete orbits around the nucleus. In the case of the hydrogen atom this is the disc...

Quantum Gravity & Superstrings

Study notes from an elementary particle physics lecture on quantum gravity and superstrings. Includes equations.

Aether Theories - Collation of Scientific Theories of the Aether

Articles relating to the Emergence of Scientific Theories of the Cosmic Aether. (Including papers claiming that the aether actually exists)


The basic forces of matter and the universe are astounding. They could not have come into existence by accident. There are several basic forces in nature which would destroy the universeor not let it formwere it not for the delicate balance............

Particles, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

Particles, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Special Relativistic Paradoxes and Puzzles Tachyons The Particle Zoo Does Antimatter Fall Up or Down? What is the Mass of a Photon? Baryogenesis - W

Theory for Gravitic Propulsion

Theory for Matter, Energy, Space-Time and Gravitic Propulsion

Grand Unified Theory

New revolutionary proposals for the structure of spacetime.


A list of the main events in the history of the Universe

Crank Dot Net | gravitation

Crank Dot Net: gravitation

PREDICTIONS FOR A NEW PHYSICS OF GRAVITY & AWARENESS BASED ON RECURSION Dan Winter the background: PHI/Golden Mean is at the heart of fractality mathematically, (mandelbrot & julia sets):

Superstrings - A Theory of Everything? - Physics_6 from Connections Through Time

Superstrings may integrate General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics into a unified theory of almost everything in our physical world.

Time will tell

An essay about the nature of time.

Everything For Nothing

Everything For Nothing by Harold Putoff, PhD Classical physics tells us that if we think of an atom as a miniature solar system with electronic planets orbiting a nuclear sun, then it should not ...

An alternative view of the stucture of time

Explores a particle-based view of special and general relativity.

David Bohm: the totalitarian science of quantum wholeness

Because Bohm's thinking about quantum wholeness originates in Nicholas of Cusa's Christian metaphysics -- this tells us that these newly baptized "quantum" ideas were initially created by a mathematical Platonist to describe spiritual experience, and

The Big Bang model of the Universe.

The Big Bang model of the Universe. Recently, several students who were visiting Carter Observatory in Wellington asked me various questions about the beginnings of our Universe. Based on their interest I decided to write a brief guide to the

Quantum Consciousness

... in ... ordinary matter where the ... a Quantum Computer ... per Atom, and ... Weak Force interactions ... decoherencetime is ... the Universe (through ... submillimeter gravity of ...

WritWord-"Physics without Constants" and "Our Dual Universe"

Physical constants do NOT exist in a QUANTUM equation IF the units of measure are equal to the QUANTIZED attributes of the ELEMENTARY particle to...

Can the Equivalence Principle be Violated?

Three chiral experimental violations of the Equivalence Principle are proposed: Eotvos experiment, Majorana balance, and simultaneous dual DSC calorimetric.


Length scales in physics John Baez August 17, 1992 It's important when learning physics to get an idea of how big different things are. How big is an atomic nucleus? An atom? A cell? A planet? A galaxy? Often it's good enough to just have a r

New Cosmological Theory

holistic quantum cosmology withdecreasing gravity

Big Bang Cosmology Meets an Astronomical Death

More and more evidence points to the absurdity of the Big Bang. The redshift is caused by gaseous matter in space, not the Doppler effect

Your Weight On Other Worlds

Fill in your weight below in the space indicated. You can enter your weight in any unit you wish. Click on the "Calculate" button. Notice that the weights on other worlds will automatically fill in. Notice that your weight is different on the.........

non-paradoxical quantum mechanics

A non-paradoxical quantum mechanics.

Science News - Photon-in-a-box Slings Atom Into Orbit

Reports on new research into a photon's ability to manipulate atoms by quantum mechanical means.

The Atomic Constants, Light, And Time

INVITED RESEARCH REPORT The Atomic Constants, Light, and Time by BARRY SETTERFIELD and TREVOR NORMAN Present address: Box 318, Blackwood, S.A. 5051 Australia © August 1987 PREPARED FOR: Lambert T. Dolphin Senior Research Physicist FOREWORD That a major

Theoretical physics fun

The Second Superstring Revolution Time Travel in Flatland? Solve the Einstein Equations Yourself Home Any Questions? Visit a model universe Theoretical Physics Fun We've won the StudyWeb Excellence Award StudyWeb Excellence Award

The Origin of Instantaneous Action in Natural Laws

Milo Wolff's Quantum Science Corner's The Wolff Papers The Origin of Instantaneous Action in Natural Laws Contents A. Introduction : Wave Structure, Instantaneous Action, and the Natural Laws B. History of

Cosmology - Theory of the Origin and Meaning of the Universe

A Fractal Theory of the Origin and Meaning of the Universe Excerpt and Adaptation From R.C.L.'s book: Laws of Wisdom All of reality, from the smallest microcosmic sub-atomic particle, to the largest galactic cluster, seems to follow the same basic fractal

How the Strong Force fits in Ring Theory

How the Strong Force fits in Ring Theory Strong force and ring spin angular momentum are equal in size. Electrostatic charge is the asymptotic shielded value of the charge, generated by rubbing, equal in size to, at most, half the strong force. Total spin

Science News - US time now flows from atom fountain

January 2000 article discusses the cesium atomic fountain clock at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. From

A History of the Ideas Leading to the Discovery of the Atomic Bomb

Traces the development of the atomic bomb by following the historical origins of the ideas that allowed it to be produced. Begins with the Greeks and follows the thread of physics discoveries to the Trinity test.

Hawking Radiation: Background Information

In order to describe the process of Hawking Radiation, we must first have some knowledge of both Gravity and Quantum Mechanics. Hawking Radiation is the result of joining these two theories togeth...

Rational Quantum Physics

Rational Holistic Quantum Physics based on Quantization of Space, Time and Mass By Louis Nielsen, Senior Physics Master. Introduction. In the following I shall submit a theoretical description of our Quantum Physical Universe, a description in which all

Quantum Information Science

... weak classical force by ... of quantum gravity. At ... the universe actually ... domain. Time-frequency ... by-atomis achieved, quantum computation ... condensed-matter physics ...

Gyros, Clocks, and Interferometers: Testing General Relativity in Space

Gyros, Clocks, and Interferometers: Testing General Relativity in Space 220th WE--Heraeus--Seminar Abstracts L. Blanchet: Post-Newtonian gravitational radiation The aim of this talk is to provide an introduction followed by a specialized discussion

The Universe Viewed by People of Ancient Times

In ancient times, the Egyptians were among those who invented myths of creation to offer their own versions of the origin of the universe. They believed, however, that because the stars always returned to the same position in the sky each year, the... It...

Computational Nanotechnology - Ralph Merkle

Explains the concepts of the Universal Computer and Universal Constructor, and discusses how molecular mechanics might make them possible.

physics : Hidden extras

... physics : Hidden extras. ... higher-dimensional universe, which makes ... of matter and its ... ofan atom. ... space-time) with ... a quantum theory of gravity, force would


Wavicle/W.H.F.Christie March12/97 PATIENCE: 3 minutes to load eq100.gif to eq508.gif ABSTRACT: I have reverted to the classical concepts of ether, space and time to develop a pure wave theory of the electron (or fermion) as a simple ROTATING WAVE.

Chapter 21. Inertia IS Gravity

... the hydrogen atom, where the ... the electron's quantum attributes of ... no matter how ... theuniverse. More ... in time, each ... gravitational-force vectors ... G. Gravity Line. ...

Sketches of a History of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics - Hyperjeff

Timeline of the major events of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. Includes links to biographies and a complete bibliography.


Relativity There is a problem of logic right at the outset. Einstein's postulate states that the velocity of light is constant relative to the observer, or that the observed velocity of light is i...

White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, And Black Holes

All-text page on the various stages in the discovery and development of theories of white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes.

Theory of Atoms in Molecules

Learn about alternative methods of explaining atom behavior in molecules, using quantum mechanics.

Open Questions and Unsolved Mysteries in Particle Physics and Cosmology

Open questions in physics and cosmology that science hasn't answered yet.

Grava Thesis: A New Perspective on Cosmology - By Ray Cruz - Antithesis to String Theory - Astrono

The presentation of grava theory by Ray Cruz. Grava is an antithesis to string theory and proposes a 3D model of strings.

What is the speed of light?

Speed of light, is the speed of light constant?

Science News - Gravity Gets Measured

Published in May 2000, this article profiles experiments that measured the force of gravity with more precision. From

The LIGO Project

L I G O - Gravitational Wave Detectors Gravitational Waves: Ripples in the Fabric of Space Time Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916 as part of the theory of general relativit

Gravity Waves

... time, each atom of that ... of the Universe had already ... time to time, and although ... theory,matter is ... the ant-gravity machine ... weak force, BUT ... fundamental quantum of ...

Quark Soup

Watch an animation of quarks and leptons and read a discussion about their classification.

The Role of Quantum Mechanics in Brain Function

The Role of ... of the universe that is ... constituents of matter are ... of the atom are ... in quantummechanics ... gravitational force makes ... the time of ... with gravity becomes ...


defines all the forces of nature in terms of a physical process and mechanism with respect to four spatial dimensions.

Relativity Extension Theory

September 6,1999, John Lahore, email This is a crack at a Grand Unifcation Theory that includes Interaction of ether and matter at quantum levels. Equations of state for the ether. Prediction of the Michaelson-Morley exp

The Forces of Nature

[ Previous Section ] [ Return To Table Of Contents ] Section 10. The Forces of Nature Current physics posits that there are four forces of nature and they are: the electromagnetic force, the nuclear weak and strong forces and gravity.

Science News - Cooled Device Unveils a Quantum Limit

Examines how scientists are pushing the envelope in their research of the quantum behavior of tiny circuits and machines.

Dr. John V. Milewski - Presents, The Wonderful World of Advanced Materials.

Dr. John V. Milewski explains his crystal growing business, and his theory on SuperLight. He hopes to make a new environmentally safe energy source, and a healing energy source to improve our life style here, on good mother earth.

W. Fuhse, ether physics, part 7

... a "time atom". I have ... for that matter--is quantized ... of the universe. In this ... of quantum-field ... agravitational force field ... space-time. ... require gravity to be ...

A Compilation of Anti-Gravity Articles And References

... NEW YORK HERALD ... field - no matter how fast ... of the 'Quantum Theory' of Dr ... the first atombomb ... same time by ... the force of ... anti-gravity 'power ... the universe, learning ...

Impetus Force

... each space quantum unit maintains ... creating the atom. It also ... the universe pushing physical ... andtime to ... this force as ... electricity. Matter acted ... of gravity, a ...

research by Warren Siegel

My research is on Theoretical High Energy Physics. Physics is the study of the laws that govern the fundamental building blocks of nature, such as the submicroscopic particles that make up atoms, ...

THE BACKGROUND FIELD THEORY by Calvet in Journal of Theoretics

THE BACKGROUND FIELD THEORY. (Virtual Particles and Fields of Force) Author: Calvet C. Carlos Calvet, Ph.D., Francisco...

What is a Force, Really?

What is a Force, Really? There seems to be a myriad of different kinds of forces acting in our world - friction, air resistance, gravity, normal forces, forces people exert, electrical forces, magnetic forces, etc. Physicists have always had the not

Science News - Matter Waves: Be Fruitful and Multiply

January 2000 news story describes researchers' findings regarding the coherent amplification of atoms in lasers.

The Planck Length Problem is solved

... a hydrogen atom, a proton ... any other time, we conclude ... strength of gravity has ... electromagneticforce which ... Planck's quantum of ... the Universe has ... All matter is ...

Time (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Time Time has been studied by philosophers and scientists for 2,500 years, and although time is much better understood today than long ago, many mysteries remain. This article explores both what is k


THE EVOLUTION OF MATTER Chapter 1 Sections of this chapter Cosmology The Expanding Universe The Big Bang Theory The Steady State Model Galaxies Stellar Evolution Quasars Cosmological Synthesis The Evo


CHAPTER SEVEN SCIENCE, IDEOLOGY AND HUMAN ANCESTRY All our attempts to frame human nature are beset by problems around the concept of ideology. This is as true of Darwinian biology and the problem of the place of humanity in nature as it is of the psychoanalytic understanding of t the unconscious.

A Plan for an Intersteller Communications Grid that allows instantaneous communication.

PRELIMINARY PREPRINT ONLY Plan for an Interstellar Grid allowing instantaneous Network Communication utilizing Quantum Entanglement - with some preliminary implications for SETI. By John Walsh 10 Jan 1999 ABSTRACT Exploitation of inter


How elementary particles and electromagnetic radiation really interact. NEW Proof of a realistic GUT.

Galaxy Model for the Atom

Presents one man's theory seeking to reconcile the contradictory assumptions behind the dual particle model. Includes illustrative models.

G-D Theory: A "New Relativity"

A New And Ancient System of Physics by Steve Young Welcome to a new Reality! G-D Physics describes a rational and understandable physical universe - giving it a huge advantage over modern physics! GDT is based on the 'inverted' form of relativity de

Physics Questions People Ask Fermilab

Physics Questions People Ask Fermilab. Bose-Einstein Condensate (Feb. 20, 1998) " I recently read an article in Scientific American regarding the...

Wave Mechanics

Introduces the concepts of wave mechanics. Includes details about Erwin Schrodinger in relation to elementary quantum chemistry.

Particle Physics at CCP

Particle Physics at CCP Japanese version is here . P ARTICLE PHYSICS P article physics, or high energy physics, aims to understand the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions. Ordinary matter surrounding us is made of atoms such

Logical Physics

Logical Physics The Uncertainty Principle Is A Cop-out A Comprehensive Theory of Atomic Structure and Behavior, from Physics to Astronomy Cecil Ross

Time, Matter, and the Relativity of Perception

... around the galaxy. And what ... layer of celestial bodies. Then ... of time must ... of empty space into solid matter. And ... an atom on ... his universe resides ... the gravity of it ...

Questions by e-mail

I have a friend who doesn't believe in the expansion of the Universe. His main argument is that our speed relative to the microwave background is nowhere near the speed of light, and so we must be at

Teardrop in Space - A Prolegomena to any past Prolegomena by James R. Jaeger II

Tear Drop in Space A Prolegomena to any past Prolegomena by James R. Jaeger II Copyright 1986, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001 by James R. Jaeger II ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NOTE THIS BOOK IS A PHILOSOPHIC "WORK-IN-PROGRESS" AND IS BASED UPON MY OBSERVATIONS...

The Ulmost Physics: Constitute the great cosmic macromathematics based on L-Particle, Mathematical principle, Scientific

The Scientific Approach To Buddhist Study -- Mathematical Principle (III) The Utmost Physics: Constitute The Great Cosmic Macro-mathematics Based On L-Particle The speed of light or photon is not absolute. Only L-particle is unique and absolute. Its

What Is the Universe pt.1?

The Structure of the Universe The supporting medium - Motion and structure - The condensation of matter - A universe of matter and fields - The geometry of structure This has to be one of the most intriguing questions ever to challenge the.........

What are Supernovae?

... to explain celestial phenomena, and ... of an atom is the ... Milky Way Galaxy, pass ... the space and time around it ... more matter, the ... of gravity, and the Universe will ...


... views, particularly in reference to celestial space relating to inertial behavior. Descartes believed space to be relative and ... held position relative to the celestial sphere, inviting Ernst Mach ...

Evolution of Stars

Simple explanation of birth, life, and death of stars.

Beginning Urban Skywatching

An introduction to the urban night sky, what to see and how to see it. Very large, single web page.

Understanding the Cosmic Code

Science has always had impediments to progress. Before major advances in understanding can take place, ingrained biases must be overcome. As Eugene V. Debs expressed it, "When great changes occur in history, when great principles are...... The effects......

GIC - 3314 collision, striations, dopplers, cartwheel

Merge any two side by side images together in overlay, the resulting overlay optics has sharply increased small details by positive re-enforcement, plus, deep space topology aspects not seen in mono 2

Nightwatch by Terence Dickinson - A Practical Guide to Viewing ...

... still 50 time; farther away ... holes-gravity whirlpools ... in this celestial cube ... The space between ... one atom per ... existed, matter in the universe clumped ... Way Galaxy to ...

New Page 1

... November 23, 1999.) What does such incredible celestial density signify? Quite simply, it exhibits all ... persist until completion of a more thorough celestial search, it is extremely doubtful if the ...

An Introduction to Atomic Physics

... surrounding the atom under ... a distant galaxy, only ... the universe but ... and celestial mechanics ... century, space-time and gravity by ... condensed matter physics. ...

Script for video - The Biosphere

Part 1: A Brief History of the Biosphere You are a voyager from a far off star system. You cruise near the speed of light by billions of stars in billions of galaxies separated by billions of miles of dark space. On your home planet there is science......

baryon fraction, CMB

... be one atom per cubic ... based on space-based observations ... the celestial sphere ... when matter and ... that time. ... for galaxy cluster ... self-gravity of ... the Universe, their ...

A Modest Proposal

Copies of this publication may be purchased directly from Fleming Enterprises or a downloadable on-line version is available at


THE NATURES OF THE STARS. The stars surround you. At night they are everywhere, dotting the sky; in the daytime, one, our Sun, dominates, its brilliant light washing the others away until...

Science Box

... nick: pass: ... from an atom laser. The ... based 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey ... of the universe has ... that matter curves space-time, which ... where gravity originates ...

The Universe by the Numbers

... of hydrogen atom from the ... days. "Surface" gravity, cm/s ... of galaxy, 10 ... Hubble time (1/H ... visible matter in ... the Celestial Orbits ... the Universe 15 ... astronomy. Space based ...

Elusive Celestial Bodies

Cover Picture: Array of 22 meter Radio Antennas located at the Paul Wild Observatory, Australia used to discover the faint signals from pulsars. (Picture Credit: John Masterson) Elusive Celestial Bodi


... presumably because gravity must be ... this celestial average. ... distant galaxy, say ... physical universe is ... density (space-gauge ... over time, we ... than matter by ... an atom of ...

my Little Bang page

... single first atom; Big Bang ... of every galaxy. This implies ... other celestial objects ... So gravity is not ... the universe expands ... the space-time continuum ... matter. Near ...

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Cosmology Introduction People have always wondered about how the universe began and if it will end. This seems the most incomprehensible thing for us to ponder. Yet, as Einstein once said t

Questions and Answers 2

... was a galaxy. Another ... of the atom--the ... of matter falling ... similar celestial objects ... Other Space Phenomena ... of Time: From ... Narlikar; Gravity's Fatal ... the Universe by ...


THE QUANTUM SPACE Aldo Piana Part III The effects of Quantum Space and Relation on the interpretation of phisical laws and of the most widely accepted theories: ways to solve conflicts and paradoxes,

The Truth Page 6

The CIA had no need to feel blind-sided by the creation of the NSA. Eisenhower's other pet project was aerial reconnaissance. While the ferret missions could nibble at the skirts of Soviet airspace, t

The Noah Syndrome - Part 4

The Noah Syndrome

biology, medicine, technology, astronomy, physics, space, exploration, genetics, genetic engineering, cosmology, chemistry, anthropology, archaeology, paleontology, mathematics, science, discover, dis


--- A THEORY OF ABSOLUTE SPACE/TIME --- "These both to know: To constantly examine further into all solutions. To know to constantly examine into all solutions." Paraphrased from Chapter 65

SpaceWatch.UK homepage

... discuss the celestial sphere, motions ... equation of time, and ... esp. gravity) are ... for the atom. Doppler ... dark matter halo ... covered (galaxy clusters ... the universe (open ...

Remote Sensing Tutorial Page Section20-1

Writer's Note: 1) Most of the pages in this Section are image-intensive, so that the large number of illustrations can lead to a lengthy download time for those with slow modems; 2) Some parts or idea

Cosmology & the Big Bang

Cosmology and the Big Bang David Pratt A modern creation myth The nonexpanding universe The microwave background Large-scale structure Alternative cosmologies Evolution and involution References A modern creation myth Most cosmologists today believe

NYT Physical Science and Math Frame

Who of us would not be glad to lift the veil behind which the future lies hidden; to cast a glance at the next advances of our science and at the secrets of its development during future centuries

Space Exploration Time Line

... all matter is ... a "primordial atom" (precursor ... the time humans ... known universe has ... Hubble Space Telescope ... of galaxy M87 ... Jupiter's gravity, and ... two celestial objects ...

Mercury E-zine - Chandra Delivers

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific was founded in 1889 by a group of Northern ... past the Virgo cluster and continue toward the north celestial pole for several billion light-years, you will come ...

Distant Wonders Supernovae Galaxies Quasars Blackholes

The death of a large star is a sudden and violent event. The star evolves peacefully for millions of years, passing through various stages of development, but when it runs out of nuclear fuel,...

Cosmic Evolution - Epoch 2 - Galactic - Section 2 - Gravitational ...

... of gaseous matter itself ... troubling celestial problems ... each atom on ... into space, thereby ... early Universe, after which gravity gradually ... huge galaxy clusters ... time ...

The Cosmic Engine

The universe began with a singularity in space-time and thereafter has seen a continual movement of energy impelling, creating and organizing matter. As part of this ongoing process, the sun formed ov

APOD Search Results for "Galaxy Cluster"

Astronomy Picture of the Day Search Results for "Galaxy Cluster" Found 158 items. APOD: 2002 February 3 - The Coma Cluster of Galaxies Explanation: Almost every object in the above photograp

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