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humanity - evolution - universe - life - spirit - love - health - society - groupthink - religion - leader - capital - waste - world - law

1. "Are they trying to kill us?"
2. 12 Reasons to Oppose the Ward Valley Nuclear Waste Dump

1) Protecting Our Environmental Laws: A congressional land transfer bill that would circumvent other environmental laws such as the Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Protection Act and Federal Land Policy and Management Act is undemocratic

3. 50 Facts About U.S. Nuclear Weapons

Check here for the facts on the largest and smallest bombs, the total number built and still deployed, numbers and locations of nuclear tests, and weapons lost in accidents and never recovered.

4. Agua Latina

Online technical water magazine for Latin America. Published monthly. News and technical reports on topics including water supply and treatment, wastewater, contamination, storage, irrigation, and hydroelectricity.

5. Air Pollution

Overview of the effects of Air Pollution on the Chesapeake Bay Region, including: sources of air pollution, how air pollution moves, what the atmospheric emissions, atmospheric deposition, wet deposition, dry deposition, and loads are and how the Bay Program

6. American Gulfwar Veterans Association

). ...

7. Anti-nuclear Campaign in X-USSR

Web site of Vladimir Slivyak, the head of the anti-nuclear campaign in x-USSR. Includes news on Russian nuclear agency (MINATOM) and transportation of the world's nuclear waste to Russia.

8. Applied Science and Analysis (ASA) nuclear, biological and chemical defense

Nuclear, biological and chemical weapon defense and protection issues and bioterrorism. Non-proliferation, chemical weapons convention, toxin weapon, chemical and biological warfare.

9. Arms Reduction Cold War Nuclear Weapon Treaty Commemorative Arms Reduction Edition

Cold War Artifacts order form, Nuclear Weapon, Artifact, Orders, Comments, Questions - President Reagan

10. Atomic Archive

Explore the history, science, and consequences of atomic and nuclear weapons. Includes timeline of weapon developments, biographies of atomic scientists, accounts of nuclear tests, arms-control treaties, full text original documents and an extensive image and video gallery. There is a glossary and teachers guide.

11. Australian Green politician lies about nuclear waste

Giz Watson is a WA green politician. This article by Dr Oakley exposes the lies Watson told about nuclear waste.

12. Australian War Memorial

Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames.The Memorial site is however non-frame friendly. ...

13. Biased Process Promotes Exposure to Nuclear Waste; Could Lead to Contamination of Consumer Goods

Biased Process Promotes Forced Exposure to Nuclear Waste; Radioactive Materials Could be Released Into Consumer Goods, Building Supplies

14. Biological War on Waste

Biological remediation of nuclear waste. The Oak Ridger Online.

15. Biological Weapons FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Biological Weapons and Defense.

16. Birdman Weapon Systems

Unfriendly products for an unfriendly world.

17. BorderLines 37: West Texas Town Targeted for Nuclear Dump: Waste on the Way?

The environmental crises of the U.S.-Mexico border region came into the international spotlight with the debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Although that spotlight has faded some since NAFTAs passage in 1993, the problems have not gone away. Among the unresolved issues is a raging debate over whether the state of Texas should be allowed to turn the border region into a national dumping ground for radioactive waste

18. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

in-depth reporting on nuclear affairs and security issues.

19. Campaign Against Nuclear Storage and Radiation

CANSAR is a group dedicated to addressing the threats to the people of Plymouth,and South East Cornwall UK from nuclear radiation and pollution by the operations carried out at the Devonport Royal Dockyard by the MoD and DML.


Dedicated to working with & assisting tribes in the protection & preservation of the reservation environment. Native Americans have traditionally spoken for the land, water & air.

21. Canada's Role in the Atomic Bomb Programs of the US, UK, France & India

A chronology of Canada's contributions to the nuclear weapon programs of several countries. Includes material on the production of plutonium at Chalk River and the accident there, the development and export of CANDU reactors, a picture gallery and other material.

22. Cancer-Incidence Studies in Natick, Mass.

Environmental problems and certain rising cancer-incidence data.

25. Chemical Weapons Convention

also provides information on other issues relating to toxic chemicals.

26. Chemical Weapons Working Group: Environmental Justice

The Chemical Weapons Working Group (CWWG) is a national coalition of more than 200 citizen organizations whose mission is to ensure chemical weapons are destroyed using technologies that are safe for the public and the environment.

27. Chem-Nuclear Systems

Nuclear and radioactive waste management.

28. Chernobyl, 10 years after.

Full book on the chernobyl accident and its impacts.

29. Citizens Awareness Network (CAN)

Concerned with environmental pollution and health issues surrounding exposure to toxins. Goals are to enable citizens to reclaim democratic control over their environment and to develop strategies for the prevention and elimination of pollution. Address issues of nuclear reactor operations, decomissioning, and public health effects across the Northeast U.S.

30. City of Toronto: Our City - Solid Waste Disposal Environmental As

Through the Solid Waste Management Marketplace Engagement Program, staff will study and secure long term disposal capacity and examine waste diversion options.

31. Cleanrooms East Conference and Exhibits

International Conference on Advanced Technologies and Practices for Contamination Control

32. Coalition on West Valley Nuclear Wastes

Citizens group overseeing the management of nuclear waste at West Valley, NY. Supports digging up contaminated material and holding it in above-ground storage for eventual removal.

33. Cold War Leftovers: Canada and Nuclear Weapons Waste

Plutonium is a by-product of all nuclear fission reactors, formed as part of the highly radioactive nuclear fuel waste. It is one of the most dangerous human-made poisons known -- a very potent cancer-causing element once inhaled. It has been isolated for use in nuclear weapons because it is an incredibly powerful explosive. Only a few kilograms of separated plutonium are needed to make a nuclear bomb. Plutonium can also be used as fuel for nuclear reactors

34. Cold War Nuclear Weapon Treaty Commemorative President Reagan and Gorbachev started negotiating the INF Treaty the same year Star Wars was proposed.

Cold War Artifacts order form, Nuclear Weapon, Artifact, Orders, Comments, Questions - President Reagan

35. Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety

Organization focused on increasing public awareness concerning the issues posed by radioactivity and the nuclear industry, particularly connected with Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico.

36. Congressman Gordon Fights Nuclear Waste Dump in Oak Ridge - Congressman Bart Gordon, Representing Tennessee's 6th District

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A bill cosponsored by U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon requiring the Department of Energy to build both a temporary and a permanent nuclear waste storage facility in Nevada passed a House subcommittee this week

37. Controlling the Flow of Weapon Usable Fissile Materials

Research brief discusses the problem and control of bomb making materials originating from civilian and military sources.

38. Corporate Watch ---

WORLD SOCIAL FORUM This Is What Democracy Looks Like Updated: 1/29/2001. Thousands gather in Porto Alegre, Brazil to look towards a future in which...

39. Corporate Welfare Military Waste and Fraud - $172 billion a year

When it comes to wasting money, the Pentagon has no peer. For one thing, there's the single question of scale.

40. Cowen Flowline - Pollution Control Equipment

The complete range of pollution control products and expertise for preventing and dealing with hazardous spills.

41. Crawford Equipment and Engineering

Products include the widest variety of industry incinerators, including medical/pathological and hazardous waste incinerators, as well as municipal solid waste (msw) systems and acid gas conditioning systems.

42. Destruction of Chemical Weapons

Destruction of Chemical Weapons: field methods, scenarios, technologies, workshops

43. Did You Know?

Discussion of consumerism and its effects on the environment, and suggested solutions. Lots of assertions; sources are not quoted.

45. Discounted Casualties

The human cost of depleted uranium. People exposed to depleted uranium and other toxic substances during the Gulf War are now tormented by leukemia and a whole array of chronic disorders. Chugoku Shimbun.

46. Doomsday Clock

from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The clock has moved forward and back, reflecting international tensions and the developments of the nuclear age.

47. Doubt Cast on Prime Site as Nuclear Waste Dump

YUCCA MOUNTAIN, Nev. -- For more than a decade, this mountain in the heart of the desolate Nevada desert has been promoted as the best spot to bury the country's mounting pile of nuclear waste

48. Encyclopaedia of the First World War

Encyclopaedia of the First World War, Click here to visit our sponsor. Help keepthis website free by visiting our sponsors. Their websites will include ...

49. Ending Nuclear Terror

by Daryl G. Kimball, Executive Director, Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers- from National Debate --Point-Counterpoint Commentary and Public Policy News, Winter 1998

50. Energy & Critical Infrastructure

responsibilities include energy research, applied energy (fossil energy and renewable energy), nuclear energy, nuclear waste management, and environmental programs.

51. Enviro$en$e

providing pollution prevention, regulatory compliance, and solvent substitution information.

52. Environment News Service: Global Nuclear Waste Dump Meets Resistance Down Under

CANBERRA, Australia, October 28, 1999 (ENS) - A global nuclear waste disposal site that would accept radioactive waste from around the world sounds like a good idea for countries that want to get rid of their waste, but it does not sound so good to Australians.Hart Consulting Web and Engineering Studio, Mountain View California,

53. Environment Protection Agency - Waste and Pollution Prevention

Poor environmental practices world-wide have led to a degradation of our water, air and land as well as wasting our precious natural resources. In South Australia we share the world's growing concerns about waste minimisation and pollution prevention. We recog

54. Environment:Should a nuclear waste dump be built in Australia ? (Reader's forum)

Public Debate Australia reader's forum for the issue 'Environment:Should a nuclear waste dump be built in Australia ?'

55. Environmental & Turf Services, Inc.

Expertise in lead and arsenic contamination of shooting ranges. Based in Maryland.

56. Environmental Diplomacy: Environment & US Foreign Policy

The U.S. State Department's first annual report on the environment and foreign policy represents a new way of looking at the world. Contents includes Water Resources.

57. Environmental Journalism Case Study - Nuclear Waste Storage at Yucca Mountain

Columbia School of Journalism: Reading list and other resources on geological storage of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain.

58. Environmental Screwups

Nuclear disasters and pollution.

59. Enviroscot

Recycling and waste management services in Scotland hazardous waste, toxic waste disposal, contaminated land, soil and environmental remediation, recycling (paper, glass, plastics, wood), skip hire and waste collection.

60. EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics - Toxics Release Inventory

valuable information source about toxic chemicals that are being used, manufactured, treated, transported, or released into the environment.


get real time air pollution data, including ozone maps and forecasts, and detailed daily reports from selected states.

62. Ethical Investing

Contradictory issues in socially responsible determinations. A paper by Jon Entine.

63. ex-USSR Nuclear Technologies and The World

ClearingHouse Approved, Ex-USSR Nuclear Technologiesand the World, Point Top5%. Welcome to ...

64. Fire - Issues of nuclear waste and contamination

Sept. 30, 1998 Study finds depleted uranium in veterans urine From the pages of USA TODAY

65. Free Mordechai Vanunu

Campaign to free Israeli nuclear whistle blower. Revealed his government's nuclear arsenal, the sixth largest in the world.

66. Genetically Engineered Food

Health and environmental risks with scientific findings. News, information, regulation, campaigns, links, books.

67. Geologica

Engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists and scientists specializing in soil and ground water contamination and other environmental compliance problems.

69. GRACE Nuclear Abolition Project

Working with Abolition 2000 to ban the bomb, and supports UN disarmament initiatives, collective action for sustainable energy, and new solutions for the health and environmental consequences of nuclear waste. Time's Up Campaign - Send a message to elected leaders to tell them TIME'S UP! for nuclear weapons.

70. GrassRoots Recycling Network (GRRN)

Dedicated to environmental stewardship and achieving a sustainable economy by eliminating waste and reusing, recycling and composting resources. Advocates an end to corporate subsidies for waste, hopes to create new jobs from discarded materials.

71. Green Scissors '99 Report: Energy Section

Green Scissors '99 offers 72 recommendations to cut more than $50 billion in spending and subsidies that pollute our natural resources and threaten public health.

72. Greenaction Ward Valley Campaign

Support the efforts led by the Indian Nations of the lower Colorado River area to defeat the radioactive waste dump proposed for Ward Valley, California.

73. Greenpeace Stories, 25 Years of Environmental Activism

Greenpeace Stories 25 Years of Environmental Activism 1. "DON'T MAKE A WAVE" G reenpeace was born 25 years ago, formed by three friends: (from left to right) Jim Bohlen , Paul Cote and Irving Stowe who wanted in some small way to make a difference.

74. Greetings From Corbin Harney

Copyright 1997 Wilmington Star-News, Inc. Compiled from staff and wire reports A decline in the amount of low-level radioactive waste disposed of nationwide has prompted officials in several state...

75. Guidance - Hazardous Waste Reduction Plans, Annual Status Reports

Hazardous waste reduction planning

76. Gulf War Syndrome: The Case For Multiple Origin Mixed Chemical/

Over 4,000 U.S. veterans of the Gulf War suffering from a myriad of illnesses collectively labelled "Gulf War Syndrome" are reporting symptoms of muscle and joint pain, memory loss, intestinal and heart problems, fatigue, running noses, urinary urgency, diarrhea, twitching, rashes, and sores. [Staff Report to U.S. Senator Donald W. Riegle, Jr.]

77. Gulf War Veteran Resource Pages

An award winning site Serving the Gulf War VeteranCommunity Worldwide Since 1994, ...

78. Gulf War Veterans and Depleted Uranium

By Dr. Rosalie Bertell. Health effects including medical testing for contamination.

79. Hazardous Waste - Environmental Health & Safety/UCR

UCR Hazardous Waste Management program

81. House OKs Radioactive Waste Dump

82. How Can My Community Reduce Waste?

Learn some practical things you can do to reduce solid waste and other types of pollution.

83. Idaho Won't Be De Facto Dump For Nuclear Waste, Governor Says

The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory has been receiving highly radioactive waste since the late 1940s. In recent years, it has joined the list of sites operated by the Department of Energy whose clean-up will cost tax-payers billions of dollars -without assurance that any safe resting place will be found for the long-lived radioactive contaminants

84. IEN News - 5 Tribes Ask California Governor-Elect to Pull Back on Ward Valley Nuclear Waste Dump

5 Tribes Ask California Governor-Elect to Pull Back on Ward Valley Nuclear Waste Dump Rosebud Tribal Citizens File Suit to Stop Giant Hog Operation

85. Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant

The Ignalina nuclear power plant contains RBMK-1500 water-cooled graphite-moderated channel-type power reactors. It is located in Lithuania.

86. Indigenous Environmental Network

"An alliance of Indigenous Peoples protecting the sacredness of Mother Earth and building sustainable communities. ... We support basic principles of environmental justice - the rights of people to a clean environment regardless of race, economic position, gender, or national identity." Based in Minnesota.

87. Industrial Air Pollution Equipment

Manufacturing system solutions to industrial process air pollution problems; complete product line for submicron particulate capture and control.

88. INF Treaty Cold War Nuclear Weapon Treaty Commemorative piece of nuclear missile, President Reagan and Gorbachev Collectibable Executives, Veterans

Cold War Artifacts order form, Nuclear Weapon, Artifact, Orders, Comments, Questions - President Reagan

89. Infectious Waste Disposal In Oregon

Infectious waste can be a threat to human health and the environment. Because so many people can come into contact with infectious wastes, it is very important that these be properly collected, handled, stored, treated, hauled and disposed.

90. - Its Something in the Water

Silicofluorides used to fluoridate drinking water is linked to antisocial behavior according to

91. International Dark-Sky Association

non-profit membership-based organization that aims stop the adverse environmental impact of light pollution and space debris.

92. International Nuclear Safety Center

includes a database for safety analysis and risk evaluation of nuclear power plants and facilities.

93. International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)

promotes the nonproliferation of weapons technology by providing opportunities for weapon scientists to direct their talents towards peaceful science.

94. IPPNW -- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) is a non-partisan global federation of medical organizations dedicated to research, education, and advocacy relevant to the prevention of nuclear war. To this end, IPPNW seeks to prevent all wars, to promote non-violent conflict resolution, and to minimize the effects of war and preparations for war on health, development, and the environment.

95. Iran-Iraq War: a Military History.

A short history and military analysis of the war by the Federation of American Scientists.

96. Ishgooda Nuclear News for Life Newsletter

Nuclear news and links on the Native American environment. Nuclear and environmental waste stories and links.

97. July 12, 1998: DOE choice for nuclear waste dump plagued by high costs, lengthy delays

DOE choice for nuclear waste dump plagued by high costs, lengthy delays This story was published July 12, 1998 By Annette Cary Herald staff writer Some 15 million years ago in what is now southern Nevada, the Timber Mountain Caldera exploded out of the

98. Kill Defense Pork

The Pentagon and its allies have been arguing that the military is starved for funds. Yet the defense budget, adjusted for inflation, remains at the level of 1980, when there was a Cold War, Soviet Union, and Warsaw Pact. Congress has only repealed the Reagan military build-up.



100. Korean War 50th Anniversary Home Page

50th Anniversary of the Korean War and is the starting point for all public information regarding events during the commemoration period which runs from ...Description: Public information on events commemorating the Korean. Includes biographies, bibliographies, interviews,... Catégorie: Society > History > By Topic > War > Twentieth Century > Korean War

101. Laboratory Waste Disposal

How to properly deal with chemical waste in a chemistry laboratory. Includes common waste storage errors and a waste storage checklist.

103. Los Alamos National Laboratory

engages in research programs in energy, nuclear safeguards, biomedical science, environmental protection and cleanup, computational science, materials science, and other basic sciences.

104. Management of Infectious Waste By Small Quantity Generators Techn

Management of Infectious Waste By Small Quantity Generators Technical Bulletin

105. Managing Regulated Medical Waste

Managing Regulated Medical Waste

106. MoDNR Solid Waste Management Program Home Page

Solid Waste Management Program Home Page

107. Monsanto's Cremation Starts in Karnataka

Strong words, aimed at crops that are being burned by farmers in India who learned the hard way that Monsanto's cotton variety (which was disease prone and required enormous pesticides) became bred into next years' cotton harvest in the whole region, rendering the fields useless.

108. National Pollution Prevention Roundtable

National P2 Roundtable, Contact, Map, About NPPR. NPPR Workgroups make a difference.Events. P2 Week. Find It Here. International P2 and Cleaner Production. ...

109. NATO Admits it Used Depleted Uranium in Kosovo me more like thisGURPS Godzilla

110. NATO Against Yugoslavia

Collection of materials including depleted uranium in Yugoslavia.

111. Naval War College

... Emerging Theory of War. Navy After Next. The Future of US Naval Forces in the PacificRegion. Upcoming Events. Dr. James B. Maas to speak in Evening Lecture. ...

112. N-BASE Nuclear Information Service

Provides a database of newspaper references and publishes weekly Briefings on the UK civil nuclear industry, reprocessing and plutonium production at Sellafield and Dounreay, nuclear transports, waste, pollution and other environmental and health issues.

113. Nikkei Net - Features: Nuclear Safety At Risk

Nuclear Safety At Risk: The worst nuclear accident in Japan and its aftermath.

114. No Nuclear Waste Dump for South Australia

The Federal Government wants to put a nuclear waste dump in South Australia for two reasons. To compile all the low level waste stored in fifty locations around the country into one under-ground store and, secondly, so they can go ahead in the coming years to store higher level waste that comes from the Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor in Sydney. This latter waste will remain far more dangerous for thousands of years

115. North Shore Recycling Program (NSRP)

The North Shore Recycling Program (NSRP) offers information on recycling, the 4Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink), hazardous waste disposal and composting for residents and businesses of North Vancouver, BC, Canada.

116. Norwegian Institute for Air Research

A leading centre of expertise in questions related to air pollution. Established in 1969, it is an independent foundation specialized in most issues of air pollution on national and international levels. (Language: Norwegian)

117. Nuclear / Atomic Survival

Website about surviving a nuclear war and the effects of it. Contains info on radiation,emp,fallout shelters, radiation detectors, nuclear blasts and much much more

118. Nuclear Age Timeline

traces the history of nuclear energy from the discovery of x-rays and radioactivity to the explosion of the first atomic bomb through the Cold War and to the cleanup of the nuclear weapons complex.Glossary of Nuclear Terms

119. Nuclear contamination of Gulf War battlefields reported

Nuclear contamination of Gulf War battlefields reported

120. Nuclear Contamination Of Gulf War Battlefields Reported


122. Nuclear History Site

History and technology of nuclear weapons and power. Discusses Manhattan Project, development of the Superbomb, nuclear testing, nuclear energy issues, waste and other related topics.

123. Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) Web Site

... the Diary here! Licensed To Kill. NIRS/SECC/Humane Society of US/STAR Foundationjoint project on nuclear power and marine life. Don't Waste America NIX MOX ...

124. Nuclear Power Plant Demonstration

Control The Nuclear Power Plant (Demonstration). ... Detailed Applet Description.Nuclear Power Information. Preparing for a Disaster. ...

126. Nuclear Program at NRDC Pro

Research findings and other technical materials on nuclear weapons issues from the scientists and lawyers at the Natural Resources Defense Council.

127. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

responsibility includes regulation of commercial nuclear power reactors; nonpower research, test, and training reactors, fuel cycle facilities, medical, academic, and industrial uses of nuclear materials, and the transport, storage, and disposal of nuclear materials and waste.

128. Nuclear Submarine Reactor Accidents

Scottish CND info on reactor accidents and the problems that arise when a nuclear powered and armed submarine is lost at sea.

129. Nuclear Technology: The Inappropriate Exercise of Human Intelligence

back to radiation | rat haus | Index | Search | tree Nuclear Technology: The Inappropriate Exercise of Human Intelligence -- and Given This, What Is Appropriate? by dave ratcliffe It is not a normal situation when the people who are in charge

131. Nuclear War and You

The effects of a nuclear blast.

132. Nuclear War Survival - Weapon Effects

Nuclear war survival information for all Australians. Including maps of nuclear targets and software for calculating fallout. Confused about atomic weapons and their effects then check out this comprehensive guide.

134. Nuclear Waste Citizens Coalition

The NWCC unites 18 different groups working on various aspects of the nuclear waste problem. Our broad coalition includes anti-nuclear power groups, nuclear reactor communities, peace activists, nuclear weapons opponents, groups from contaminated DOE facilities, residents of sites targeted for nuclear waste dumps, and national environmental groups.

135. Nuclear Waste Dump

Sorry. That should read "nuclear waste dump" not neuclar waste dump. J.D. ***************************************** Now here is another question I'd like to bring to light, > "Does anyone have any information concerning the construction of a > neuclar waste dump in Sierra Blanca that may contaminate the Rio Grande > water shed? This is a topic that is being reported in the Mexican media > tonight. How will it impact the Rio Grande Valley

136. Nuclear Waste Dump -- A Sinister Agenda?

Given recent reports about the desirability of having a storage facility for nuclear wastes from Lucas Heights, Sydney, I wonder what we Australians are letting ourselves in for. With Australian politicians (major parties) and high-ranking officials backing moves for

137. Nuclear Waste Dump a Possibility

Despite a pending court suit by Maine Yankee, the state is going ahead with public licensing hearings on a proposed high level nuclear waste storage facility at Bailey Point

138. Nuclear Waste dump in the Pacific Still being Pursued

NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP IN THE PACIFIC STILL BEING PURSUED SUVA, February 14 - Greenpeace today warned that plans by US businessman Alex Copson, to use Wake Island in the North Pacific as a storage site for US and Russian nuclear waste were bound to fail and would only serve to re-ignite the strong anti-nuclear feelings in the region. Draft legislation citing Wake Island and Palmyra atoll as potential sites, has already been prepared for presentation to the US Senate. The draft , dated January 28, 1997, would allow Nuclear Disarmament Services Inc., a joint American-Russian Consortium, of which

139. Nuclear Waste Dumping

Description of radioactive waste problems in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk areas of Russia.

141. Nuclear Weapon Systems Sustainment Programs

Department of Defense. May 1997.

142. Nuclear Weapons on the Tibetan Plateau

Nuclear Weapons on the Tibetan Plateau By Tsultrim Palden Dekhang* Introduction Tibet holds a unique position among the countries of the world. Not only does its territory cover the highest plateau on the planet, but Tibet, alone among all nations,

143. Nuclear Weapons Responsibility

Transcript of Dr. Ted Taylor presentation given at 1998 Mickleton (N.J.) Quaker Meeting.

144. Resources on Nuclear Weapons, Manhattan ...

... bombs to the French for use in their war against the Vietnamese. The offer is refused.Fusion, noun 1. Nuclear fusion is a process during which light atoms ...

145. NuclearWaste

ENVIRONMENT NUCLEAR POWER POLLUTION RECYCLING (NOTE! Figures after paper title= the number # of pages) Reference # Title PENVIR0001 Beyond Lifestyle Change (Article Only) PENVIR0002 Launching The...


147. Nukewatch Pathfinder - Fall 1999

Like most industrial and manufacturing operations, the nuclear weapons complex has generated waste, pollution, and contamination. However, many problems posed by its operations are unlike those as...

148. Oak Ridge National Laboratory

devoted to research in nuclear and atomic physics .

149. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Home page

... EPA's program to identify and clean up abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous wastesites and to recover costs for parties responsible for the contamination. ... Catégorie: Regional > North America > ... > Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

150. Office of Waste Management

includes information about waste treatment, storage, and disposal.

151. One World Big Issues Nuclear Guide

Stories on nuclear issues. Links to related pages and other resources from around the world. Also nuclear weapons and nuclear power guides.

152. OneWorld News Service - Environment

ENVIRONMENT/INDONESIA: Pull-out call to Finnish timber company Finnish environmental activists are calling for the withdrawal of one of the country's largest forestry companies from Indonesia. From Inter Press Service, featured on the OneWorl

153. Oppose Proposed Ward Valley Nuclear Waste Dump

Declaring that "we may not need any more nuclear waste dumps at all, much less one that is a potential threat to our drinking water." Los Angeles City Attorney Jim Hahn filed an amicus brief today to oppose the proposed Ward Valley nuclear waste facility next to the Colorado River -- source of 15 to 20 percent of Los Angeles' water supply -- without first making sure there is no chance of radioactive waste leaking into the river

154. Oregon DEQ Hazardous Waste Program

Proper hazardous waste management is an integral part of protecting Oregon's land, air, and water systems. Site has information on regulations and regulatory compliances, as well as information and links on pollution prevention and other waste management topics.

155. Overview of Ventura County's Solid Waste Management Structure

Solid Waste, Recycling, Waste Exchange, Household Hazardous Waste, Composting, Buy Recycled, Recycling Market Development

157. Paying for Pollution: "Low-level" Radioactive Waste Dump

Paying for Pollution: How Taxpayers Subsidize Dangerous and Polluting Energy Sources

158. Pentagon Poison: The Great Radioactive Ammo Cover-Up

Rounds made of depleted uranium have exposed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of G.I.s to radiation without warning -- here's evidence the army knew the danger. [The Nation Online]

159. Physicians for Social Responsibility

Working to create a world free of nuclear weapons, global environmental pollution, and gun violence.

160. Ploughshares Fund

Enhances global security by fighting nuclear terrorism and proliferation, preventing war, reducing defense spending, restraining arms trading, cleaning up radioactive waste, and banning landmines.

162. PN Services Home Page

PN Services is the world's leader in chemical decontamination and cleaning; filtration in nuclear industrial and potable water industries

163. Pollution Prevention

A section that defines the term pollution prevention, with links to Canadian examples.

165. Potassium Iodide Radiation Protection

Nuclear accident and war radiation preventative medicine. FAQ about thyroid-blocking iodine sources.

166. Press Releases:Congress Must Act to Reduce Nuclear Dangers

Editorial advisory by Michael Krepon, Congress Must Act to Reduce Nuclear Dangers.

167. Problem for the Nuclear Power Industry

Save Ward Valley, Ft. Mojave Indian Tribe & BAN Waste Coalition DECEMBER 1997---ISSUE 5 Ech Kah Nav Cha Pipah Aha Macav by Steve Lopez, Ft. Mojave Indian Tribe

168. Proposed Nuclear Waste Dump at Yucca Mountain Still Unacceptable

Public Citizen maintains its strong objection to the proposed permanent repository for high-level radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada

169. Public Education Campaigns for Waste Reduction

The California Integrated Waste Management Board provides an overview of public education programs and campaigns to reduce, reuse, recycle solid waste.

170. Racing Against Victory - The Final Year

A chronology of the last year of the war and the build up to the atomic bombing of Japan. Discusses the preparations of the Manhattan Project to have the weapon ready and the process involved in choosing the target.

171. Radioactive Waste

Information, plans, practices and experiences on radioactive waste management disposal amongst the member societies of the International Nuclear Societies Council (INSC).


Guide to radioactive waste, nuclear and radiation related resources on the internet. Categorized directory with more than 1700 links.

173. Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq

Comprehensive report by Ramsey Clark on the huge death tolls and devastation created by the Gulf War and the 10-year economic sanctions against the people of Iraq.

174. Revolt Against the Empire

Promotes boycott against the eight biggest pesticide companies in the world. Against genetic projects to engineer food seeds that will accept much higher doses of herbicides increasing human exposure.

175. RH TRU-Waste Study Summary

Remote Handled Transuranic Waste Study Summary

176. River Pollution

Brief introduction to river pollution and protection from the UK Wildlife Trusts. Covers sources of pollution, acid rain, legislation, practical ways to help, and further reading.

177. Sierra Blanca Radioactive Waste Dump

When the Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority (the Authority) and the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission (TNRCC) attempted to obtain a license for operating a radioactive waste dump site in Sierra Blanca, Texas, it created a controversy that expands across an entire community, across borders and across the nation

178. Sierra Blanca Texas -- low level radioactive waste dump planned

Sierra Blanca Legal Defense Fund is fighting a low level radioactive waste dump planned for an earth-quake ridden site 16 miles from the Rio Grande (US/Mexico border

179. Sierra Club Nuclear Waste Task Force

Very comprehensive site focused on nuclear waste. Includes news, policies, maps and links. Locate nuclear related information including international.

180. Slashdot | Articles | Japan Suffers its Worst Nuke Plant Accident Ever

faq code osdn awards privacy slashNET older stuff rob's page preferences submit story advertising supporters past polls topics about jobs hof Sections 4/18 apache 4/18 (6) askslashdot 4/17 books 4/13 bsd 4/18 (3) developers 4/15 fe

181. Solid Waste Characterization Home Page

Gateway to the California Integrated Waste Management Board's waste characterization database and other information on solid waste characterization. Provides information to help solid waste planners in their efforts to reduce waste, establish recycling program

182. South Coast Air Quality Management District

air pollution control agency for more than 14 million Southern Californians.

183. Special Report: Chernobyl

Video Reports. Environment Correspondent, Carole Coleman, filed these special reports from the scene of the Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine. A...

184. Stop Andrews WCS Nuclear Waste Dump!

This is what has been submitted to and approved by the State of Texas Health Department Bureau of Radiation Control (now dissolved


Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project ***** ACTION ALERT TO STOP TEXAS NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP According to industry sources, H.R. 629, The Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Consent Act, is likely to come to a vote on the floor of the U.S. House in late September. This bill, which is virtually identical to one that was soundly defeated on the House floor in 1995, would allow Maine and Vermont to transport radioactive waste to Texas. The compact is the key to opening a new nuclear dump near Sierra Blanca, in Hudspeth County, Texas. More than 99% of the radioactive waste

186. Superfund

aims to eliminate the health and environmental threats posed by hazardous waste sites.

187. Sure-Way Systems, Inc.

A medical waste disposal service featuring reusable sharps containers. Provides links to several Federal regulatory agencies related to medical waste.

188. The American Nuclear Society

ANS Home, The American Nuclear Society. ANS Home HomeAbout Members Join Contact Search, Member ...

189. The Atomic Bomb: A turning point in world history - pictures, essay, links, WWII, the nuclear age, hiroshima, nagasaki, and other A-bomb facts!

The Atomic Bomb: An informative essay about how the atom bomb and how it launched us into the nuclear age changing the world. Pictures and info on World War II, the Nuclear Age, Manhattan Project, ...

190. The Bellona Web

Science-based environmental organization set up to combat problems of environmental degradation, pollution-induced dangers to human health, and the ecological impacts of economic development strategies. Bellona aims to present feasible solutions with the least impact on human activity. Regularly updated news. Topics include nuclear weapons and climate change. [English, Norsk and Russian.]

192. The Cygnus Group

info on the most efficient and effective ways to reduce waste and pollution, thus conserving resources - focuses on source reduction and reuse, rather than just recycling.

193. The Demon In the Freezer

The story of how smallpox, a disease of officially eradicated twenty years ago, became the biggest bioterrorist threat we now face

194. The Diaper Decision - Not A Clear Issue, HYG-5503-90

General Information Warfare is the primary method of achieving greatness and recognition amongst your opponents. Your military can make attacks using various strategies, each with benefits and ...

195. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons

Information article by Russell D. Hoffman.

196. The Hidden Dangers of Water

Article on the contamination of drinking water in the US. More than one third of all waterways are reported to be unsuitable for fishing or swimming because of pollution. Most contaminants are sewage and bacteria, fertilizer, toxic metals, oil and grease.

197. The National Centre for Environmental Toxicology (NCET)

Information, advice and research on chemical and biological contamination of drinking water, the aquatic environment and soils. Information to help those managing pollution incidents, industrial development and environmental planning.

198. The Nuclear Files | Study Guides

Recent Endoresment 1998 to 1999 Annual Report Summary Note: This report is traditional Chinese, Big5 encoded New Articles Let the River Run! by Jeff Hou The Greening of Taiwan by Scott Simon Wil...

199. The Nuclear History Site and Index Page

Discusses the history of nuclear energy in the United States including both nuclear power and nuclear weapons and the issues surrounding them including nuclear waste.

200. The plan to turn Russia into the world's nuclear waste dump

HOT PROPERTY, COLD CASH: The plan to turn Russia into the world's nuclear waste dump by Jeffrey St. Clair In These Times October 17, 1999, p. 10

201. The Recycling Pages : intro

PRETORIA June 27 — Sapa WEATHER MAY HAVE CAUSED LEAK AT N-CAPE NUCLEAR DUMP SITE A radioactive leak at South Africa's Vaalputs nuclear waste dump in the Northern Cape had probably been caused by a...

202. The Region; WASTE VOLUMES DOWN; Report questions need for new nuclear dumps

Making the Atomic Bomb Study Questions (1) When, where, and what constituted the first nuclear explosion on earth? (2) Sketch and explain a uranium gun-type fission weapon. (3) Sketch and explain...

203. The Russian Northern Fleet - Sources of Radioactive contamination

The Kola peninsula and Severodvinsk have the highest concentration of nuclear reactors, active and derelict, in the world. The cold war arms race went too fast for authorities to plan what to do with decommissioned submarines and the nuclear waste. This report describes the challenges that we face.

204. The U.S. Nuclear Weapons Production and Naval Nuclear Propulsion

Detailed descriptions of current and former U.S. nuclear weapons research, development, testing, and production, and naval nuclear propulsion facilities, including amounts of radioactive materials on-site and past and present operating contractors.

205. The Uranium Institute | News Briefings | Nuclear Energy News | Ne

A weekly summary of news relevant to the nuclear energy industry from the international industry and news media.

206. Toward a Plutonium Free Future

WAND/WTA! BULLETIN BOARD Week of March 20, 2000

207. Traprock Peace Center - Open Letter to US Rep. John Olver

Urging him to oppose economic sanctions and other violence against Iraq - also links on depleted uranium, resignation of Denis Halliday, food for oil, "dual use," manipulation of UNSCOM and harassment of U.S. citizens who have brought medicine to Iraq.

208. Trident Ploughshares 2000

"Nuclear weapons are immoral, dangerous, polluting, a terrible waste of resources and were found to be generally illegal by the International Court of Justice on July 8th 1996." NOTE: The last statement is untrue.

209. Trident Ploughshares 'Tri-Denting It' Handbook

PART 4: STATUS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS 4.1 Background to the State of Nuclear Weapons in the World There are five declared nuclear weapon states in the world: the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China. Three more states, Israel, India and Pa

210. Tritium levels at Beatty nuclear waste dump

Federal scientists said Wednesday they have found higher-than-normal levels of tritium contaminating the soil, water and plants southwest of US Ecology's low-level radioactive waste dump near Beatty

211. TXI Hazardous Waste Incineration Facts

TXI, Midlothian, Duncanville, DeSoto, toxic, waste, hazardous, cement, plant, TNRCC, kiln, burning

212. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Detailed information about U.S. commercial nuclear plants and the regulatory process. Includes daily reports on events which have occured at U.S. nuclear plants.

213. UIC - Uranium & Nuclear Power Information Centre, Australia

The UIC web site is to assist public understanding of uranium mining and nuclear electricity generation.

214. Under The Wormwood Star

Journey into the darkness of nuclear war and its consequences upon the human psyche.

215. United Recycling Industries

Environmentally safe waste management of computer electronic components and recycling of industrial, commercial, consumer, and military electronic material and scrap.

216. US DOE Brightfields Initiative

Brightfields program addresses three big challenges — urban revitalization, toxic waste cleanup, and climate change — by bringing pollution-free solar energy and high-tech solar manufacturing jobs to brownfields.

217. US Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board

... technical oversight of the US program for management and disposal of high-levelradioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel from civilian nuclear power plants. ...

218. Voices in the Wilderness - The Sanctions

From previous trips, we knew exactly where to find overwhelming evidence of a weapon of mass destruction. Inspectors have only to enter the wards of any hospital in Iraq to see that the sanctions themselves are a lethal weapon, destroying the lives of Iraq's most vulnerable people. In children's wards, tiny victims writhe in pain, on blood-stained mats, bereft of anesthetics and antibiotics. Five thousand children, under age five, perish each month.

219. WAND: Women's Action for New Directions

PEN is a network of grassroots environmental groups throughout the state. These groups are fighting everything from landfills, incinerators, nuclear dumps and sludge spreading on farmlands to logg...

220. War Child Home Page

HELPING THE INNOCENT VICTIMS OF WAR ... War Child Jobs. Pleaseread and sign our guestbook designed by dool.

221. Ward Valley, proposed nuclear waste dump, land mines

The Ward Valley low-level radioactive waste site (nuclear waste dump) affects the Fort Mojave and other downstream Colorado River Indian tribes

222. Waste Disposal

WHY ECOMARKET Every year each inhabitant of Padua and the neighbouring villages throws away almost 500 kilos of waste. The number of the available rubbish dumps for the urban waste inside the Bac...

223. Waste disposal in the Arctic Seas

Results and conclusions of International Arctic Seas Assessment Project (IASAP) IAEA supported study.

224. Waste management by BECO, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Minimize your waste disposal costs through prevention, separation and rational disposal

225. Waste minimisation

Waste minimisation aims to eliminate waste before it is produced and reduce its quantity and toxicity. Prevention is the primary goal, followed by reuse, recycling, treatment and appropriate disposal.

226. Waste Minimisation in Action - Case History 6

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council Web pages Waste Minimisation in Action - Case History 6

227. Waste Minimization And Recycling - Choosing The Best Practicable

Jeff Cooper considers how to choose the best practicable options for solid waste management given specific recycling targets on the one hand and the theoretically higher priorities of waste minimisation and avoidance on the other.

228. Waste Reduction

A description of New York State's Waste Reduction Program

229. Water Pollution and Society

Concise introduction to different types of water pollution, including causes and effects. Includes numerous photos, graphs, and diagrams.

230. Water Treatment FAQ

By Patton Turner. Excellent overview of all water treatment methods and associated problems.

231. We All Live in Bhopal (1990 leaflet)

We All Live in Bhopal (1990 leaflet) We reprint this mid-'80s article from the Detroit paper FIFTH ESTATE. The Bhopal residents are still campaigning for financial 'compensation' from the Multinational Union Carbide. Meanwhile, there was uproar in '

232. Welcome to Downwinders

The Environmental Bureau of Investigation (EBI) - Site Index

233. Welcome to Human Rights and the Drug War

... Human Rights and the Drug War: The Human Face of America's War at Home. ... FeaturedDrug War POW in Human Rights Victory: We won! Amy was released July 7, 2000. ...


We are a grassroots, volunteer organization concerned with environmental pollution and health issues surrounding exposure to toxins. The scientific community and the nuclear industry have undermin...


WISE NC 433-4.4282; UK Nirex Ltd., the nuclear industry's nuclear waste disposal organization, is stopping Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution (HMIP) from carrying out its statutory duties, Friends of the Earth revealed in end of May.

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