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humanity - evolution - universe - life - spirit - love - health - society - groupthink - religion - leader - capital - waste - world - law

1. "Whose Environment is it?"

Article on the problems caused by the degraded state of India's natural environment. Examines the links between the problems of poverty, development and environment in a developing nation.

2. 10 reasons why biotechnology will not ensure food security, protect the environment and reduce poverty in the developing world

10 reasons why biotechnology will not ensure food security, protect the environment and reduce poverty in the developing world

3. A General Statement of the Tragedy of the Commons

Human Carrying Capacity, Herschel Elliott, Tragedy of the Commons, Garett Hardin, Ethics, Ethical theory, Moral theory, Morals, Moral beliefs, Human Overpopulation, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Wackernagel, Rees, Pimentel, Ecology, Econo

4. A Socialist Aternative to Corporate Globalization

Online pamphlet from Socialist Alternative and the Committee for a Workers' International documenting the role of globalization in oppressing workers around the world and outlining a strategy to fight back.

6. Almanac of Policy Issues: Poverty

An overview of poverty in the United States, including the latest Census Bureau estimates and distribution issues. Includes links and recent news.

7. AMPP: Eco-Psychos and Animal Supremacists

Next Chapter : Social Decay and Laws Gone Mad Previous Chapter : Erosion of Sovereignty Eco-Psychos This chapter consists of two sections. The first half explores the environmentally and agriculturally abusive and irresponsible practices of the b

8. An end to poverty

Theorys how to solve world problems. Visitors can also send in their theorys and get them published here and maybe in Newspapers!

9. Anti-consumerism Campaign

Examines world population and its relation to the social and economic effects of mass consumerism.

10. Background of Melanesia, the World Bank and IMF

"From Structural Adjustment to Land Mobilisation to Expropriation: Is Melanesia the World Bank/IMF's Latest Victim?" by a World Bank Watcher. Lengthy single page of information.

11. CED: Creating Democracy

The Center for the Evolution of Democracy P.O. Box 1329, Martinez, CA 94553-7329 USA email: Fax: 510-845-7847 CREA T ING DE M OCRACY I N TIM E In Chapter 1..... A Global View of Democracy Introduction Anarchists of the World:

12. Center for Mayan Women Communicators

Center for Mayan Women Communicators, Guatemala, is a non-profit which functions as a center for women to unite and communicate, to develop skills in communications technology to enable better representation in the world and in the media.

13. Center For World Indigenous Studies Home Page

... consent. By democratizing relations between peoples, between nations and states,the diversity of nations and their cultures will continue to enrich the world. ...

14. Children and Overpopulation (#4)

... Page#: One - Two ... live in poverty (as defined ... could sustain, permanantly ... t develop a ... makesoverpopulation and ... for starvation and ... the World Bank ... the environment in ...

15. Coalition for Sensible Energy

Volunteer, non-profit organization working for wise energy choices that will sustain future generations economically and environmentally.

16. Combustion in the Rainforest: Ecology, Energy and Economy for a Sustainable Environment

A global holistic perspective to the world environmental predicament.


Home DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE, AND THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT By Gretchen C. Daily Paul R. Ehrlich Paper number 0062 -- Revised 1995 G.C.D.: Energy and Resources Group Building T-4, Room 100 University of California Berkeley, California 94

18. Development, Peace & Security: the Possibilities & Limits of Convergence

A paper that evaluates the impact of peace on the process of development in developing countries.


Links, articles, and information on overpopulation, energy usage, climate change, and other issues.

20. D's Domain

Site devoted to the education of environmental issues including global warming, acid rain, and overpopulation.

21. ECO - Discussion Paper 2

The Campaign for Political Ecology Discussion Paper No. Two Population and Carrying Capacity This is the second in the series of ECO discussion papers. It sets out to raise the profile of this crucial subject on the political agenda and to contr

22. Ecopsychology

Return Home Download File Ecopsychology F. Kenneth Freedman Introduction We live in a racist , patriarchal and anti-erotic society, Lorde writes in "Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power." We live in a pornographic society that insi

23. Edinburgh People and Planet - Action on human rights, the environment and World poverty

Edinburgh People Planet, a student campaign group on world poverty, human rights and the environment

24. Elissa Oppenheim

Population and AIDS Miss Ann Thropy - Earth First! (1987) If radical environmentalists were to invent a disease to bring human population back to ecological sanity, it would probably be something l...

25. Elizabeth_Foster.html

EAF. Population Growth is Good for the People of the Planet Annotations by Elizabeth Foster. Link to Gold House Table of Contents. Annotation 1:...

26. Ending the Myth of Overpopulation

Commentary by Joseph L. Bast of the Heartland Institute argues that the world is not overpopulated.

27. Energy and the Environment: Resources for a Networked World

The world is finally becoming globally aware that exponential resource usage in combination with finite reserves is a recipe that ensures our great grandchildren won't be born

28. EnvironEthics

EnvironEthics A Declaration of Interdependence James Perkaus Ó 1995 The Conflict Man attempts to modify the physical environment but in so doing he is increasingly disrupting, even destroying, the biotic components which are necessary


WORLD FOOD ISSUES: PAST AND PRESENT Team Project from Fall 1997 Evaluation of Hunger in Selected Countries Team: Marcia Alvarez Kevin Daughrity Alan Harms* Nicole Lehnertz-Schwake INTRODUCTION How is it, that in the 1990’s, with all modern technol

30. Experiences of Developed Countries in Combatting Desertification

Discussions about desertification in Australia, Iceland, Spain, and the U.S.

31. Filipinology on Philippine Poverty

Overpopulation and the environment. Population effects on famine and disease

32. Food Security: From Global to Universal

A paper that evaluates the concept of food security in the context of both the developed and developing world.

33. Future Harvest - Science for Food, the Environment and the World's Poor

Future Harvest, committed to ending hunger, poverty, and conflict among the world's critically poor populations, supports the agricultural research, development, and environmental conservation efforts

34. Global Issues That Affect Everyone

Information on environment, human rights, and trade. Examples of sub-topics include biodiversity, genetic engineering of food, arms trade, womens rights, 'fair' trade, and poverty.

35. Global Problems Reader Online

Draft Only This selection of Online readings is intended to complement the book, Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism , by Richard H. Robbins (Allyn & Bacon Publishers, 1999) [Tentative long list] 1. Readings on the consumer ( illustratio

37. Grunkemeyer and Moss Contribution

Key Concepts in Sustainable Development Introduction The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development says, "Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet t

38. How can we move towards sustainable work?

Are we not so conditioned in our traditional and conventional attitudes to work that there seem to be few radical or comprehensive visions of how work might be? Sustainable work is an attempt to set out the beginnings of a vision.

39. How Many Is Too Many? - 93.02

How big a problem is the burgeoning population?

40. How to get rid of the World's Overpopulation

Of course most of you know that the world is over populated and something must be done to kill off some people. How to do this is difficult question. Who should be selected to be killed and what criteria should be used to select these people? These are questions that must be answered. I have developed some systems for death selection for the worldwide community to consider


Was There an AIDS Contract? I heard about Jakob Segal's theory that the AIDS virus originated in a US government biological warfare research laboratory in early 1989. After some preliminary research, I was amazed to find that this shocking th

43. Hunger: Myths and realities

Myth One: There is not enough food and not enough land. Untrue: Measured globally, there is enough to feed everyone. For example there is enough grain being produced today to provide everybody in the world with enough protein and about 3000 calories a day, which is what the average American consumes.

45. IMF and Structural Adjustment Policies

The IMF and World Bank structural adjustment policies have led to a spiraling race to the bottom for the developing countries that have followed their prescriptions, which require cutbacks on health, education and so on. Poverty as a result has soared.

47. - a progressive portal

MoreSelections.... Mother Earth Our Choice Earth Vision: A Stark Reality Hatred and Violence Hunger and Poverty Resource Depletion Ozono (Ozone)

49. International Population Stabilization and Reproductive Health Act (S. 1029)

Congressional testimony by Sheldon Richman of the Cato Institute. Argues that there is no population problem.

50. International War Crimes Tribunal: US War Crimes against Iraq

Includes use of outlawed weapons; intentionally bombing schools, hospitals, mosques and churches; killing after a cease-fire; and starvation of citizens.

51. Introduction

Contagion and Chaos: Infectious Disease and its Effects on Global Security and Development. Andrew T. Price-Smith, Fellow and Coordinator Program on Health and Global Affairs Centre for International Studies University of Toronto CIS Working pap

52. Investing in Society: Health, Education & Development

Paper published by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), evaluating the benefits of investing in "human capital" in less developed countries.

53. Malthusian Theory

... arising from poverty . . . the ... mass starvation predicted ... understanding overpopulationis ... to sustain human ... the environment to ... the World Bank ... to develop native ...

54. Mass Immigration: Undermining Australia's Way of Life

... servility or poverty. ... environment to sustain the ... that the environment and ... helped developprotected ... faced. Overpopulation is ... the world. Do ... the starvation of ...

55. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

an organization of the U.S. Department of Commerce. NOAA warns of dangerous weather, charts our seas and skies, guides our use and protection of ocean and coastal resources, and conducts research to improve our understanding and stewardship of the environment which sustains us all.

56. Network for Environment and Sustainable Development in Africa

NESDA is a resource and forum of African experts in the management of environment and natural ressources.

57. No Title

Subject: LAND CIRCLE: Lessons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments: Linda Hasselstrom is a woman rancher. She is an environmentalist and a writer, and spends time studying nature and Native Amer

58. Novartis Foundation: Farmer's Training Centre for Sustainable Agriculture

A project for improved farming through better cultivation methods and crop diversification.

59. home page

... Africa to press WTO on ... synonymous with drought, poverty and death. This ... for Science& Environment, 21 March ... partners, and develop and promote ... around the world. ...

60. Organic Agriculture

Chemical agricultural practices are contributing to global warming, climate change, weather pattern disruption, erosion, and starvation.

61. Overpopulation and Environment

I have been concerned over the issue of overpopulation for quite some time, but have never really looked into the idea, until recently. I stumbled upon your web page today in which you make some points indicating that there is not an overpopulation problem. There is one issue that you did not address (or at least not on the pages I read), and that is dealing with the environment. Technology will enable us to build up our cities, but the need for raw materials (ore, wood, etc...) will force us to continue to draw these from the environment. I was wondering what your feelings were regarding the

63. People and the Planet

A global site on the issues of population, poverty, health and the environment, sponsored by IPPF,IUCN,UNFPA and WWF and published by the London-based Planet 21 charity.

64. PopPlanet

Compendium of information about population, health and environment topics in different world regions. Includes Country Briefing Books for several countries in Africa, South/Central America, and Asia. Online moderated bulletin board. [English, Spanish, and French.]

65. Population Control: How Many Are Too Many?

Article from IMPACT Press--a bimonthly socio/political magazine based in Orlando, FL.

66. Positive Futures VS:: Re: doing what's right

What's New About IFPRI Research Themes 2020 Vision Initiative Links list of articles Volume 17, Number 2 June 1995 "I see a world where every person has economic and physical access to s...

67. Poverty


68. Readings on Poverty, Hunger, and Economic Development

Fits lots of webpages together to present a coherent picture about the amount of food in the world, the role it plays in a capitalist economy, why people are poor, and what measures can be taken to eliminate poverty and hunger.

69. Resource Center of the Americas

News, analysis, activism and curriculum materials about sweatshops, world debt, human rights and poverty in the American Hemisphere.

70. Rotarian Initiative for Population and Development US Site

Rotary International faces population issue. RI Board encourages WCS Projects. 1% of Rotarians in over 55 countries now belong to RIFPD. Learn about accomplishments and how your club can participate.

71. RRojas Databank: The Róbinson Rojas Archive.-Global Change and Sustainable Development. Critical Trends

Information and analysis: economics, development, research methods, globalization, poverty, sustainability, environment, China, Chile, Asia, Latin America

72. S.I.S.F. - Solution To Poverty, Starvation and Overpopulation

Theorys how to solve world problems. Visitors can also send in their theorys and get them published here and maybe in Newspapers!

73. Socio-Political Impact of Biotechnology in Developing Countries

Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD): "food security in the developing countries must not come to depend on surpluses from the industrialised countries or, worse, food aid..." [WARNING: Novartis is a biotechnology company]

74. Starvation

The Merck Manual looks at this, the most severe form of malnutrition. Its causes, signs, symptoms and treatment are discussed.

75. Stop World Bank Loan to Exxon for Chad-Cameroon Pipeline

Should international development assistance from the World Bank for two of the poorest countries in Africa be used to support the world's richest oil companies?

76. Sustainable Development - A Common Challenge for North and South

Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD) article: From the point of view of sustainable development, all countries are "developing countries"...

77. Sustainable Ecosystems Institute

Research center works to sustain natural communities and the human communities that depend on them using science-based cooperative solutions.

78. Sustainable Land Management

Account of a project undertaken by the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development to preserve the resource base and foster sustainable management.

80. Ten Reasons Why Biotechnology Will Not Ensure Food Security, Protect The Environment And Reduce Poverty In The Developing World - Miguel A. Altieri

Advocates of biotechnology affirm that the application of genetic engineering to develop transgenic crops will increase world agricultural productivity, enhance food security, and move agriculture awa

81. The Earth as we know it has less than 30 years to survive if we continue our destructive course

The Earth as we know it has less than 30 years to survive if we continue our destructive course ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Maurice Strong The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Monday, May 22, 2000 [Maurice Strong is a former senior adviser to UN

82. The European Environment Agency

Europe's gateway to environmental information Maintained bythe European Environment Agency and EIONETpartners. ...

83. THE FATAL FREEDOM (The Tragedy of the Commons)

The Fatal Freedom, The Tragedy of the Commons, Garrett Hardin, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Overpopulation, Science, Ecology, Economics, Environment, and Politics.

84. The Global Scarcity Myth - and Buckminster Fuller

The Global Scarcity Myth - and Buckminster Fuller by Michael Almon I would like to explore our wise use of world resources to create abundance instead of wasting them while creating false scarcity. While not giving a

85. The Global Trajectory

b. Unsustainable economic development People properly and understandably wish to improve their standard of living. These improvements almost always have involved increased consumption of unrenewable, or slowly renewable resources such as fossil

86. The humanitarian organization, Global Water, develops safe, clean water supplies indeveloping countries around the world.

The humanitarian organization, Global Water, develops safe, clean water supplies in developing countries around the world.

87. The New World Order

The New World Order is changing the face of our planet. Learn how to protect yourself before it's too late.

88. The Population Time Bomb

The Population Time Bomb All of the issues to be explored in this module are at least in part a product of the pressure exerted on environmental systems by the fast growing human po

89. The Solutions for the Problems with the: Workforce, Education System, Competition, Waste, World Poverty and Inequality

Have we all been distracted from the truth conned into making money so that it can be stolen from us by conspiracies those gaining increasing wealth power.

90. The Taino Indian Culture in the Caribbean

Text article depicts the cultural History of the Taino Indians both before and after the invasion from Spain and the eventual demise of their dominance of the islands. Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Hispañola and other islands.

91. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

Activists accuse both the World Bank and the IMF of encouraging poverty, shifting good jobs away from industrialized nations and dictating austere economic policies to world governments. But the two institutions maintain that nothing is further from the truth.

92. The World of Greenwash

Kenny Bruno teaches what is going on in the world profit versus humanity as he sees it.

93. Third World Poverty, Hunger, Starvation

This page contains samples from our picture files on Poverty in the "3rd" World. These photographs are available for licensing in any media. For Pricing, General Guidelines, and Delivery information c

94. Tibet: World Bank funding of CWPRP China loan, Inspection Panel r

The World Bank withholds an Inspection Panel Report on the CWPRP US$40 million funding to take farms from Tibetians and shif Chinese into Dulan in Qinghai

95. Towards A New Theory Of Evolution

This site explores the possibility that genetic variation and natural selection are two sides of a unitary and simultaneous response to the struggle for existence, as recent experiments at Harvard and elsewhere on bacteria imply.

96. Universities enable Sweatshops

Students Blast University Labor Code as Too Weak "This Code is a sham," said Todd Pugatch, a member of the University of North Carolina chapter of USAS. "This Code will put a university stamp of approval on factories paying starvation wages," said Tico Almeida, a Duke student and USAS member. Released Dec 2, 1998

97. Untitled

People Pollution Is man a species out of control? Is the God's command to multiply outdated and dangerous? By Ken S. Man is "a species out of control" according to Maurice Strong, a pr...

98. UWIAID - Solutions For Hunger

A student run organization, operating on the St. Augustine Campus of the University Of The West Indies. The club deals with the problems of hunger and starvation in Trinidad & Tobago.

99. Vegetarianism against world hunger

Very short piece showing how eating less meat helps to end starvation.

100. War On Want campaign against world poverty

war on want campaign against world poverty

101. Was Aids Manufactured? - David Icke Medical Archives

Was AIDS Manufactured? A Web Discussion Was There an AIDS Contract? I heard about Jakob Segal's theory that the AIDS virus originated in a US government biological warfare research laboratory in early 1989. After some preliminary research, I was am

102. Was There an AIDS Contract?

... Was There an ... do not develop AIDS. The ... nothing to sustain it ... do with poverty and ... the environmentbut ... disease, starvation or ... a world of ... that overpopulation causes ...

103. Was There an AIDS Contract? [Morrissey]

Was There an AIDS Contract? [Morrissey] Was There an AIDS Contract? I heard about Jakob Segal's theory that the AIDS virus originated in a US government biological warfare research laboratory in early 1989. After some preliminary research, I wa

104. Wastewater Pollution in China

Wastewater pollution has always been a major problem throughout the world. The lack of suitable water used for drinking, agriculture, farming, etc. has declined through the years. With a shortage of water throughout the world, proper methods of treating and recycling water is the key goal in sustaining our limited water resource supply. Geographically speaking, the wastewater pollution within China has affected the environment, society, and agriculture.

105. Water Environment Federation

... reuse was made March 22nd at the "World Water Day" Forum at United Nations. For ... 2000Water Environment Federation Privacy, Security and Copyright Statements.

107. Welcome to the Environment Agency of England and Wales

... Your_Environment Jump into Your Environment. ... Our Environmental Vision and our NEWreport Environment 2000 and Beyond. Jobs Online - A selection of Agency's jobs. ...

108. What is the population myth?

Anarchist point of view: The idea that population growth is the key cause of ecological problems is extremely commonplace. It is, however, a gross distortion of the truth. Capitalism is the main cause of both overpopulation and the ecological crisis.

109. Why we need nanotechnology to solve the population crisis, pollution, global warming etc.

Nanotechnology is the only realistic solution to these enormous problems facing humanity today, says Prof. Rick Smalley. Those who are sceptical of "technological fixes" should still read this - nanotechnology will be like no other technology the world has known.

110. Wilderness Defense

Our goal is to encourage recyling, energy and resource conservation in addition to combatting pollution, overdevelopment, overpopulation and urban sprawl.

111. Women in Development

Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD) article: gender related poverty & underdevelopment in developing countries.

112. Women in Development: Respect, Recognition and Remuneration

A study that looks at the role of women in developing countries.

113. World Climate Research Programme- World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Research to develop a fundamental scientific understanding of the physical climate system and climate processes to support studies of global change.

114. World Development Movement

UK-based organisation campaigning against the root causes of world poverty. Works in partnership with other organisations in the UK and around the world.

115. WORLD GAME INSTITUTE: How You Can Help the World Game Institute

The World Game Institute is a non-profit research and educational organization, turning data into knowledge and knowledge into action.


This institute is dedicated to the establishment of World Government. This institute proposes a process to establish the World Government.

117. World Hunger; Poverty; Ethics

Former President of Costa Rica, 1987 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, and Founder of the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress

118. World Resources Institute (WRI)

... decisions regarding natural resources and the environment. The Access Initiativeundertaken by the World Resources Institute, the Environmental Management and ...

119. World Socialist Movement - Resources: Food

World Hunger - in a world of abundance

120. WWF - World Wide Fund For Nature, animals, biodiversity, conservation, eco-systems, education, endangered, environment, global, independent, living

The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) - world's largest independent conservation organisation with a network of offices in 96 countries and over 4,7 million regular supporters. Fundamental aim is to p

121. Youth Action For Social Advancement

A non governmental youth organization aiming to strengthen youth structures that forge a new cooperation between young people in north and south to reach sustainable development, economic equity, protection of environment and social justice.

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