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Guidance vs. Discipline!!!

Guidance is:
- Supporting children directly and indirectly in a positive way
- Builds self esteem
- Resolves problems in a positive way

Discipline is:

- Training to act in accordance with rules.
- Punishment or penalizing in order to train.

Process affecting all areas of developmentPunishment related to one specific behavior or incident
Guidance focuses on what the child can do Discipline is rigid training and unresponsive to individuals
Guidance is flexible and responsive to individual needsDiscipline builds fear and the desire to evade punishment
Guidance is child centeredDiscipline trains children about the "rules" and what happens when you break rules
Guidance promotes diversity and equityDiscipline focuses on what the child can't do
Guidance builds a child's ability to problem solve, develop peer relationships, and responsibility for themselves, others and the environment.Discipline is adult centered


Course: Preschool Guidance

Date: February 2004

Instructor: Debbie Stothers