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A car addiction:
I didn't really get into automobiles
until I got into college. But recently
I have aquired this addiction. Ask any
guy and he will know his dream car.
And what if you asked me?

Well one of my dream that I hope to
own in the future is a Nissan Skyline.
With 280+hp with four wheel drive,
the Skyline has proven itself worthly to cars around its price range. Not only that, but the potantial of the Skyline is almost inifite. People I might say its "blocky", but it looks like a Skyline, and no other car.

But until then I am looking to buy an older 240sx. I might make it into a KA/T or just buy a SR-DET. 240sx itself is a really nice car. The chasis is well engineered, and the weight distabution is almost 50/50.


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