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Farmer Bob


This is the biggest chunk of a game that i made. It's called Farmer Bob. There is no object, so it isn't really a "game." You can move around. You can pick up the bottle by moving over it. If you touch the enemy that is moving left and right, you will lose health. If you lose 100 units of health, you will lose a life. You can use the bottle to restore your health to full. If you lose all of your lives and health, you will die...and get an interesting end scene. You can also go and open the door to your house. The graphics are really simple and there isnt an object to it....but hey...I did it! I imagined the story being something like an alien ship carrying a cargo of imprisoned, evil, mutant plant seeds crashing on earth, causing a huge problem. Enter Farmer Bob, a war hero who retired to a much more peaceful life focused on raising crops, making money and studying science. These plants started growing and messing up everything around, so Farmer Bob sets off to set things straight. I was going to make it to where you could grow and sell things to make money. The money could be used to buy different kinds of crop, weapons, items and pieces for a space ship. I wanted to have special kinds of seed, like fire seed that would grow a fire plant or be combined with a weapon like bow and arrow for fire arrows. There would be different puzzles and bosses to fight, different locations to visit.  I had plans for a sequel, too. When you get enough money to buy or when you earn the space ship parts and gained enough fuel, you could blast off to the hive ship. Once there, you would face more puzzles and the head boss. All in all i thought it was a pretty nifty idea for a game. Special thanks to Owen Parker for the Taps music when you die.

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