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Space Man


This is one of the earlier pieces of a game that i did. The third i think. I did a lot of really neat bitmap work on this one. It was probably the most complex of any of the other programs because of all the graphics. This isn't quite the full version. You are an awesome space warrior. You can walk around and move up and down. You can shoot your plasma rifle. That's about it, but it has neat animation! The other version that was further along had a cool environment. You could see that you were on some big metal ship or something. It had crates and a nice star background. I was proud of myself....but alas....the original was lost...never to be found again. Oh well, im still proud of the animation of the walking and shooting. If i haden't lost the cool version (i think the freakin' disk messed up) then i would have gotten this a lot closer to my goal of combining this and Space Gun. When all that work was lost, so was my ambition to do any more with it. :'(

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