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other music

Other musical endeavors

(me, soo mee, schadi)
Ever wonder how much street musicians can make? Well we found out. We were rehearsing for a performance anyway so we schlepped all our stuff to Venice Beach to do it.

(me, soo mee, schadi)
That's me on bassoon, Soo Mee on oboe, and Schadi on English horn. We made up what we called 'The Wind Trio'. : ) We have the T-shirts to prove it.

(me, soo mee, schadi)
This local person took these pictures and send them to us. See the sign? We didn't want to use our real names or our school name... We practiced using our alias for a week, hehe...

(schadi, soo mee, me)
Notice how we switched places? People really liked us. It was great. We ended up going twice and made about $50. We spent it on T-shirts that Soo Mee put 'The Wind Trio' designs on and other stuff. yay

(me, soo mee, schadi)
A picture taken by my camera.

(schadi, soo mee, me)
Practicing at Schadi's house. This was before we realized we could practice and make money at the same time.

(me, soo mee, schadi)
Finally performing our piece. Go Wind Trio! (Spring 2002)

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