

coffee bean

costa rica


  jr. phil

other music

palms springs


palms springs 2001

These are from when I went with a bunch of friends to Palms Springs during winter break.

(rach, ray, me)
I think every girl has a 'Charlie's Angels' pic...Rachel is especially embarrassed of this pic. hehe

(ray, sally, me)
We were wrestling in the hotel room... if you can call what we were doing 'wrestling'.

(lani, sally, me, ray, rach)
Lani & Sally are from Santa Barbara. We went on the trip because Rachel's dad was going out w/ Lani's mom. It's cool, I'm still friends with Lani...

(ray, lani, sally, me)
Everyone standing in front of Lani's car. He was very proud of it...

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