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  • Tuesday JULY 25, 2006
    Shit dudes, sorry for the mega lack of updates. We have tones of news. Here we go...

    SHOWS:: August will be busy for us. We are doing a week long tour of California with the legendary CRUCIAL SECTION from Tokyo, Japan. We got to play with these foos in Tokyo and they fuckin destroyed!! Make sure not to miss any of the shows. After the tour we are playing 2 festivals. One of them will be with the very brutal CIRCLE JERKS and the other with U.G MAN and CHARM. We did get invited to play DISTORT VANCOUVER fest for the 2nd year now but we could not do it. Sorry Jeff dude... maybe next year? Check the shows section for all the shows we have scheduled

    RECORDS:: A new split 7" with CRUCIAL SECTION will be available on time for the tour. 625 is releasing that so make sure to get a copy of it... CS did 3 new songs and so did we. We also have a new one sided 12" e.p (THE MAN WITH MANY FACES). There are 200 limited on clear vinyl made for our Japan tour. We have a very small amount available. Mailorder only. The actual press will be out sometime in August on CUBICLE RECORDS.

    TOUR: We spent 2 weeks and played 8 shows in Japan a month ago. I've been meaning to update with a quick story and a thank you list to everyone who made our Japan tour possible. But honestly, we've been mega busy booking local shows and tours for our friends coming thru our town. Work has also been killer. But anyway, Japan was simply amazing. Everything was just overwhelming. The people we met, the bands we played with, the old friends we saw again, the food we ate, the train rides, record stores, etc... Touring Japan really did open our minds and because of that we came back a stronger band, we are closer than ever before and we are inspired to be more productive in our scene. We will put more effort into everything we do and hopefully make a positive change in our personal lives. This was truly an amazing experience and being a band and coming from the area we live in (South Central.. a poverty level community), we feel as if we accomplished a major goal within ourselves. This tour is dedicated to our friends and family for supporting us since day 1. We made it out of South Central and as cheesy as it sounds, we made one of our dreams come true.... South America in 2007 is next......

    Here is our Japan thank you list:
    Shingo Maeda. Taeska and Maika. Iwamoto. Mr. Inoue (Dan-Doh Records). Oden. Ryo. Mac. World Downfall. Encroached. Spy Master. NK6. Monsterdrag. Flip out AA. Gang Up On Against. Dr Catspaw. Control. Cani. Restrict. Blind Sniper. Conga Fury. Crow Dragon Tea. Driftage. Wart. Dislike. Tone Deaf. Idol Punch. The Futures. Circle Flex. The Sprouts. Crucial Section. Razors Edge. Till Ewing. and all the other bands we played with and met... a very special thanks to COMET of HARDCORE KITCHEN!!! We are sorry if we forgot anyone. Thank you all so much for everything!!!

    Teddy made me write his name on the news section...

  • Tuesday JULY 10, 2006
    So we have a new 12" ep. "the man with many faces" we might have a few at our upcoming shows. We are also touring with CRUCIAL SECTION in early AUGUST (more info on that soon.) We will have a split 7" record by then also. check our myspace to listen to one of the songs. PEACE AND WAR! ....
  • Tuesday June 5th, 2006
    What's up dudes. Get our new record tomorrow in Bellflower @ the Egyptian Cafe. Search for the address on the net cause I dont have it. Also, we only have 10 copies of the new 12" e.p to sell so get there early if ya want one....