We would like to introduce our new bassist Bogar. This metalhead kicks ass. Welcome to HMB brude!!!
The rockstars who bust the sessions are:
4 dudes.
HitMeBack in 2002
This list will continue togrow and expand within time. We thank the following people, bands and labels in alphabetical order:
Aborto Social, Agitate 96 Recs, Andrew 666(Pignation), Anthony and Mother Speed, Apathetic Youth, Armed With Intelligence, Artimus Pyle, Art of the Underground Recs, the Attack, Auxilio, Aversión, Beanz, Ben Edge, Bones Brigade, Camryn and the AIA, Case of Emergency, Carlos & Marcy, Chloe, Chuck Norris, Cinder, Craigums, Cut The Shit, Dan & Deconditioned, Defecated Noise Project, Degrading Humanity, Doppelganger, Dystrophy, El Santo, Ernie & Felix (Life's Halt), Fucked Up Kid, Fuerza X, The Futures, Garth Brooks, Gilman St Club, Gorgeous George, Hate The Eighties Records, Harry Balzagna and the Teenie Weenies, Harto, Hobis and the Squints, Hypatia, I Object, the Jellyroll Rockheads, Kontraattaque, Kris, Machine Gun Romantics, Matt Average, Max(625 Thrashcore), Miguel(The Shmuks), Mike Grito, Mika Miko, Mission Records, Moister the Oyster, Mustapha Mond, Nerd Riot Crew, New Kids On The Block, Order of the Volture, Out Of Vogue, Outraged, Paul Podrido, Please Inform The Captain This Is A Hijack, Punks Before Profit Records, Reacción, RECORDS, Reggie & Alex, Scaredy Cat, Scholastic Deth, the Sk8aholics, Solrac, The Spark, The Rites, This Is My Fist, Urban Assault, Vanilla Ice, You Are Shock Recs, the Young Ones, What Happens Next?, Wee-Wee, 0737 Recs, everyone at the 2nd Ave. House in Vancouver, all our friends and pen-pals in Russia, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Japan, Indonesia, South America, Malaysia, Canada, and everywhere else in this small but big crazy world.
Did we forget you? Let us know.